Social Media Presentation 2

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●Presenting, Linkedin
●By Melissa McCrady
Name your social media and the category it
fits into...
Linkedin is a professional networking form of social
media that connects users with potential jobs, job
networking, work related news, and employers.
What is the purpose of this social
Linkedin is primarily used for networking and business
related interactions. Any user with any type of job
would benefit from having a Linkedin account. Users
have the opportunity to engage in a social media
setting, professionally. Sharing news and updates
about the company, or finding new friends in a similar
business field. Linkedin can even be a platform to find
potential jobs.
What are the popular features?
❏ News and updates about your job, shared by others with the same
profession. For example, since I work at Starbucks, my professional friends
on Linkedin would share news articles about current Starbucks happenings.
❏ Networking. Linkedin is a great platform to successfully network with
business partners and new friends. For example, if attending a work party or
work conference, Linkedin is a great way to get contacts in a professional
way. Kind of like a virtual business card.
❏ Potential jobs are also a plus on Linkedin. Whether you are looking for a
new job, or looking to hire, Linkedin is a great place to find unique
opportunities and employees that otherwise could not be found on other job
Who is the intended audience?
The intended audience for Linkedin is anyone of any
age group that has a job or is looking for work.
How does it fit into the characteristics of social

Linkedin allows users to be social in many ways.

Finding friends and new colleagues, attending
conferences and work related events, and giving
users news and updates in an easy way.
Why might we care about this social
With all the different kinds of social media in the world today, Linkedin
is a unique kind that focuses on professional social life.
Why might we adopt this social
Someone would adopt this social media if they are looking to excel in
their career and business life.
What are the uses of this social
The uses of Linkedin are for business networking, finding new jobs,
finding employees, and reading/ sharing current events about jobs.
Would you use it? Why or why
I would personally use Linkedin, and have opened an
account just for this project! So far I’ve already
connected with friends and colleagues. It helps me
keep in tough and stay updated in the career world.
Screenshots from my Linkedin
For further information, feel free to contact me at

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