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Unit 1

Descriptive and Report

Descriptive text
• Descriptive text is one type of texts which is
arranged in one or more than one paragraph
concerning the information and description of
an object.
• Generally, this kind of texts is arranged in
more than one paragraph which is structured
as two sections; identification section and
descriptive section.
• Social Function
To describe a particular person, place, or thing.

• Generic Structure
 Identification: identifies phenomenon to be
 Description: describes parts, qualities,
• Linguistic Features
 Focus on specific participant.
 Use of simple present tense.
 Use of being verb.
 Use of Adjective.
 Use of Noun phrase.

I have a school friend that most people hate him. His name is Jono. He is the son of
the headmaster of my school. That is one of the reason many people at school dislike
him. But overall, he has a bad attitude. But however, he is kind to me because one
day, at the first day of the school, I was helping him repairing his motorcycle even we
did not know each other. Identification
e His physical appearance is not bad. Let say, he is a handsome teenager who can
s get girlfriend. He has a tall and athletic body. He has a pointed nose, fair skin,
c eyes, and black straight hair.
r He always wears cool sweater despite of the uniform. At a glance, he seems like a
Korean movie star. Unfortunately, and most people thanks of that, he is so stupid
and seems like does not have a brain.
He also has a lot of money and also the most powerful person in school due to
o power of his father. Because of that he is so arrogant and frequently disturbs
n people in school. He never gets punishment even he does a lot of bad things in
That is why people hate him most.
I have a school friend that most people hate
him. His name is Jono. Specific participant

He is the son of the headmaster of my school.

being verb

That is one of the reason many people at school dislike

him. But overall, he has a bad attitude.

simple present
Let say, he is a handsome teenager who can
easily get girlfriend.

He has a pointed nose, fair skin, bright eyes, and

black straight hair. Noun phrase
Report text
• Report is a text which presents information
about something, as it is. It is as a result of
systematic observation and analysis.
• Report text aims to give the reader
information about something. The information
that given by a reporter must be real, factual,
and objective.
• Social function
To describe the way things are, with reference to
arrange or natural, man made and social
phenomena in our environment

•Generic structure
General classification: Stating classification of
general aspect of thing; animal, public place,
plant, etc which will be discussed in general
Description: Describing the thing which will be
discussed in detail; part per part , customs for
living creature and usage for materials
• Linguistic Features
 Focus on generic participants
 Use of simple present
 No temporal sequence
 Use of being and having verb

An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking

animal which it has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a
small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all, elephant has a long
nose, the trunk. An elephant is commonly seen in a zoo, it has hard found in
it natural habitat. General classification

The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature. This trunk has various usages.
The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its
body like a shower bath. The elephant’s trunk also lift leaves and put them
into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant as long arm and hand.
An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet an elephant can move very
The elephant is very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its
great strength makes an elephant a very useful servant to man. Elephant can
be trained to serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers
and even fight. An elephant is really a smart animal. Description

An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals.

generic participant

It is a strange looking animal which it has thick legs,

huge sides and backs ...

