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Philosophy and


Nur Abi Rafdi Syam
Abd. Rahman
Definition Of Philosophy
༝ Philosophy is a study that discusses critically and skeptically
about various phenomena that exist in human thought and
life, then explained theoretically and fundamentally.

༝ Another opinion states that the meaning of philosophy is a wisdom

of life (philosophy) to provide a holistic view of life based on
reflections on life experience and scientific experience. In other
words, in philosophy there is no experiment or experiment, but it
presents the exact problem, seeks a solution, and provides an
argument for the solution.
Branches of philosophy

Epistemologist Metaphysics

Epistemologi is a Metaphysics is a branch of

branch of philosophy philosophy that deals with the
that discusses analytical process of the
knowledge. For fundamental nature of existence
example; origin, and the accompanying reality.
validity, methodology, The study of metaphysics
form or structure, generally pivots on fundamental
which together shape questions regarding the existence
human knowledge and traits that encompass the
studied reality


Philosophy of Science
Ethics is a branch of
philosophy that Philosophy of science is a
studies the norms or branch of philosophy that Aesthetics
rules that are used studies and answers various
as guidelines for Aesthetics is a
questions related to the nature
behavior in society branch of
of science, and the application
related to good and philosophy that
of various philosophical
bad nature studies and
methods in an effort to find the
discusses beauty,
root of the problem and find
how beauty can be
the principle of reality in
formed, and how
question by the field of
beauty can be
science to get clarity
realized and felt by

The benefits of philosophy in
life are
as a basis
for acting

to reduce
g and conflict

answer preparation
doubts for facing the
as a basis
for making situation

Definition of Education
o Education is a process of learning the
knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of
people passed down from one generation to the
next generation through teaching, training, and

o Education is a learning process for students to

have an understanding of something and make
it a critical human in thinking

In general, the purpose of education is
to educate and develop the potential
within learners. With the growth of
intelligence and self potential, every
child can have knowledge, creativity,
physically and mentally healthy, good
personality, independent, and become a
responsible member of society.
Educational goals based on the constitution

Law. No. 20 of 2003

According to the law. Article 3 of No.20 No.20 2003 concerning the National Education
System, the aim of national education is to develop the potential of students to become
human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have good character, are healthy,
knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens democratic and
responsible country.

Function of education

 In general, the function of

education is to develop abilities,
shape character, personality, so
that students become dignified

According to Horton and Hunt, the functions of
education are as follows:
• Prepare every member of the community so that
they can earn their own living.
• Build and develop one's interests and talents for
personal satisfaction and the interests of the
general public.
• Helps preserve the culture in the community.
• Embed the skills needed for participation in

The relationship between philosophy and education

Philosophy is a means for humans to be able to solve

various life problems they face, including in education

Philosophy is a general theory of education, the basis

of all thoughts on education.

Philosophy becomes the basis, direction, and

guidelines of an education system.

The purpose of education is the purpose of philosophy,

which is to guide towards wisdom.
Any questions?


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