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Making Predictions

What are predictions?

Which picture on the bottom is the best one for
the final picture? Move it next to the broken
Read the paragraph: Based on the text
evidence type in your prediction and then
type your evidence from the text.
Here is an example the
next slides you will do
on your own.
Mariah is a very conscientious girl. She had a hard day at school today.
Mariah found out that she failed a quiz, and two of her friends left her out
at recess. When she got home she grabbed the box of tissues and went
into her room.
My Predictions: Mariah is very sad and will go to her room alone and cry

Evidence: She grabbed a box of tissues and she had a hard day
Read the paragraph: Based on the text
evidence type in your prediction and then
show your evidence from the text.
Freenita lives near the community center where there is a swimming pool predictions
with a slide. I just saw her walking down the street with a towel and are your
goggles with two friends. own, but
Prediction: they must
Evidence: based on
from the
Read the paragraph: Based on the text
evidence type in your prediction and then show
your evidence from the text.

Jamie had skipped lunch to go to a student council meeting. His stomach

grumbled all through science class and on the bus after school. When he
got home he darted through the door and dropped his backpack.


Read the story about Jerry and Pip.

One Saturday morning Jerry woke up to hear barking. His puppy named Pip was
by his bed. “Please let me sleep a little longer,” Jerry whined. Instead of sitting
quietly by
the bed, Pip’s barking got louder and louder. Pip ran into the other room, grabbed
leash, and dropped the leash on Jerry’s bed. “Oh, all right,” Jerry said. “Let me get
dressed first.” Jerry rolled over and looked at the clock. With a sigh, he put on his
and picked up the leash. Pip jumped and twirled with excitement.
look for clues that can help you make a

Type in a clue or evidence from the story.

Clue # 1 Evidence:

Clue # 2 Evidence:

Clue # 3 Evidence:
Your Prediction for the ending of the
story: Must make sense based on
text evidence you have made.
Type below
I Predict:

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