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For Appointent Call: +91 - 9930462874 / 8052555255

A coronal CT scan showing a
malignant mesothelioma,
indicated by the asterisk and
the arrows

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Signs and symptoms

• Breast cancer -Lump in breast and axilla associated with or without ulceration or bloody nipple discharge.
• Endometrial cancer-Bleeding per vagina.
• Cervix cancer-Bleeding after sexual intercourse.
• Ovarian cancer-Nonspecific symptoms such as abdominal distension, dyspepsia.
• Lung cancer-Persistent cough, breathlessness, blood in the sputum, hoarseness of voice.
• Head and neck cancer-Non-healing ulcer or growth, lump in the neck.
• Brain cancer-Persistent headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness, double vision.
• Thyroid cancer-Lump in the neck.
• Oesophageal cancer-Painful swallowing predominantly with solid food, weight loss.

For Appointent Call: +91 - 9930462874 / 8052555255

The three main divisions:
Medical oncology: focuses on treatment of cancer with chemotherapy, targeted
therapy, immunotherapy, and hormonal therapy.
Surgical oncology: focuses on treatment of cancer with surgery.
Radiation oncology: focuses on treatment of cancer with radiation.

For Appointent Call: +91 - 9930462874 / 8052555255

Age-adjusted incidence rates of oral cancer in
India is, 20 per 100,000 population and
accounts forover 30% of all cancers in the
country. Majority of cases present to
ahealthcare facility at later stages,
therebyreducing chances of survival due to
delays in diagnosis. Earlierdetection of oral
cancer offers the best chance for longterm
survival and has the potential to improve
treatment out come.

For Appointent Call: +91 - 9930462874 / 8052555255

Kidney cancer accounts for approximately 2% of malignancies worldwide with

about 425,000 cases diagnosed per year and 137,000 deaths. There is a male to
female predominance with the lifetime risk of a RCC diagnosis of 1:69 in men and
1:116 in women. Although kidney cancer remains predominantly a tumor of the
elderly (median age at diagnosis of 65 years), the number of new kidney cancer
cases appears to be rising in younger individuals.
Risk Factors for development of kidney cancer: Smoking Obesity Hypertension

For Appointent Call: +91 - 9930462874 / 8052555255

The role of the

An oncologist manages a patient’s care throughout the course of the
disease. This starts with the diagnosis. His or her role includes:
Explaining the cancer diagnosis and stage
Talking about all treatment options and his or her preferred choice
Delivering quality and compassionate care
Helping a patient manage the symptoms and side effects of cancer
and cancer treatment.

For Appointent Call: +91 - 9930462874 / 8052555255

Risk factors
Tobacco The leading cause of cancer, and death from cancer. Smoking is associated with
increased risk of cancers of the lung, larynx, mouth, oesophagus, throat,
brain, bladder, kidney, liver, stomach, pancreas, colon, rectum, cervix and acute myeloid
leukemia. Smokeless tobacco (snuff or chewing tobacco) is associated with increased risks
of cancers of the mouth, oesophagus, and pancreas.AlcoholCan increase risk of cancer of the
mouth, throat, oesophagus, larynx, liver, and breast. The risk of cancer is much higher for
those who drink alcohol and also use tobacco.ObesityObese individuals have an increased risk
of cancer of the breast, colon, rectum, endometrium, oesophagus, kidney, pancreas,
and gallbladder.
For Appointent Call: +91 - 9930462874 / 8052555255
AgeAdvanced age is a risk factor for many cancers. The median age of cancer diagnosis is 66
years.Cancer-Causing SubstancesCancer is caused by changes to certain genes that alter the
way our cells function. Some of them are the result of environmental exposures that damage
DNA. These exposures may include substances, such as the chemicals in tobacco smoke, or
radiation, such as ultraviolet rays from the sun and other carcinogens.Infectious AgentsCertain
infectious agents, including oncoviruses, bacteria, and parasites, can
cause.ImmunosuppressionThe body's immune response plays a role in defending the body
against cancer, a concept known mainly because certain cancers occur at a greatly increased
prevalence among people with immunosuppression.

For Appointent Call: +91 - 9930462874 / 8052555255


For Appointent Call: +91 - 9930462874 / 8052555255

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