MPU Type of Pronouns

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Name : Ting Xin Yue

Khu Jia Hui
Ang Mei Ting
Class : T9
Lecturer : Madam Nor’ Azah binti Abdul Aziz
 A pronoun is a word that you use to
refer to someone or something
when you do not need to use a
noun, often because the person or
thing has been mentioned earlier.

 Examples are 'it', 'she', 'something',

and 'myself'.
Types of
1. Demonstrative Pronouns
• Replace specific people or things that have been previously
• This and That represent Singular Nouns
• These and Those represent Plural Nouns
• Examples:
o This is the one I left in the car.
(In this example, the speaker could be indicating to a mobile phone, in which case, the
pronoun this replaces the words mobile phone.)
o Shall I take those?

2. Personal Pronouns
• Represent people or things. 
• Subjective Personal Pronouns such as I, you, he, she, it,
we and they
• Objective Personal Pronouns such as
me, you, him, her, it, us, and them
• Example:
o We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the
curb and clap as they go by.

3. Possessive Pronouns
• Replaces a possessive adjective and a noun
• Such as mine, yours, his, hers, ours and yours
• Example:
• Have you seen her book?
(In this example, the pronoun her replaces a word like Sarah's.)

4. Relative Pronouns
• to identify which person or thing we are talking about
• Such as that, which, who, whom and whose
• Examples:
• Dr Adam Sissons, who lectured at Cambridge for more than 12
years, should have known the difference.
(In this example, the relative pronoun who introduces the clause who
studied at Cambridge for 12 years and refers back to Dr Adams Sissons.)
• The man who first saw the comet reported it as a UFO.
(In this example, the relative pronoun who introduces the clause who
first saw the comet and refers back to the man.)

5. Intensive Pronouns /
 Emphatic Pronouns
• Used with another noun (or pronoun) when something does
something to itself
• Such as myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,
and themselves
• Examples:
• John bakes all the bread himself.
(In this example, the intensive pronoun himself refers back to the noun John.)
• The cat opened the door itself.

6. Reflexive Pronouns
• refers back to another noun/pronoun in the sentence to
emphasize it
• Such as
myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,
and themselves
• Examples:
• The dog bit itself.
(In this example, the intensive pronoun itself refers back to the noun the dog.)
• Are you talking to yourself?

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