Latitude and Longitude

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Latitude and
Mrs. Miles’Social
Latitude and Longitude: Your Global Address
Every location on earth has a global address. Because the address is in
numbers, people can communicate about location no matter what language
they might speak. A global address is given as two numbers called
coordinates. The two numbers are a location's latitude number and its
longitude number ("Lat/Long").
• Latitudes and Longitudes are imaginary
lines used to determine the location of a
plce on earth.
• The shape of the earth is “Geoid”.
• The location of a place on the earth can
be mentioned in terms of latitudes and
• Example : The location of NEW DELHI
is 28°N , 77°E
Latitude and
 Latitude and longitude are two grid
points by which you can locate any
point of earth.
Grid Mapping
Using Lat/Long is different from using a street address. Instead of having a
specific street address, Lat/Long works with a numbered grid system, like
what you see when you look at graph paper. It has horizontal lines and
vertical lines that intersect. A location can be mapped or found on a grid
system simply by giving two numbers which are the location's horizontal and
vertical coordinates; or, to say it another way, the "intersection" where the
place is located).

Grid Mapping a Globe:

Latitude and Longitude lines are a grid map system too. But instead of being
straight lines on a flat surface, Lat/Long lines encircle the Earth, either as
horizontal circles or vertical half circles.
Horizontal mapping lines
on Earth are lines of
latitude. They are known as
"parallels" of latitude,
because they run parallel
to the equator. One simple
way to visualize this might
be to think about having
imaginary horizontal "hula
hoops" around the earth,
with the biggest hoop
around the equator, and
then progressively smaller
ones stacked above and
below it to reach the North
and South Poles.

/Latitude ALWAYS comes before
 You can remember that because the “a”
in latitude comes before “o” in

 A way to remember that Latitude runs

East to West is to think about the
rhyme “Lat lays flat”
 The Equator is the boundary line that
divides the globe into Northern and
Southern hemispheres.
 The Equator registers at 0 degrees

 Find the Equator on your map and

highlight it.
 When you see a coordinate that says the
location is 30 degrees South. That
means that the location is 30 degrees
below the Equator.

 When you see a coordinate that says the

location is 30 degrees North. That
means that the location is 30 degrees
above the Equator
The equator divides
the earth into the
Northern Hemisphere
and the Southern
Hemisphere is marks
the location of 0
degrees latitude.  The
equator marks the
locations on earth that
are equidistance from
the North and South
Poles.  The equator
crosses 78.7% water
and 21.3% land and is
Important parallel of
• Tropic of cancer
(23½°N) in the
• Tropic of Capricorn
(23½°S) in the
• Artic circle at
66½° North of the

Latitudinal Heat Zone of the
earth Torrid Zone II
• The midday sun is exactly Latitudinal Heat Zones of the EARTH
overhead at least once a year temperate zone:
on all latitude between the • The angle of the sun’s ray goes on
Tropic of Cancer (21 June)and decreasing towards the poles.
the Tropic of Capricorn(21 • Areas bounded by the Tropic of
Dec). Cancer and the Arctic circle in the
• This Zone receives Maximum northern hemisphere, and the
heat. Tropic of Capricorn and the
• The mid day sun never shines Antarctic circle in the southern
overhead on any latitude hemisphere.
beyond the Tropic of Cancer • This zone experiences moderate
and the Tropic of Capricorn temperature.
III • In India, Tropic of Cancer passes
Latitudinal Heat Zone of the through 8 states viz. Rajasthan,
earth Frigid Zone: Gujarat, MP, Chhattisgarh,
• Very cold region – Artic circle Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura,
and Antarctic Circle Mizoram.
 A way to remember that longitude lines
run North to South is to find the word
“long” in the word “longitude.”

 The Prime Meridian is the boundary line

that divides the globe into the Eastern and
Western hemispheres.
 The Prime Meridian registers at 0
degrees longitude
 It is very Important to determine the time.
Longitude lines run north-south and mark
the position east-west of a point. Lines of
longitude are known as meridians.  
• These lines run from pole to pole,
crossing the equator at right angles.
There are 360 degrees of longitude and
the longitude line of 0 degrees is known
as the Prime Meridian and
• It divides the world into the Eastern
Hemisphere and the Western
Hemisphere (-180 degrees degres of
Prime Meridian
The line of longitude where the degree is zero is
known as the Prime Meridian.  Passing through
the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, England, it is
also known as the Greenwich Meridian and
divides the earth into two equal halves known as
the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western
 The Earth is divided into 360 equal parts
called meridians. There are 180 equal
parts West and 180 equal parts East of
the Prime Meridian
 When you see a coordinate that says the
location is 30 degrees East. That means
that the location is 30 degrees to the right
of the Prime Meridian.
 When you see a coordinate that says the
location is 30 degrees West. That means
that the location is 30 degrees to the left
of the Prime Meridian.
 Looking at your Continents and Oceans
Map try and find the latitude and
longitude coordinates for points A and
 Write your latitude and longitude
coordinates at the bottom of you map.
 Once you have tried on your own turn to
your partner and share.
Map Skill
 The coordinates for points A and B are
as follows:

 A) 30 degrees N, 60 degrees W

 B) 45 degrees S, 90 degrees E

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