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Diagnostic Test

Submitted by,
Sabin Mathew
English Optional
What is a diagnostic test?
Functions of a Diagnostic Test
Steps in the Preparation of a
diagnostic test
What is a diagnostic test?
It is a type of test given at the
beginning of the instruction.
It helps to identify the strengths
and weaknesses of the students
with respect to the topic
It is designed to locate specific
learning deficiencies at a specific
stage of learning lesson.
Functions of a Diagnostic
To provide for educational supervision
To stimulate the learning
environment of the pupil
To direct administrative efforts
To guide curriculum transaction
To identify the strengths and
weaknesses of learners
To ascertain the type of learning that
needs to take place
Steps in the Preparation of
Diagnostic Test
Writing/selecting items
Assembling test
Administering the test and
preparing scoring key
Reviewing the test/re-planning
Easy analysis of learner’s
performance in writing and
Possibility to judge and rate
grammatical accuracy and
linguistic appropriateness.
Thank you

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