Lecture 3

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• Diaphragm Cells
• These cells contain a diaphragm, usually
made of asbestos fibres that separate the
anode from the cathode.
• The diaphragm also allows ions to pass by
electrical migration but limit the diffusion of
• The anodes are made of graphite and the
cathodes of cast iron.
• When an electric current passes through
the brine, the chlorine ions and sodium ions
move to the electrodes.
• Chlorine gas is produced at the anode,
• and sodium ions at the cathode react with
the water, forming caustic soda. Some salt
remains in the solution with the caustic
soda and can be removed at a later stage.
• Membrane Cells
Improved designs of membrane
cells and cheaper purification
have increased the economics
of the new membrane process.
Fig 4.2 represents a condensed
overview of a membrane cell
• Brine is pumped into the
anode compartment,
and only sodium ions
pass into the cathode
compartment, which
contains pure water.
Thus, the caustic soda
produced has very little
salt contamination.
The contact process
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