being verb having verb

The elephant draws up water by its trunk

simple present
Differences between descriptive and report
• Both the report and descriptive text try to show rather than tell the
reader about the factual condition of the object.
• What make different, between report and descriptive text, is the scope
of the written object. If we talk about, eg: bicycle, it belongs to report
text. It will talk about bicycle in general; its parts, physical strengh,
function for certain people or other general characters of bike.
• In the other hand, descriptive text will convey more focus, for example
"my bicycle" with its specific characters; colour, lengh, wheel style, etc.
• In short, report text describes the way of certain things and frequently
refer to phenomenon of nature, animal and scientific object. Mostly,
report is written after getting careful observation. The way of
descriptive text in showing thing is based on the objective fact of the
thing. It describe the specific thing simply as the thing is.
Let’s analyze the texts
• Please analyze these texts based on the genre
of the text, social function, generic structure,
and linguistic features as complete as possible
The City of Rome
Italy has some famous cities. One of them is Rome. It is a very
historical city. If you visit Rome, you will have plenty of chances to
see all sorts of great sights.
Rome can be traced through its mythology when it was founded
on . It was said that  twins of Romulus and Remus has founded the
city in 753 BC, on the date of April 21st. This  corresponds fairly
closely to archeological evidence, which shows farming
communities in the area. As the Catholic Church grew, Rome
became more and more important in both religion and politics.
Rome was one of the central leading cities in the Renaissance. It
is seen when visitors walk through the streets and see the various
buildings. The style was profoundly affected by the work of the
artists of the time. Visitors can see evidence of all sorts of artistic
influences, such as the Baroque palaces, the huge squares and
obelisks, and other structures throughout the city.
Rome is well known for its architecture. The colosseum is
one sample of famous Roman structures. It was once a grand,
ground-breaking amphitheatre, and was at the forefront of
architectural advancements in 70 AD. Since then it has fallen
apart slightly, but it still an astounding and imposing structure.
Modern Rome is a very busy place to go. It is considered a
cultural center for the region, and offers all the arts in various
forms. It has a thriving music scene, with several major concert
halls. Rome puts out a lot of movies every year, more so than
any other region of Italy. It is home to Cinecittà studios, the
biggest facility in Europe.
Brazilian Turtle
I have a little Brazilian turtle. I got it when I was fishing at the
river near my home. Normally, there is no that kind of turtle at
that river. I guess the turtle was belonged to somebody before
it escaped. That was my lucky day because I found it.
Looking at the size of the turtle, the age is around a year. The
colour is still yellowish green. Baby Brazilian turtle has green
colour and the colour will slowly change along its growth. That
turtle is a kind of water turtle but sometimes it stays at dry
place for a while. Thus, this turtle which is known as red-eared
slider is a semiaquatic turtle. A give it the name Kukurara. I keep
it at my pond and it seems like happy living there with my fish.
Sometimes it is swimming around but sometimes it does not
move at all on the stone in the middle of the pond. I don’t really
understand the right way to take care of turtle. As long as it
wants to eat, I think it will survive.
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse occurs when the position of the moon is between the
Earth and the Sun, thereby closing some or all of the sun’s light.
Although the moon is smaller, but the shadow of the Moon is able to
protect sunlight entirely because of the moon within an average
distance of 384 400 kilometers from Earth closer than Sun has an
average distance of 149 680 000 kilometers.
There are many types of solar eclipses, such as; total eclipse
occurs when the peak time of the eclipse, the orb of the Sun is
closed completely by an orb of the Moon. At that time, the Moon
orb as large as or larger than the orb of the sun. The sun disc size
and the orb moon itself depending on each distance Earth-Moon
and the Earth-Sun.
A partial eclipse occurs when the orb of the Moon (when the peak
eclipse) only cover part of the Sun orb. In this eclipse, there is always
a part of the Sun orb that is not covered by an orb of the Moon.
An annular eclipse occurs when the orb of the Moon
(when the peak eclipse) only cover part of the Sun orb.
This type of eclipse occurs when the size of the orb of
the Moon is smaller than the Sun orb. So that when the
orb Moon is in front of the orb of the Sun, disk of the
Sun will be not covered by a orb of the Moon. The sun
orb portion is not covered by an orb of the Moon. The
around the moon located and looks like a luminous ring.
Hybrid eclipse is a total eclipse and the shift between
the rings. At the point on the earth’s surface, this
eclipse appears as a total eclipse, whereas at other
points appear as a ring eclipse. Hybrid eclipses are
relatively rare.
Look at the solar photo sphere directly (the ring section
brighter than the Sun) is dangerous, because it resulted in
permanent damage to the eye’s retina due to high radiation
invisible emitted from the photo sphere. The damage caused can
result in blindness. Observe the solar eclipse requires special eye
protection or using viewed indirectly. The use of goggles to
watch the eclipse is not safe because it does not filter out
infrared radiation that can damage the eye’s retina. Due to the
rapid circulation of the Earth around the sun, the solar eclipse
could not have lasted more than 7 minutes and 58 seconds, so
that the observation should be done as soon as possible.

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