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Mechanical Engineering Department
Environmental Studies
Member Names:- Enrollment No. :-1)Parth
. M . Patel
160990119026 2)Abhishek . A .
Patil 160990119027
3)Prashant . A . Patil 160990119028
4)Akshay Babu pillai 160990119029
Environmental Degradation
The deterioration of the environmental quality due to different
activities of living beings that pollute the key elements like air, water
and soil.
The factors of environmental degradation are divided into two
groups :

(1) Natural factors

(2) Man-made factors
(1) Natural factors :
The natural factors causing environmental degradation are :

Storms and floods
Volcanic eruptions
Tsunami, etc.
(2) Man-made factors :
The man-made factors ( human factors ) include

Deforestation, etc.

The environment is degraded because of the following reasons :

(1) Over population and poverty is mainly responsible for environmental

(2) Over exploitation of natural resources or wasteful use of natural resources.
(3) Ecological imbalance created by human and animals activities.
(4) Depletion and contamination of both surface and ground water.
(5) Destruction and degradation of, wild life habitats.
(6) Overuse of resources like water, forest, land and energy which lead
to air, water
and land pollution.
(7) Huge deforestation.
(8) Wide spread use of fossil fuels like oil and coal.
(9) Heavy industrialization leads to air, water and noise pollution.
(10) Use of fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural activities cause
water and land
pollution and also affect food chain.
(11) Soil erosion.
(12) Conversion of production crop land and grazing lands to deserts,
i.e. desertification.
The major environmental problems arising out of
improper utilization of natural resources are classified
as :

(a) Air pollution

(b) Water pollution
(c) Land pollution
(d) Bio-diversity degradation
(e) Food supply problems
 Sustainable development is defined as a form of
development or process that meets the needs of the
present without comprising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
 Sustainable development is a process of betterment of life
in all the sectors like economic , social , educational ,
health , food and housing , national security , etc.
 It means , every generations should leave air , water and
soil , pure and unpolluted as possible , so that the next
generations is not in risk of their needs.
The three important
components highlighted in
the report are:
Economic Development ,
Social Development ,
Environmental Development ,
1. Economic Development :-
This includes,
Utilization of natural resources
Agricultural developments
Creating job opportunities
Raising the quality of life
2. Social Development :-
This includes,
Providing the basic needs of life like,
Drinking Water,
Fresh Air,
And Health.
3. Environmental
Development :-
This includes,
Providing safe environment by means of
Clean Air,
Clean Water,
And Soil
Sustainable development should be a part and parcel
of national development of each country . It can be
achieved by keeping the following points in
consideration :-
1. Controlling population explosion.
2. Reducing the over exploitation of resources.
3. Enhancing the conversation of natural resources like
water , soil , forest and energy.
4. Minimizing waste production by performing
recycling and reuse.
5. Enhancing the use of non-conventional energy
sources like solar , wind , wave and biomass energy.
6. Use of clean production technologies.
7. Providing housing , education and health care to
poor people , particularly in rural area.
8. Encouraging the empowerment and education of
9. Development of industrial pollution control methods
to reduce level of pollution.
10. By making strategies for eradication of poverty.
11. Arranging tree plantation programs.
What is Environmental Education?
 It is a process by which people develop
awareness, concern and knowledge of the
environment and learn to use this understanding
to preserve, conserve and utilize the
environment in a sustainable manner for the
benefit of present and future generation.
Environmental Education is a study of the
factors influencing ecosystem, mental and
physical health, living and working conditions,
decaying cities population pressures.
Importance of Environmental Education
 The objective of environmental education is to make
people aware about environmental problems, and
importance of environment protection. Environmental
education is important from the following view points.

1) It gives us the basic understanding about various aspects

of environment and its associated problems.
2) It teaches us the concept of sustainable development.
3) It gives an idea about beneficial use of nature resources
without damaging it much.
4) It imparts the knowledge of eco-friendly techniques to be
use in various fields.
5) It helps to promote the use of nonconventional energy
resources such as solar energy, wind energy, biomass
energy, etc.
6) It teaches us how to conserve energy and save our planet.
7) It teaches us about bad effect of pollution and suggest
measures to minimize environmental pollution.
8) It helps us to understand about ecological imbalance and
various ways to maintain ecological balance.
9) It gives the knowledge about interdependency of man
and nature.
10) It develops skills to identify environmental problems and
their solutions.
Objectives of Environmental Education
 The objectives of Environmental Education to develop,

 Awareness - to help individual and social group to

acquire an awareness of and sensitivity to the total
environment and its allied problems.
 Knowledge - gain a variety of experiences and acquire a
basic understanding of the environmental and its
associated problems.
 Attitude - acquire a set of values and feeling of concern for
the environment and the motivation for actively
participating in environmental improvement and
 Skill - to help individuals and social group to acquire the
skills for solving environmental problems.
 Evaluation ability - to help individuals and social group
to evaluate environmental measures and education
programmers' in terms of ecological, political, economical,
social, aesthetic and educational factors.
 Participation - to provide social group and individuals
with an opportunity to be actively involved at all levels
working towards the resolution of environmental
Principles of Environmental Education
 The major principles of Environmental Education are :

 Environment Education considers environment in its totality.

 Environment hazards are controllable and every citizen has a
moral obligation and responsibility towards this.
 Education must cater to all sections of society – the general
public, and non specialists, social professional groups and
technologists as well.
 To appreciate the gifts of the Nature I. E Natural Resources.
 Help learners discover the symptoms and causes of
Environmental problems.
 To help and understand the effect of over population and over
exploitation of natural resources.
An ecological pyramid is a diagram that shows the
relationship amounts of energy or matter contained
within each trophic level in a food web or food chain.

Energy Pyramid only 10% of the energy available

within one trophic level is transferred to organisms at
the next trophic level.
Food chains and food webs do not give any
information about the numbers of organisms involved.

This information can be shown through ecological

Shows the number of organisms at each trophic level
per unit area of an ecosystem.
Pyramid of Numbers
Pyramid of numbers displays the number of individuals
at each level.

1 owl

25 voles

grass plants
The total amount of matter present in organisms of an
ecosystem at each trophic level is biomass.
Biomass is preferred to the use of numbers of
organisms because individual organisms can vary in
size. It is the total mass not the size that is important.
Pyramid of biomass records the total dry organic
matter of organisms at each trophic level in a given
area of an ecosystem.
Biomass Pyramids
Displays the biomass at each trophic level.
Shows the amount of energy input to each trophic level in
a given area of an ecosystem over an extended period.
Why will this type of pyramid never be inverted?
Energy Pyramid
In nature, ecological
efficiency varies from
5% to 20% energy
available between
successive trophic
levels (95% to 80%
loss). About 10%
efficiency is a general

Fig. 4–19
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