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Unit 6 : Hello! 999?

English Grammar:

Sentence Types
( 句子类型 )

1. 3.
2. 4.
Declarativ Imperativ
Interrogativ Exclamator
e e
e Sentence y Sentence
Sentence Sentence
疑问句 感叹句
陈述句 祈使句
• To give information • To ask question. • To give a command • To express strong
or express ideas. 用来问问题 or make a request. emotion.
用来表达意见 / • End with question 用来给指示 / 用来表达强烈感
陈述事情 mark (?) 问号 提出要求 受
• End with full stop • End with full stop (如生气、兴
(.) 句号 (.) 句号 奋)
• End with
exclamation mark
(!) 感叹号
Example :

1. He has a big scar on his face.

1. • 他的脸上有一道很大的疤痕。
e sentence 2. You’ve been very helpful.
陈述句 • 你十分乐于助人。

3. Rainbow has seven colours.

• 彩虹有七种颜色。
Example :

1. What’s the number of the

2. • 那辆车的号码是什么?
Sentences 2. Did you see the face of the
疑问句 kidnapper?
• 你有看到那个绑架犯的脸吗?

3. Why are you late?

• 你为什么迟到?
Example :

1. Take this boy home.

3. • 把这男孩带回家。
Sentence 2. Please sit down
祈使句 • 请坐下。

3. Do your homework, please.

• 请做你的功课。
Example :

1. Let me go!
4. • 放开我!
y Sentence 2. Stop the car!
• 停车!
3. That house is on
• 那间家着火了!
English Textbook (pg.59)

1. Group the sentences below into
declarative, interrogative, imperative or
exclamatory. (Question 1-10)
2. Use 4 different types of sentences to
write a dialogue for the comic strip
**do the exercise in grammar exercise book.

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