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Measurements and Instrumentation

Energy Audit Instruments

What is Energy Audit

 An energy audit is an
 Inspection, Survey and Analysis of energy flows for energy conservation
in a building, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input
into the system without negatively affecting the output(s).
 In commercial and industrial real estate, an energy audit is the first step
in identifying opportunities to reduce energy expense and carbon
Need for Energy Audit

 An energy audit can help determine

a. the energy-wasting deficiencies and
b. can show exactly how to address those problems
 Even more useful, an energy audit will tell
a. how much money and energy can be saved each year
Energy Audit Instruments(EAI)

Anem om et ers

Ultras onic Flow Met ers

Few Energy Audit
Light M et ersents that would

Mult i- meters

Metersdiscussed in the
Power Fact or Meters
Non-presentation are

Cont act Thermomet ers

Non- Cont act Tachom eters

 Anemometers are essentially fluid flow

measuring instruments.
 As energy audit tools, they are most
commonly used to measure air flow from
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
(HVAC) systems.
These are most

the a irflo w o f H VAC sy stems

a lso used to m ea sure o ther cl ea n ai r
flo ws
commonly used

Fo r ex a mple, when testing a nd tuni ng

to ions
a H VAC sy stems it is i mpo rta nt to i nsure

tha t a ppro pria te qua nti ti es o f fresh a i r
a re del iv ered
Ultrasonic Flow Meters

 They are used to estimate fluid flow without

having to penetrate piping.
 They use frequency shift experienced by an
ultrasonic signal as it is reflected by bubbles or
particles (i.e., discontinuities) entrained by a
flowing fluid. The magnitude of the frequency
shift is indicative of the velocity of the fluid.
Ultrasonic Flow
Ultrasonic flow

flo w ra tes enteri ng or l ea v i ng a pum p
Fo r exa m pl e, the instrument ca n be
meters can be

used to ensure that flo w ra tes a re

ma inta i ned a s efficiency i mpro v ements
(i. e., reduci ng mo to r si ze, a nd re-
pl umbing to reduci ng fri ctio nal l osses)

are ma de to the sy stem

 A hygrometer is an instrument used for measuring

the moisture content in the atmosphere.
 They use sensors which react to varying levels of
humidity by causing a physical change in a
material which changes its electrical properties
(often resistance).
 The materials’ electrical property is calibrated to
Low humiditypro cesses have
results in static

optimal problems whichand
humidity can
damage the delicate electric
tempera ture conditions

High humidityhygrometer
can cause mildew,are

wood warping,used
and poor drying
Light Meter

 Light meters measure illumination or light level in

units of foot-candles or lumens.
 Light emitted by the area of interest passes
through a light-sensitive layer of cells contained in
the meter.
 This light is converted to an electrical signal
proportional to the lights’ intensity.
Light Meter(contd..)
Light meters are

● Applicat
if in ter ior lig ht in g levels ar eap p ropr iat e, b ot h b efor eand aft er

most commonly
lampin g up gr ad es ar emade
Li gh ti ng societies h aved eveloped gu id elin es for li gh tin g levels
for d iff er en t work/in terior areas. Th eseg ui del ines were

to ions
d eveloped t omin imizeeye str ain and main tain asafe
en vironmen t, wh ile n ot pr odu ci ng excess lumen levels an d
wastin g en erg y


 They measure amps (electron flow), volts

(electrical pressure) and ohms (resistance) of
electrical equipment.
 Multi-meters, particularly the digital clamp-on
designs, are considered the most versatile audit
 The typical multi-meter will measure 0 to 300
amps, 0 to 600 volts, and 0 to 1,000 ohms.

check tha t the proper v o lta ge is
supplied to equi pm ent

determine i f three-phase po wer suppl y
i s ba la nced

are commonly

Fo r exa mple, a v o ltage imba la nce of

3% a t a three-pha se m o to r ca n result in
a 25% mo to r tempera ture increa se,

used to
whi ch reduces mo to r life a nd mo to r
effici ency
pH Meter

 The pH of an aqueous solution is a value expressing the

solutions’ acidity or basicity, based on the
concentration of hydrogen ions present (where 0 is
strongly basic, 14 is strongly acidic, and 7 is neutral).
 A pH meter uses the property of certain types of
electrodes to exhibit electrical potential when
immersed in a solution.
 The electrical potential is indicative of the solutions’ pH.
pH Meter(contd..)

to pro perl y ma intai n wa ter qua li ty i n
order to pro tect equipment a nd
ma teri a ls tha t are i n co nta ct wi th the

water (e.g., bo iler tubes a nd hea t ex -
cha ngers) of
Serio us pro bl ems (e.g. , preci pi ta ti on o f
lts a nd are required

co rro si o n) can occur i f proper

pH lev els a re no t ma inta i ned
Power Factor Meter

 Power factor meters are used to measure the power

factor of electrical equipment, particularly three-phase
 Power factor is a measurement of the electrical
current in a wire which is doing useful work compared
to the total electrical current in the wire.
 The non-useful component of the current requires
generation, transmission, and distribution capacity,
thereby causing inefficiencies in power systems.
Power Factor Meter(contd..)

the co st o f po wer genera tio n i s reduced

uti li tyCapacitors cana be
po wer fa cto r charges re reduced
(i f lev ied)

installed to correct power
tra nsmi ssio n, distri butio n, fa ci li ty
factor problems, with
co nnectio n, a nd co nducto r si ze needs
a re reduced (a s the I *I*R lo sses a re
po wer fa ctor improve ment
Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer

 These thermometers rely on the electromagnetic

radiation emitted by solids or fluids. The radiation is
characteristic of their temperature.
 The heart of the infrared thermometer is the detecting
surface, which absorbs infrared energy and converts it
to an electrical voltage or current.
 The accuracy of temperature measurements by infrared
instruments depends on the absorption, reflection, and
transmission characteristics of the radiative flux.
Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer
The primary use of

building or equipment thermal

pinpoint insulation or in an
weatherization needs
energy management
identify electrical hot spots

program is tofriction
locate unseen motor detectpoints
Non-Contact Tachometer

 A tachometer is an instrument used to measure

the rotational speed of a shaft or wheel in
revolutions per minute (rpm).
 Non-Contact tachometer employs a variable-
frequency, flashing light which makes the
rotating component appear to stand still when
the frequencies match.
 This allows the users to measure the rotational
speed without contacting the object in question.
Non-Contact Tachometer(contd..)
These are
the m echanical loading of m ot ors

by meas uring a motors’ rpm and
elect rical cons umption, its
effi ciency can be det erm ined
used to

non- cont act t achomet ers are als o
com monly us ed t o meas ure fan
speeds and det erm ine fan out put

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