Kronos Use Cases - Oil and Gas - Updated

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Oil and Gas

Use Case Review


• Our use cases apply across the
Industry Segments. However, to
simplify the presentation, we
have placed use cases by
Industry Segments.

Industry Benefits
Exploration & Production
• The upstream oil and gas industry has long relied on sophisticated technology to safely find
and produce oil and gas resources originating under the earth’s surface

• Onshore or offshore, successful E&P requires a highly skilled workforce, including a firm’s own
employees as well as contractors in the areas of engineering, construction, and oil field

• Upstream is turning to technology to improve the effectiveness of its valuable labor resources

• Kronos provides workforce management tools which enable you to optimize the efforts of the
entire workforce so you can achieve your E&P goals in a  safe, cost effective and highly
productive manner


Automate Complex Pay Policies


• With a high degree of complexity in • Immediate processing of accurate 1. Reallocate FTEs that formerly
pay rules, variances commonly time data, applying site and union handled time and payroll
occurred between labor hours and specific pay rules to actual 2. Technology is flexible enough
paid hours resulting in significant employee clock times, made to handle 100% of the
over-payment to employees overtime and other adjustments organization’s pay policies
• Using ERP system to automate effortless across multiple sites and unions
timekeeping was expensive and • Pay rules and overtime equalization 3. Automated pay policies
required a great deal of manual were easily configured and reduced union grievances, labor
intervention to pay people updated without the need to write compliance disputes and over-
• Managers spent on average half a or modify code payment
day each week to manage, review • Management is alerted when an 4. Management given valuable
and approve their crews time cards timekeeping exception occurs and time back to work on revenue
requires their attention producing tasks

“As our labor policies change over time, Kronos’ building block approach is the fastest and most
effective way to keep up with those changes, on our own, without the need for heavy customization.”
- Senior IT Analyst/Manager


Job Costing and Joint Interest Building


• Unable to determine the true cost • Gained a single, integrated view 1. Reduced non-productive time
of labor associated by well or job. of labor, equipment, and WIP for all and drove efficiencies in labor
Resulted in inaccurate billing and activities, from setup to final quality processes
delays in payment inspection
2. Able to grow profit margin by
• Inaccurate labor budgets led to • Now capturing work orders from understanding and controlling
cost over-runs and increased ERP and production systems and actual labor expense
unplanned over-time passing back complete and
• Made operational decisions based accurate labor allocation data 3. Feeding labor cost information
solely on a limited high-level view • Able to find the true reasons for into corporate accounting and
of tasks, which hit the companies bottlenecks, quality issues, and billing systems for faster, more
bottom line directly inefficiencies accurate customer billing and

“With Workforce Activities, we can collect and analyze labor data across a wide range of criteria such as
employee, job code, department, and project. This insight, combined with detailed activity-by-activity data, gives
us much more control over productivity and labor costs.” - Business Systems Manager


• Tankers and pipelines are proven, efficient and economical means of connecting petroleum supply
and demand

• With both of these means of transportation proper workforce management can mean the difference
in meeting operational and safety goals
• PHMSA regulations and the Jones Act introduce industry requirements which mandate the need to
ensure proper HoS guidelines are met both in the field and in the control room
• Automated schedule enforcements and call list prioritization can ensure that the right resources is in
place at the right time, reducing fatigue related incidents


Scheduling to Meet Skill and Certification
• Encountered challenges related to • An optimized scheduling 1. Automated the labor scheduling
providing schedules that solution, integrated with automated process, so the right employees
maximize productivity while time and attendance that aligns are in the right place at the right
ensuring employee safety and labor needs with operational needs time
compliance with certifications • Managers create employee 2. Minimized compliance risk with
• Shift supervisors spent 8-10 hours schedules staffed with automated, uniform enforcement of
per week on scheduling issues appropriately trained and industry regulations, union
• Managing both the planned and certified employees easily with agreements, and/or organizational
unplanned time off is difficult and automated selection of best policies when scheduling
time consuming with a manual employee fit to job employees
scheduling process • When someone calls off, the
3. Managers not only reduced labor
system creates an open shift and a
costs by making more effective
call list of eligible & best fit
staffing decisions, they increased
replacement employees
safety and compliance

“In addition to cost savings, the other benefits that we have achieved with the Kronos system
include having the information we need to ensure that every person carrying out work on the site is
trained in those tasks. Over the long term it means fewer injuries, better work practices, and
- General Manager
improved compliance with federal regulations.” © KRONOS INCORPORATED │ 4/6/20 │ 7
Manage Unplanned Overtime


