Habitat Crustacea: Faktor Lingkungan Abiotik & Parasit

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Habitat Crustacea: faktor

lingkungan abiotik & parasit

Drs. Sapto P.Putro, MSi, PhD

Lab Ecology & Biosystematics
General habitats of Crustacea
• Generally they inhabit seawater, some species live in inland water, few at
a) Rocky ocean shores
• Occurs when energy is moderate/high composed by granite, sandstone,
limestone, basalt, gneiss
- Supports habitat of marine invertebrates: Cirripedia (bernacles), Grapsidae
(rock crabs)
- Other small crustaceans living under algae

b) Sandy ocean shores

• A product of moderate to high wave action
• Usually simple ecosystemshifting nature of the sands and low nutrient
• Most animals are buried/burrow in the sand: Ocypodidae (ghost crabs),
mole crabs (Hippidae)
• Other small crustaceans: amphipods, isopods
General habitats of Crustacea
c) Tidal mudflat and sandflats
• Quiet, low wave energy waters of estuaries
• Sediments: muddy and sandy
• Habitat of: soldier crab (Mictyridae), sentinel crabs,
hermit crabs, pistol shrimp (Alpheidae),etc
d) Estuaries
• Occurs when river water enter sea water
• Important as nursery grounds of many commercial
fishery species
• Habitat of: commercial prawns and crabs, fiddler crabs
(Uca sp), spider crabs (Hymenosomatidae), etc.
General habitats of Crustacea
e) Mangroves
• Vegetasi dominan di ekosistem pesisir di Indonesia:
Rhizophora, Avicennia, Bruguiera, dan Sonneratia
• Common species: Scylla spp. (kepiting bakau),
Metopograpsus sp.(climber crab)
f) Salt flats
General habitats of Crustacea
g) Seagrassesamphipods, small crustaceans
h) Coral reefs Xanthidae,Portunidae (crabs),
Palinuridae (rock lobster), Caridae (shrimps)
i) Inland water bodies (saline and fresh waters)
Notostraca, Conchostraca, Anostraca,
Parastacidae (crayfish), Palaemonidae
(shrimps), Cladocera Ostracoda,
Kelomang Mangrove/Mangrove
Hermit Crab (Clibanarius sp)
• Clibanarius sp. : dikenali
dari warna kakinya yang
bergaris-garis biru.
• Setelah terjadi
pergantian kulit,
tubuhnya semakin
membesar dan
cangkangya terasa
sempit melepaskan
cangkang keongnya dan
mencari cangkang baru.
• Terjadi kanibalisme antar
Crustaceans inhabiting Rocky
ocean shores
• Barnacles are exclusively
marine, and tend to live in
shallow and tidal waters,
typically in erosive
settings. They are sessile
suspension feeders, and
have two nektonic larval
• Barnacles have 2 distinct
larval stages, the nauplius
and the cyprid, before
developing into a mature
Life cycle : Bernacles
Adult.Typical acorn
barnacles develop six hard
calcareous plates to
surround and protect their
bodies. For the rest of their
lives they are cemented to
the ground, using their
feathery legs (cirri) to
capture plankton.

• Barnacle eggs hatch into

planktonic nauplius larvae,
that have a single eye at the
front of their head and three •The cyprid stage lasts from days to
pairs of appendages that are weeks, searches for a place to settle.
used for swimming.
•Larvae are thought to assess surfaces
based upon their surface texture,
chemistry, relative wettability, colour
and the presence/absence and
composition of a surface biofilm;
swarming species are also more likely
to attach near to other barnacles.
Crustaceans inhabiting sandy ocean shores

