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Life in the space shuttle

by Radojevic Lejla
Huge unexplored expanse.
Since ancient times people
have been wondering what's
up there.
Fortunately, I live in a time when even the
ordinary man is allowed to take a walk
among the stars. Well, not exactly an
ordinary man…

Astronauts. Brave people traveling across

the universe. How does one become an
astronaut? Only with many renunciations,
many exercises, many preparations.
And the day came. You're in the cabin of
your space shuttle, waiting for the launch.
3...2...1... and off we go to find out what is
zero gravity!!!
There is a lot of work in an space shuttle.
Most of the day is reserved for activities such as:
- reading emails from controllers from Earth, following their
instructions and completing tasks;
- activities related to the regular maintenance and operation of the
- the end of the day is dedicated to conversations with Earth
regarding activities planned for the next day.
Of course, they have to eat. There is no
diet in space. They food is regular, fully
caloric, especially prepared for “space”
conditions which requires certain skills
while eating it in “zero-gravity”.
Like all other people, the astronauts need
time to rest and leisure. Time outside of
regular activities is used in different ways:
watching TV, playing chess with magnetic-
bottomed figures, Playing football and
other sports, listening to music and, of
course, sleeping.
At the end, after successful mission in
space, they are coming back to our
beautiful blue planet – Earth!

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