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Labor law - the branch of the

Russian law regulating labor
relations of employees and
employers, and others connected
with them, which establishes the
rights and responsibilities in the
workplace and the responsibility for
their violation.
Labour relations is
regulated by labor law
relationships in the
The structure of the labor

content subjects object

The reasons of
occurrence, change and
termination of labor
relations are legal facts,
which are expressed in
events and activities.
Employment - the activity of
citizens related to the satisfaction
of personal and social needs,
which does not contradict the
legislation of the Russian
Federation, and bringing, as a
rule, they pay, labor income.
• The citizens shall have the exclusive right
to use his abilities to productive, creative
work. Forced labor in any form is not
permitted, unless otherwise provided by
Unemployment citizens can not serve as
the basis for their involvement in
administrative and other responsibilities.
Unemployed able-bodied
recognized citizens who are out
of work and earnings, are
registered with the employment
services in order to find a
suitable job, looking for work
and ready to start working.
• The decision on the recognition of the citizen,
registered in order to find a suitable job, the
unemployed received by employment offices at
the place of residence of a citizen not later than 11
days from the date of the employment services of
the passport, employment record or document
replacing them documents proving his professional
qualifications, certificates of average earnings in
the last three months of the last place of work,
and for the first time job seekers (previously
worked) do not have a profession (specialty) -
passport and certificate of education.
Public employment services:
1.assist citizens in finding suitable employment and employers in finding the right
2.information on the situation on the labor market in the region of the Russian
organization of job fairs and job training;
3.organization of professional orientation of citizens to choose their field of activity
(occupation), employment and vocational training;
4. psychological support for the unemployed;
5. vocational training for unemployed citizens, including training in other areas;
organization of paid public works;
6. organization of temporary employment of minors between the ages of 14 and 18 in
their free time, the unemployed who have difficulties in finding a job, unemployed
people aged 18 to 20 years of graduates from educational institutions of primary and
secondary vocational education, first-time job seekers ;
7. social adaptation of the unemployed in the labor market;
8. promotion of self-employment of unemployed persons;
9. assistance to unemployed citizens to move and unemployed people and their
families in the resettlement in another place of employment
Unemployment benefit is paid to citizens
dismissed for any reason, except as provided in
paragraph 2 of Article 30 of the Employment
Act, and is set as a percentage of the average
wage rate, calculated over the past three
months at the last place of work if they are in
the 12 months preceding the top of
unemployment were in paid work for at least 26
weeks on a full-time (full-time) or part-time
(part-time) with the conversion of 26 weeks of
full-time (full-time).
• Unemployment benefit in all other cases, including
citizens, for the first time job seekers (previously
worked), seeking to return to work after a long time
(more than one year) break; dismissed for violation
of labor discipline or other responsible actions
under the laws of the Russian Federation; dismissed
for any reason during the 12 months preceding the
start of unemployment, and have had at this time
paid work less than 26 weeks, as well as citizens,
directed by employment agencies for training and
expelled those responsible for the action is set at
the minimum value of unemployment benefits.
Employment contract - an agreement between
the employer and the employee, in
accordance with which the employer is
obliged to provide the employee with a job
due to work performance, provide conditions
under labor law, on time and in full
compensate the employee, and the
employee agrees to personally perform the
agreement, a labor function, to comply with
internal regulations in force for the employer.
At the conclusion of the employment
contract, the person coming to work,
must present a passport or other
identity document, workbook,
certificate of insurance of the state
pension insurance, military
documents, certificate of education,
The grounds for termination of the employment
contract are:
agreement of the parties,
the expiration of the employment contract,
termination of employment by the employee, the
termination of the employment contract by the
employer, the employee's refusal to continue the
work in connection with the change of the owner,
the employee's refusal to continue work due to
changes in the essential terms of the employment
circumstances beyond the control of the parties, etc.
Working hours - the time during
which the employee in accordance
with the internal regulations of the
organization and conditions of the
employment contract must perform
job duties, as well as other periods of
time, which, in accordance with the
laws and regulations of normal
operating hours.
• Rest time - the time during which
the employee is free to perform the
job duties and that he can use at
their discretion. The types of rest are
breaks during the working day (not
more than 2 hours and less than 30
minutes) daily rest; weekends (not
less than 42 hours); public holidays
and vacations.
Labor discipline - mandatory for all
employees obedience to the rules
of conduct set out in accordance
with the labor laws. The employer
is obliged to create conditions
necessary for compliance by labor
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