• Employee timekeeping data was a • Supervisors get alerts letting them 1. Real-time visibility into
week old, so managers couldn’t know when an employee is at risk employees’ hours lets managers
adjust schedules to avoid of entering overtime adjust schedules to avoid
unplanned overtime • Over-time rules are automated in unplanned overtime, while
• Complex union rules for awarding the system so that managers and meeting customer needs
overtime were difficult to adhere to supervisors can easily maintain 2. More efficient processes and
using manual tracking methods compliance with union and data accuracy have increased
and grievances were common company overtime contracts manager and employee
• Managers had no visibility into • Managers can access data in real- satisfaction and reduced
their employees’ actual worked time and make informed overtime compliance risk
time and had difficulty determining decisions based upon impact to
how they were doing against their labor budget
overtime and labor budgets

“By seeing overtime in our Kronos solution, managers can drive down
costs by sending employees home if needed.” - Vice President, Operations


• The transformation of crude oil into the products that enrich everyday lives is achieved through
complex processes in which equipment and labor play critical roles

• Kronos solutions provide real time visibility into the status of your refining operation – labor, work
in process, and equipment 
• This visibility translates into the ability to make better operational decisions. Decisions which can
help to increase productivity, improve resource utilization, minimize compliance risks, increase
safety and control operational expenses.




• Unable to effectively track employee • Employees can check their 1. Able to control incidental &
attendance, resulting in incorrect attendance status any time extended absences resulting in
recording of perfect attendance through self-service Kronos significant savings
bonuses and days off terminals
2. Standardized attendance policy
• Relied on paper records for • Attendance policies are enforced and centralized enforcement
tracking time and attendance consistently across the company significantly reduces absenteeism
accessing information from paper • Improved attendance tracking has and controls labor costs
files and three separate databases helped increase employee
• Attendance policies were not engagement and drive up moral 3. Accurate leave tracking improves
followed by some supervisors compliance with state and
resulting in favoritism and paying federal leave regulation
employees for time when they were
not working

“Kronos certainly saves me from having to argue with the union. Even looking at
it conservatively, I’d say that our union grievance rate has declined
- HR and Safety Director
between 25 and 30 percent.”
Schedule to Demand


• Struggled enforcing regulatory, • Able to minimize understaffing and 1. Increased employee engagement
union, and company policies and overstaffing by filling open shifts and minimized understaffing
generating a complete audit trail of with qualified candidates in and overstaffing
scheduling and staffing decisions minutes, rather than hours 2. Leverage integrated labor data
• Manually tracked overtime and • Removed the guesswork and to create optimized schedules and
made multiple phone calls to fill manual effort from scheduling of make real-time staffing decisions
open shifts staff to meet operational demands 3. Integration of timekeeping with
• Schedule problems often required • Employees are able to access their scheduling is helping drive better
the use of costly overtime to fill schedules in a familiar calendar overall staffing decisions that
open shifts. Had no way to assign view from time clocks, desktop self- improve the bottom line
shifts equitably in accordance with service, or their mobile phones
union rules

“All plant personnel are cross-trained in multiple functions in our operation, and all are certified in multiple disciplines.
This allows us to flex the entire plant toward key bottlenecks as they are defined. The Kronos scheduling solution
allows us to create optimized schedules and make real-time decisions.” - Plant Safety Manager


Fatigue Risk Management


• Unable to track employee work • Automated warnings and 1. Reduced the costs that result
days and time to DOT/ANSI/API prevention of over scheduling at from worker fatigue, including
RP 755 requirements and risk employees accidents, injuries, and
recommendations • Managers assign employees to absenteeism
• Checking schedules manually to shifts without having to sift 2. Enhance compliance with
prevent fatigue risk was too time through employee timekeeping ANSI/API RP 755 by
consuming, complicated and error records to ensure the limitations for automatically applying Hours of
prone putting employees and consecutive shifts or requirements Service Guidelines
employers at risk for rest between work sets are not 3. Reduced risk of non-compliance
• Determining the list of employees violated with fatigue management
who were eligible and available to • Automated skill and certification guidelines and fewer union
fill open shifts was cumbersome, verification allow supervisors to grievance filings related to FRM
time consuming and inaccurate make appropriate schedule swaps

“By more fully understanding these risks and costs, our firm has reduced absenteeism and
injuries, lessening the risk of accidents, and most notably increasing productivity and
improving quality in daily operations by reducing fatigue impaired work.” - Plant Safety Manager
• Carriers have to contend with unpredictability in the cost of fuel and equipment and the volume of
freight in their networks