Ordo Amphipoda: skeleton shrimps Ordo Amphipoda: sand fleas

(Caprellidea) (Gammaridea)
Crustaceans inhabiting sandy ocean shores

Ordo Isopoda: sea lice (Flabellifera) Ordo Isopoda: Anthuridea

Crustaceans inhabiting sandy ocean shores

Ocypode sp. (Ghost crabs): live in burrows along the sandy beaches. Size:
up to or over 50 mm carapace width; omnivorous: eat other crabs, clams,
insects, vegetation, and detritus. Feeding activity takes place at night, while
burrowing occurs during the day. The large eyes of the crab are sensitive to
changes in light intensity.
Kepiting Laga/Fiddler Crab (Uca sp)
• Kepiting Laga: 80 spesies di
seluruh dunia.
• Warnanya: oranye,merah
warni pelangi.
• Habitat: sandy beach
• Uca sering terlihat
bersosialisasi di tempat yang
• Mereka bisa hidup pada
lingkungan bersuhu tinggi,
karena memiliki kemampuan
beradaptasi pada variasi
suhu dan salinitas yang
Habitat mangrove:
Kepiting Semapor/Semaphore Crab (Ilyoplax sp)

• Ukurannya mungil, kurang dari 1 cm.

• Ilyoplax sp menaikturunkan capitnya untuk
menandai daerah kekuasaannya.
• Kepiting kecil ini sering dijadikan indikator
keberadaan daerah mangrove.
Habitat Mangrove:
Kepiting Ungu Pemanjat/Purple Climber Crab
(Metopograpsus sp)
• Habitat Metopograpsus
sp memanjat akar
bakau untuk menghindari
air pasang dan predator.
• Di balik rapatnya
perakaran mangrove
jenis Rhizhopora,
Metopograpsus sering
melakukan perkawinan.
• Kawin di darat, tapi saat
suhu hangat, si betina
segera menuju ke laut
secara periodik untuk
melepaskan telurnya.
Kepiting Oranye/Orange Signaller
Crab (Metaplax sp)
• Metaplax menggunakan dua capit
besarnya untuk menangkap
makanan di substrat mangrove yang
• Makanannya adalah cacing-cacing
bentik yang berukuran kecil.
• Mereka bertempat tinggal diantara
akar-akar Rhizophora dan substrat
mangrove yang halus pada tepian
saluran air mangrove.
• Memiliki sepasang capit oranye yang
besar Kepiting Oranye.
• Habitat: substrat mangrove yang
• The orange signaller occurs in areas
of very soft mud.
• They often occur in large groups
near stream banks, and feed during
the low tide.
Udang Pistol/Pistol Shrimp
(Alpheus sp)
• Alpheus sp (Pistol shrimps/snapping
prawns) :
• Habitat: di balik akar pohon
mangrove, pecahan karang atau
daun mangrove yang jatuh pada
permukaan air.
• Omnivores
• Fungsi capit sebagai alat
memegang/memotong makanan,
sebagai alat bantu dalam
mendorong lumpur, batuan kecil
atau pasir saat menggali lubang.
• Hutan mangrove sebagai tempat
mencari makan, berlindung,
memijah, dan membesarkan
Kepiting Pemanjat Pohon/Tree-Climbing
Crab (Episesarma sp)
• Kepiting memiliki pasangan anggota
tubuh bernama Maksiliped yang
digunakan untuk makan.
• Episesarma sp.  species dibedakan
dari warna capitnya, sex/kelamin
dibedakan dari bentuk abdomen:
jantan, memiliki bentuk abdomen
yang lancip.
• Kepiting pemanjat pohon mangrove
menghindari air pasang dan predator
( ular dan berang-berang).
Kelomang Darat/Land Hermit Crab
(Coenobita sp)
• Coenobita sp.(kepiting pertapa,
kepiting hermit nampak seperti
pertapa di cangkang keong sbg
• Kelomang akan berganti
cangkang seiring dengan
perkembangan tubuhnya 
mencari cangkang baru untuk
menggantikan cangkang lamanya
di pesisir pantai sekitar mangrove
dg berjalan mundur sambil
menyembunyikan karapasnya
yang lunak.
• Hermit sangat pemilih dalam
menentukan cangkangnya bisa
menghabiskan waktu hingga lebih
dari dua jam, hanya untuk melihat-
lihat cangkang barunya.
Habita: Seagrasses
• Ostracoda
Habitat: mangroves
a b c

