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Presented By
Abhinaba Gupta , Jayita Mandal and Lopamudra Mondal
PG (M.Sc) Department of Physiology
Hooghly Mohsin College, The University Of Burdwan
 Introduction:-
 Aloe vera is a perennial, drought-resisting,
succulent plant belonging to the Asphodelaceae
 Historically it has been used for a variety of
medicinal purposes.
 It is a stem less growing to60–100 cm (24–39 in)
tall, spreading by offsets. The leaves are thick
and fleshy, green to grey green, with some
varieties showing white flecks on their upper and
lower stem surfaces.
 This plant is used in Ayurvedic, Homoeopathic
and Allopathic streams of medicine. It has been
used for many centuries for its curative and
therapeutic properties, and although over 75
active ingredients from the inner gel have been
 Leaf of Aloe vera
 Leaves have three layers:-
 Outer Protective Layers of Leaf

 Inner Layers of Leaf

 Middle Layer of Leaf

 Numerous cosmetics
and medicinal products
are made from the
mucilaginous tissue,
called aloe vera gel,
located in the center
of the aloe vera leaf.
 Aloe vera gel has been
used for many
indications since the
Roman era or even
long before.
 Active Ingredients
 The active components of aloe include anthraquinones,
chromones, polysaccharides,and enzymes.
 The anthraquinones and chromones are responsible for the anti-
cancer activity, anti-inflammatory and evacuating.
 The elements Al, B, Ba, Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, P, Si etc. has also been
reported tobe present in Aloe vera gel.
 Role of Aloevera gel
 Acemannan is considered the main functional component of Aloe
 It is composed of a long chain of acetylated mannose .
 This complex carbohydrate accelerates wound healing and reduces
radiation induced skin reactions. Macrophage-activating potential
acermannan may stimulate the release of fibrogenic cytokines.

 There is also present functional component of Aloe Vera such as

long chain of acetylated mannose .
 Aloe gel is often commercialized as powdered concentrate.
 The therapeutically, it is used to prevent progressive dermalischemia due to
burns, frostbite, electrical injury and intra arterial drug abuse.
 In vivo analysis of these injuries demonstrates that this gel acts as an
inhibitor of thromboxane A2, a mediator of progressive tissue damage.
 The Aloe vera gel play chief role in stimulation of the complement
linked to polysaccharides, hydration, insulationand protection.
 Chemical composition and properties of Aloe vera
Constituents Number and identification Properties and activity

Provides 20 of the 22 required amino acids and 7 of the 8 Basic building blocks of proteins in the body and muscle
Amino acids essential ones tissues

Anthraquinones Provides Aloe emodin, Aloetic acid, alovin, anthracine Analgesic, antibacterial

Anthranol, barbaloin, chrysophanic acid, smodin, ethereal Antifungal and antiviral activity but toxic at high
oil, ester of cinnamonic acid, isobarbaloin, resistannol concentrations

Hormones Auxins and gibberellins Wound healing and anti-inflammatory

Calcium, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, potassium,

Minerals sodium and zinc Essential for good health

Salicyclic acid Aspirin like compounds Analgesic

Saponins Glycosides Cleansing and antiseptic

Anti-inflammatory agents, lupeol has Antiseptic and

Steroids Cholesterol, campesterol, lupeol, sistosterol analgesic properties

Monosaccharides: Glucose and Fructose

Sugars Polysaccharides: Glucomannans/polymannose Anti-viral, immune modulating activity of acemannan

Vitamins A, B, C, E, choline, B12, folic acid Antioxidant (A, C, E), neutralises free radicals
 Phytochemicals:-
Phytochemicals could provide health benefits as:
1. Substrate for biochemical reactions
2. Cofactors of enzymatic reactions

3. Inhibitors of enzymatic reactions

4. Absorbents that bind to & eliminate undesirable constituent in the intestine

5. Scavengers of reactive or toxic chemicals

6. Enhance the absorption and / or stability of essential nutrients

7. Selective growth factor for beneficial bacteria

8. Fermentation substrate for beneficial bacteria

9. Selective inhibitors of deleterious intestinal bacteria

 Phyto chemical composition:

 flavonoids
 anthraquinones
 terpenos

 lectins20-22

 Fattyacids

 cholesterol

 Aminoacids such as arginine, asparagine,

glutamic acid, aspartic acid and serine28.
 Polyphenols
 Polyphenols are most important because of their antioxidant properties.
 Their abundance in our diet, and their role in the prevention of various diseases
associated with oxidative stress such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, neuro
degeneration and diabetes.
 Polyphenols constitute a large class of molecules containing a number of
phenolic hydroxyl groups attached to ring structures allowing for their
antioxidant activities.
 These compounds are multifunctional and can act as reducing agents,
hydrogen ­donating antioxidants, and singlet oxygen quenchers .
 All of the individual A. vera leaf gel antioxidant polyphenols may contribute to
the prevention of the above ­mentioned diseases to a greater or lesser extent.
The individual contributions of these to disease prevention would, however,
depend on their concentrations, antioxidant capacities, bio availabilities, and
specific mechanisms of action.

 Polyphenols may be classified as flavonoids and non-flavonoids. Flavonoids

can be divided into six different classes: flavones, flavonols,
anthocyanidins, flavanones, isoflavones and flavan-3-ols.
 Phytopharmacological properties of Alero vera:
 Burn wound healing

 Antifungal

 Anti-diabetes

 anti-obesity

 Anti-inflammation
 Aloe Emodin
 Aloe emodin also has the anticancer effect in two human liver
cancer cell lines, Hep G2 and Hep 3B.
 It inhibited cell proliferation and induced apoptosis in both
examined cell lines, but with different the anti-proliferative

Effects of aloe-emodin on the proliferation inhibition of

Hep G2 and Hep 3B cell lines
 Dihydrocoumarin
Aloe dihydrocoumarin is an antioxidant and a candidate of
immunomodulatory drug on the immune system and can
balance physiological reactive oxygen species (ROS)
levels which may be useful to maintain homeostasis.
 Conclusion:
 Aloe vera as the “wonder plant” is multiple from being an
antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent.
 It helps in relieving like cancer and diabetes, and being a
cosmetic field. The leaf pulp and liquid fraction of its act
against various microorganisms. The plant is in need to a
greater research emphasis for better utilization of this plant
for human kind.
 Aloe vera is undoubtedly, the nature’s gift to humanity for
cosmetic, burn and medicinal application .
 It remains for us to introduce it to ourselves and thank the
nature for its never-ending gift.

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