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Digital Logic Design

Lecture # 17
University of Tehran
 State Diagram
 Solving the Counter Problem Using
Master Slave Structure
 Edge Trigger Flip Flops
 Initialization
 Some Timing Issues
State Diagram
 Last session we saw the structure of a SR latch. We
can show the things happening in this circuit with a
graphical notation called the state diagram.
S=0 S=1
S0 S1
0 1
R=1 R=0

 From now on we will observe a state diagram for

each structure and then design the circuit from there.
State Diagram (continued…)
 A direct correspondence can be seen between the
transition table of each design and its state diagram.
Consider for instance the D latch structure:

Q Q+ D 0 1
0 0 0 1

0 1 1 a b
1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1
Solving the Counter Problem
Using Master Slave Structure
 We saw last session that we are looking for an
element to be able to make a memory component of,
and as we observed, we weren’t able to use D
latches to do this, because of the delay problem and
needed clock frequency.
 To solve this problem we turn our attention to a
structure very often seen in building architecture
where two complementary working doors are used to
control air flow in and out of the building as seen in
the figure below:
Air flow
Solving the Counter Problem
Using Master Slave Structure
 Consider using the mentioned idea to control data
flow in a D latch using two complementary working
latches after each other.

Solving the Counter Problem
Using Master Slave Structure
 What's different here is that when the clock pulse
goes 1, the output remains stable because the
second latch will not let the new data propagate, and
when the clock pulse goes 0, the new data (if any) is
kept behind the closed door of the first latch until a
new clock pulse. This structure is called a D Flip Flop
Master Slave.
Solving the Counter Problem
Using Master Slave Structure
 In D latches our main problem was the transparency
between the output and the input when the clock
signal is 1. This problem no longer exists in the
master slave D flip flop as there is no longer any
direct exposure of the input to the output.
 We still have the dependence of our circuit on the
clock signal, but because the flip flop propagates the
input to the output on the falling edge of the clock,
the graphical notation is changed as follows:

1D Q
Solving the Counter Problem
Using Master Slave Structure
 We saw how the master slave structure solved our
timing problem, but as it had it’s benefits, it still had
the problem of a minimum length for its clock pulse,
that is if the clock pulse become too short, the input
may have not found enough time to reach the
second latch at all.
Edge Trigger Flip Flops
 We have other structures for flip flops as well, for
instance the following structure propagates input to
the output on the rising edge of its clock pulse:


Edge Trigger Flip Flops
 Quote: All we are looking for here is how the
structure operates not how it’s been made.
 The new structure simply puts the input on the
output on the rising edge of the clock pulse:

Edge Trigger Flip Flops
 This way of propagation seems similar to that of the
D latch, but here we have kept our output isolation
and as the rising edge is only one moment, this
structure can’t be considered transparent.
 The graphical notation of the rising edge flip flop is:

1D Q
C1 Q
Edge Trigger Flip Flops
 This is the notation use to show rising edge
sensitivity to the clock pulse and if a bubble is put in
front of it, it shows falling edge sensitivity.
 An issue we have not considered for our structures
so far is initialization. For this we need a way to
force certain values to the output when and as
desired. The red lines shown in the following figure
of the rising edge flip flop are use for this aim.


Initialization (continued…)
 The reason the red lines are linked to both levels of
our structure is to support the output from the level
before, that is if we were not to have lines on the
level to the left, our output could have undergone
changes as soon as the resetting signal had been
taken off its line, whereas the structure is meant to
wait for the next clock signal before undergoing any
change. Also note that the reset line has been given
priority to the set line by linking it to 3 gates, thus
giving its signal a way to deactivate the set line.
Initialization (continued…)
 The new graphical notation for this structure is:

s Q Rising edge D flip

flop with active low
1D asynchronous set
R C1 Q and reset inputs

 These setting and resetting signals are called

asynchronous considering the fact that their effect on
the output isn’t controlled by the clock.
Initialization (continued…)
 Let’s now consider more initializing issues. Consider
a problem where we need to initialize many flip flops,
either to ‘1’ or ‘0’, through an initialization signal.
The structure would look like the following:

1 s
... 1


Initialization (continued…)
 What happened in the previous circuit is as follows.
When we power up the circuit, the capacitor starts
being charged. In this while, before the charge on it
goes 1, the flip flops were being initialized through
the 0 on the initialization lines. The capacitors can
be chosen in a way to give enough time to the flip
flops to be initialized.

The instance where the charge
of the capacitor passes the not
Vth gate’s threshold
Initialization (continued…)
 The timing diagram of the circuit is as follows:

Q x
Some Timing Issues
 There are two problems concerning timing that often
occur in digital circuits.
 The first is clock skew. When a clock signal is used to
synchronize different parts of the circuit, if a situation occurs
where a clock signal needs to propagate long distances to
reach certain flip flop problems can occur. When this
happens, a clock distribution logic will help to lessen the
clock skew:
Some Timing Issues
 Instead of using a clock distribution, we can make the clock
reach all its destinations at a similar time by using a comb
distribution such as:


Some Timing Issues
 A second timing issue is the setup and hold time of signals.
If a certain value on the D signal is to be used on a certain
clock pulse rising (falling) edge, 2 timing factors must not be
violated. Firstly the signal D must have its needed value for
at least ‘setup time’ before the clock’s rising (falling) edge
and must keep this value for at least ‘hold time’ after the
clock’s rising (falling) edge.

setup time hold time
Some Timing Issues
 This gives the D signal a minimum pulse length of “setup
time + hold time” around the particular clock rising (falling)

setup+hold time

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