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Sport Tourism Development

Chintan Bavishi
The intriguing nature of the business
of sport and tourism comes from the
fact that it knows no barriers of
language or culture; it spans every
sport imaginable, every age group
and every demographic; and it
includes both those who travel to
play or watch their sport of choice.

"Business of Sport Tourism"

Ross Biddiscombe, Sport Business Group Ltd.
Who are Sport Tourists?
• They must travel more than 80km and/or stay
overnight to attend, compete, or otherwise be
involved in a sporting event.

• Sport is the reason they travel - they would not

have otherwise traveled to that location had it not
been for that specific event.

as defined by the Canadian Tourism Commission and

the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance
Key Figures
• Over 200,000 sporting events held each year

• Sport Travel represents $2.4 billion in total

tourism spending, annually.

• The Economic Significance of Amateur Sport &

Active Recreation in Edmonton in 2000
Tourism Sector
• Do you have a community or regional tourism
– How are they involved in current sporting events?

• Critical partnership to maximizing tourist potential

for events (value-added services)
– Centralized booking system
– Attraction and event listings
– Cross-promotional opportunities
– Marketing and promotion expertise and resources
Economic Impacts
• It costs less to host an event that it does to have
your team travel to another’s
• Parents
• Hotels
• Restaurants
• Municipal Benefits (taxes and employment)
Economic Impacts
Sports Council assessment model :

• Over-night Stay Visitors

– Rs. ___per room night, Rs.___ hotel food expenses
– Rs.__ other food expenses, Rs.__admission to events
– Rs.___ Misc. Tourist attractions, Rs.___ Retail,
Petrol / Gas, Parking
– Rs. ________Total spent per day by visitors

• Day Visitors
– Rs.___ restaurant, Rs.___ Retail, Petrol / Gas,
Parking, Rs.___ Tourist Guide
– Rs.___ Total spent per day by day visitors
People Impacts
• Volunteer involvement, marketable job skill

• Introduction of new sports to the community

• Player, Coach & Referee/Officials development

• Cooperative learning from each other’s events

• Financial surpluses used in event legacies and

program improvements
Sport Impacts
• Increase variety of competitors to
continually learn and develop (both
coaches and players)

• Expose community to a new or

emerging sport creates opportunity
to grow the sport

• Capital investment, facility refit

Strategy Planning Template
• Assessing your community’s strengths &
• Sports with Potential
• Inventory (accommodations and facilities)
• Building a vision
• Identifying opportunities, dates
• Support Resources
• Action Planning
• Finalizing your strategy
Business Plan Template
• Help formulate the “why and how” of an
• Formulates goals and a concise direction
for the event
• Defines an organizational structure and
roles for each position
• Establishes timelines and critical paths
• Provides structure for detailed budget
• Different requirements for Bids vs
Manufactured Events
Where to Start
• Key Community Partners
– Parks & Rec, City Council, Sport Council, Hospitality
Industry, Economic Development/Chamber of
Commerce, School Boards, local post-secondary
• City and Club commitment to community
– Full-Time Sport Tourism & Marketing support
• Developing a Strategy
– Facility inventory, hotel capacity, shoulder seasons
– Growing sports, local natural assets
– Set priorities
– Create long-term plan
– Build relationships with professional event organizers
Manufacturing an Event
• Business Decision based on community needs
• Picking the sport and season
• Event naming after local sport hero
– Memorial Tournament, Classic
– Availability of hero for ceremonial duties
• Ensuring hotel and venue availability and
capping participation
• Community support through corporate and
volunteer sectors
• Recruiting, training and recognizing volunteers
• Logistics planning
Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi
Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi
• The Commonwealth Games are to be held in following
Aquatics, Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Cycling,
Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn Bowls, Net Ball, Shooting,
Squash, Rugby 7”s Table Tennis, Weightlifting and
Wrestling. . The Commonwealth Games are to be held in
following disciplines:  Aquatics, ARCHERY Athletics,
Badminton, Boxing, Cycling, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn
Bowls, Net Ball, RUGBY Shooting, Squash, Rugby ,
Table Tennis, Tennis , Weightlifting and Wrestling.
 Grace

Prospects of common wealth Games 2010 In
promoting Tourism In India :
Prospects of common wealth Games 2010 In promoting Tourism In India Along
With the Common Wealth Games In Delhi there will be impact on Various
Aspects :-
• Infrastructure
• Economy
• Tourism
• Hospitality
• Aviation
• Hotel Industries
• Recognition
• Brand India
• Tourist Destination
1 History of commonwealth games
Commonwealth games second major sporting event after Olympic games,
these games are inspired by Olympic games. The history of CWG is very
interesting, in the 18th century when British Empire ruled approx half of the
world , one person named Reverend Astley Cooper (in 1891) proposed that
their should be a grand sporting competition to bringing together the members
of British Empire. He wrote an article in Times newspaper and suggesting 
"Pan-Britannic-Pan-Anglican Contest and Festival every four years as a means
of increasing the goodwill and good understanding of the British Empire".  

