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What role did the U.S.

play in helping two countries

wage peace while protecting their security?

The U.S. role in the world can be viewed as establishing the overall

context or framework for U.S. policymakers for developing,
implementing, and measuring the success of U.S. policies and actions
on specific international issues, and for foreign countries or other
observers for interpreting and understanding U.S.
Define: Camp David Accords
• The Camp David Accords comprise two separate agreements: "A
Framework for Peace in the Middle East" and "A Framework for the
Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel", the second
leading towards the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty signed in March 1979.
. What Nation Controlled the Gaza
• Israel controls the Gaza Strip's northern borders, as well as its
territorial waters and airspace. Egypt controls Gaza Strip's southern
border, under an agreement between it and Israel. Neither Israel or
Egypt permits free travel from Gaza as both borders are heavily
militarily fortified.
Which Nation Controlled the West
• Israel has controlled the West Bank since the Six-Day War (as it's
Which nations lost land to Israel in
Jimmy Carter

Country Goals
• Plains, Georgia • During Carter's term as
president, two new cabinet-level
departments, the Department of
Energy and the Department of
Education, were established. He
established a national energy
policy that included
conservation, price control, and
new technology.
Anwar Sadat

Country Goals
• Egyptian • To achieve a lasting peace with
Israel, regain the Sinai, and
improve Egypt's
economy, Sadat laid out
three objectives: Restore Arab
self-confidence after 1967; Shatter
the Israeli myth of invincibility;
and. Alter U.S. policy toward the
Arab-Israeli conflict
Menachem Being

Country Goals
• Brest, Belarus • Begin assumed the Irgun's
leadership in 1944, determined
to force the British government
to remove its troops entirely
from Palestine
Do you think Egypt and Israel would have ever made
a peace treaty without U.S. intervention? Why or why
• Some difficulties with past peace processes
• Israelis point out the fact that the Gaza Strip is fully controlled by the
Hamas who do not want peace with a Jewish state. According to
the Israeli view, this limits the ability of the Palestinians to
make peace with Israel and enforce it over the long term.

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