Jenis kepiting bakau yang dinilai memiliki potensi pasar: a) Scylla serrata; b)
Scylla olivacea; c) Scylla tranguebarica.
Fisika-kimia lingkungan Habitat Crustacea :
Studi pada species intertidal (genera Uca,
Sesarma, Talorchestia, Littorina )
• Generally, increasing temperature increases the
pressure required to elicit reversible reactions such as
"increased activity" and tetany, or paralysis,
• Increasing temperature generally evokes the irreversible
response of death (LDs0) at a decreasing pressure.
• Tropical stenotherms tend to be more sensitive to
hydrostatic pressure than eurythermal-temperate
species at the same or similar temperatures.
• Species-specific responses : Generally, different
species of the same genus from different marine
climates have different average pressures of response.
Effect of salinity
Pathogens & Diseases of
• The pathogenic viruses typically live in hemocytes, or
epithelial cells
• Associated with significant mortalities during outbreaks.
• Infected crabs are lethargic, susceptible to stress-
induced mortality (e.g., capture, and handling), and often
show signs of tremors or paralysis, or even blindness
• The other pathogenic viruses had patent periods ranging
from 2 weeks to 2 months.
Pathogens & Diseases of
• The reolike virus (RLV): hemopoetic tissue, nerve cells,
hemocytes, epithelial cells  an extremely short, and
acute patent period; infection experiments resulted in
mortalities in just 3 days
• Rhabdolike virus A (RhVA): nerve cells, endothelial cells,
hemocytes, connective tissues  stress-related
• Picornalike virus/Chesapeake Bay Virus (CBV): Nerve
cells, epithelial cells including gills  mortality in 2
weeks - 2 months
• Herpeslike virus (HLV): Hemocytes mortality in 1-2
Pathogens & Diseases of
• Vibrio bacteria are everywhere in the marine
• Several invertebrates are infected by or
passively transport the disease agents.
• Vibrio parahemolyticus  outbreaks in shedding
facilities for soft-shell crab; can be a significant
source of mortality.
• The bacterial pathogen  hemolymph 
multiplies in blood
Pathogens & Diseases of
• Paramoeba, Ameson, and Carcinonemertes,
• Ameson michaelis: muscle tissue highly
pathogenic, not assoc. with outbreaks
• Paramoeba perniciosa: connective tissues,
hemolymph high prevalence, late spring, and
winter, mortality in 30 days after injection
• Hematodinium perezi: Hemolymph high
prevalence, mortality in juveniles up to 100%
Pathogens & Diseases of
D. Parasitic
• Hematodinium perezi
 (find literature:
morphology, anatomy,
life cycle, etc)
- lives in the
hemolymph of blue
- rapidly proliferates
and kills its host
Case study: Diseases in Macrobrachium
rosenbergii (giant freshwater prawns)

• Related disciplines
the epizootiology,
ecology, and
Case study: Diseases in Macrobrachium
rosenbergii (giant freshwater prawns)

• A variety of pathogens in larval, juvenile and adult:

1. Fouling protozoansEpistylis, Zoothamnium, and
Vorticella mainly detected in adults
1. Pathogenic bacteria Vibrio, Aeromonas,
Pseudomonas, Edwardsiella isolated from healthy
and diseased prawns at different stages and habitats.
- Vibrio sp.  dominant species isolated at larval stage
- Aeromonas sp., Pseudomonas fluorescent and
Edwardsiella tarda 
isolated from adult prawns.
Curing and Treatment methods
1. Antibiotics for bacterial treatment Gentamycin and
2. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of
antimicrobials against the bacteria  Gentamycin,
Penicilin, Sulfadiazine, Oxytetracylin, Norfloxacin,
Tylosin, Clistin, Chloramphenicol and Erythromycin
antimicrobials against four bacterial strains
(Aeromonas sp., A. hydrophila, A. sorbia and A.
3. Sulfadiazine and Tylosin could not inhibit the growth of
isolated bacteria in all experimental antibiotic
Diagnosis in diseases: basic
• carefully selected quality specimens with
representative lesions  live crustaceans.
• The recommended minimum numbers of
specimens to collect for diagnostic
testing 100 larval stages of most
crustaceans; 50 postlarval stages; and 10
juveniles and adults.

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