• While a transportation management system can help you optimize routes, fuel consumption, and
the movement of goods throughout the channel, and an ERP system can provide transactional
data, if you’re not optimizing your workforce, you’re missing perhaps your greatest opportunity to
impact profit and service levels

• When you optimize employee productivity and control labor costs, you’re able to uncover hidden
capacity, increase margins, and gain a competitive edge


Attestation at End of Shift


• Had employees hand write if they • Provides a simple and easy-to- 1. Able to go back through
witnessed or were involved in a use process for collecting start of attestation responses when
safety incident at the end of their shift or end of shift safety incident employees wrongfully filed
shift information accident claims
• Manually tracked if safety • Also used for attesting to meal 2. When safety incident was noted,
inspection was done at start or end breaks management was able to follow
of shift • Employee Validates their hours proper documented procedures
• No way to have employees worked each day 3. Reduced employee grievances
validate the hours they worked and lawsuits


Time and Labor Reporting


• Generating reports was labor • Enhanced Safety Readiness 1. Supervisors and management are
intensive and expensive. Often program with on premise reporting able to make informed labor
times the data was not accurate or that helps identify staff on site in the decisions quickly and accurately,
timely. Some reports took days to event of an emergency improving productivity and
compile and get into managers • Now able to produce leave, backfill, reducing labor costs
hands and other reports in minutes, 2. All Kronos punch data is sent to
• No visibility into OT costs until instead of hours or days the system, giving executives
after the pay period often caused • Managers get information how they access to detailed information to
budget overages like it; consistent, familiar, and help them evaluate labor costs,
• Managers used week old reports easy for taking prompt action including unplanned overtime
to make labor adjustments in an and non-productive time
attempt to achieve on-time and on- 3. Labor audits made much easier
budget delivery because all decisions and data
are easily reportable

“We have seen a significant return on investment in going with Kronos by managing
overtime better and having one system instead of separate systems for payroll and HR
functions. Kronos gives managers visibility as employees approach overtime, -to keep Manager
Operations close
tabs on it to minimize labor costs.” © KRONOS INCORPORATED │ 4/6/20 │ 15
• To deliver exceptional service you need to recruit, select, and retain best-fit employees who can
provide the highest level of engagement and quality service customers expect from your brand

• It’s the new norm where customers set the bar on customer service expectations

• At Kronos, we’re uniquely positioned to help you follow through on your customer service promise
with our retail-specific suite of workforce management solutions


Validate Meal Breaks


• Were unable to ensure meal breaks • A simple and easy-to-use process 1. Improves enforcement of wage
were being properly enforced per for maintaining meal break and hour policies avoiding law
state and federal labor laws documentation suites and penalties
• Unable to validate that employees • Managers able to ensure meal 2. Easier than ever to enforce and
are not working during meal periods breaks are taken and for the validate employee meal time
• Had to pay in excess of $15M required time per state and federal compliance
dollars to settle legal claims for labor laws 3. Should an employee have to work
missed meal breaks • When employee invokes the “No through a meal break, they are
• Had no way to block employees Lunch” flag the auto-lunch-deduct automatically compensated per
from returning early from their for the day is canceled and the applicable labor law
meals supervisor is notified

“Failing to comply with government labor regulations and collective bargaining agreements
can lead to serious financial consequences and other repercussions. With Kronos, it makes it
easier for both managers and employees to comply with state, local, union,Manager
- Field Operations and
organization policies.” © KRONOS INCORPORATED │ 4/6/20 │ 17
ACA Compliance


• No way for capturing and recording • Maintain accurate employee ACA 1. Organization can show
hours worked to ensure accurate eligibility information and monitor compliance to Federal agencies
ACA compliance reporting employee eligibility changes through use of automated system
• Supervisors unable to easily automatically reports
validate that they are scheduling • Able to quickly schedule 2. Proper process and systems in
employee’s time in order to employees while maintaining place to ensure ACA compliance
minimize compliance risk while compliance with ACA hour issues are handled immediately
maintaining appropriate staffing requirements 3. Supervisors are able to quickly
levels • Easy-to-run reports containing schedule employees without
• Losing customers to competition employee time information and overscheduling or
as cuts in employee hours have these available to managers in understaffing
negatively impact customer service field locations

“Kronos helps you stay on top of ACA regulations and organization-specific

policies, so you’re better prepared to maintain accurate, consistent data and provide
proof of your ACA compliance efforts to the IRS and Department of Labor.” - Compliance Manager

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