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Mechanical Engineering Department

Communication Skills
“ My Experiment With Truth “
An Autobiography Or
The Story Of
Experiments With Truth
Information about the book:-

• Book Title : An Autobiography or The

Story Of Experiments with Truth
• Original language- Gujarati
• Author : M.K.Gandhi
• Translated by Mahadev Desai
• Publication: Navjivan publication
house, Ahmedabad
• Copyright : First edition-1927
Book setting and perspective
 Type of book: it is an Autobiography
 Aim of a book: Author wants to tell the story of his numerous
experiments with truth and its effects.
 Intended audience: all specifically youth
 Comment on book: Pages are not of the great quality. Binding of a book
is ok.
 No of pages : 464

All the royalties earned on this book are paid to the Navajivan Trust,
founded by Gandhi, for use in carrying on his work.
Description and narration:-
 Fellow Prisioner suggested to write in yerada central jain

 To Narrate his spiritual & moral experiments & Experiences

 Gandhiji’s Childhood

 Habit Of Keeping Account

 Search Of the truth About Religion

 Got Married at the age of 13

At around year 1920, some of his co-workers insisted him to write his
Why Gandhi
autobiography. wrote
He was unable hisoutAutobiography?
to carry this work at that time because
he was deeply involved in independence movement.
Later on the insistence of one of his co-worker Swami Anand, Gandhi
agreed to write his autobiography little by little in the form of small chapters
to a magazine Navajivan to which Gandhi usually write his articles.
But one of his close friend advised him that the principles what he advocate
today in his autobiography, for any reason, if he changes in future there may
not be any value for his words in people. This advise affected Gandhi very
much and so he changed his mind regarding this autobiography.
Finally Gandhi decided to write his personal experiences of the experiments
what he has conducted on truth during his life time. The reason for this
Gandhi made it clear in his introductory words of this book that he never
want to boast himself as a hero in the minds of the people but he wants to
transfer some good thoughts to the reader that he experienced during his
life time. 
What is there in this book?
'The story of my experiments with truth' is in five parts which
begins with Gandhi's birth and his experiences in his personal
life till 1921. The original script was written in Gujarati
language by M.K. Gandhi to Navajivan magazine and it was
later translated into English by Mahadev Desai. According to
Mahadev Desai the sub-tittle Autobiography was given by
Gandhi himself for his 'The story of My experiments with Truth'.
In this book, Gandhiji mainly emphasized his experiments on his
principles of truth, non-violence, spiritualism, self realization,
vegetarianism etc. Gandhi requested the readers to conduct
similar such experiments in their life in their own way in quest
of truth. A brief summary of the five parts found in this
autobiography was given below for the interest of the readers.
What I like about the book?
“My Experiments with Truth” describes, “ Winners are not born, they are made!”
I thought this book will be more about British East India and Freedom struggle but
its basically about “experiments” of Gandhiji in his journey and its remarkable how
he sticked to his beliefs! “Simple living and high thinking!”
He has tried to convince on truth and ahinsa.
He has written that I never claim that only my experience is correct. His shows his
humbleness. He may want to suggest that every human being should follow this
process in his life so that he can recognize what is right and what is wrong so to
reject those things which are useless and spoil our life.
One thing I learn is “Trial and Error” methods is not only for math questions but
also for life thing I become overwhelmed by Gandhiji is his
simplicity, wearing a khadi and living solely by vegetables.
My favorite lines:-
 “how to live among the unknown people”
 “God has no religion.”
 “but I have all along believed that what is possible for one is possible for all…..”
 “The future depends on what you do today”
 “live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn if you were to live forever”
 “first they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you and then you win!”
 An eye for an eye will make whole world blind”
 Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but its very imp to do it. Because nobody else
 To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest”

I would definitely recommend to read this book, gives so much to think and wonder it!!!!

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