After 20 years (in 1911) British Empire work on the suggestion of  Reverend
Astley Cooper and arrange a festival called 'Festival of Empire' that was held
in London to celebrate the coronation of King George V. In this festival some
games are also organized, teams like  United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa
and the  Australia taken part in events like  boxing, wrestling, swimming and
athletics. Winner of these games was Canada.
After 'Festival games' which was held in 1911 no further development took
place for 20 years. The first commonwealth games which known as 'British
Empire Games' at the time, was hosted by Canada in 1930 in Hamilton. In the
first CWG, 400 players from 11 countries took part. For cover the traveling cost
of the visiting countries , the City of Hamilton provided $30,000. Teams such
as  England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland,  Australia, New Zealand, Bermuda,
British Guiana, Newfoundland , South Africa and Canada took part.  The
events at this meeting comprised track and field athletics, swimming, rowing,
boxing and wrestling, and lawn bowls.

The Hamilton games (in 1930) get huge success and provide enough money
to make then regular after every four year. From the period of   1930 to 1950
the Games were known as the British Empire Games  then the name was
changed to the British Empire and Commonwealth Games until 1962. From
1966 to 1974 they had the title of British Commonwealth Games and from
1978 onwards they have been known as simply the Commonwealth Games.
2 Commandos aboard copters keep vigil on CWG Villag
NEW DELHI: Helicopters with armed were today pressed into service to ensure
a ground-to-air security cover at and around the Commonwealth Games Village
and the competition here. 

Helicopters of Indian Army were seen hovering over the Games Village, which
has a total build-up area of 63.5 hectare, at regular intervals. 

Official sources said the helicopters have been deployed to bolster the entire
security mechanism with troops of Delhi Police, paramilitary forces and the
National Security Guard commandos handling the responsibility on the land. 

The government has also decided to deploy three Unmanned Aerial

Vehicles (UAVs) for Games security to carry out surveillance and keep vigil
at regular intervals. 

More than one lakh security personnel have been deployed for the Games
including about 175 companies (17500 personnel) of paramilitary forces,
3000 commandos, 100 anti-sabotage teams, 200 dogs and 15 bomb
disposal squads. 
About 150 personnel of the Delhi Police's Special Weapons and Tactics Team
(SWAT) have been trained by the Indian Air Force and the NSG to shoot down
suspicious manned or unmanned "flying objects". 

Seventy one countries and territories are participating in the event scheduled
from October 3-14. 

Delhi Police and central security agencies are striving hard to ensure a smooth
Games, which is being hosted by the country for the first time. 

The Games Village has been transformed into a fortress with over 1,000
security personnel, helped by a plethora of safety gadgets and armed
commandos, guarding the premises on 24-hour basis. 

Along the routes at different corners of the city, Quick Reaction Team (QRT)
vehicles were parked with gun totting personnel keeping a close eye on the
movement of traffic. 

NSG snipers will also be positioned at different points at the venues and along
the routes to thwart any sabotage attempt or probable terror attacks.
Security Cordon of CWG Games
Delhi will have a 4-layer security cordon for the Commonwealth Games to be held on
October 3-14, 2010, covering all the venues, including the various sporting facilities and the
Games Village.
All the venues related to the Games will be protected by 4 layers of tight security – the
outer, middle, inner and the exclusive levels.
The elaborate and “impregnable” security plan includes patrolling, deployment of
plainclothesmen, widespread anti-sabotage checks, quick-reaction teams, commando
strike teams, snipers, and bomb-disposal squads.
In all, 71 teams as well as dignitaries from 52 countries are expected to be present at the
Delhi Commonwealth Games.
In addition, there will be extensive aerial reconnaissance over the entire area, Neeraj
Kumar, Special Commissioner of Police (Administration), New Delhi, told reporters while
unveiling the elaborate and complex security arrangements for the mega-event.
The outer ring will constitute monitoring of park-and-ride facilities, surveillance via closed-
circuit television cameras (CCTVs), and access-control steps such as soft-checking of
In the middle security cordon, both visitors and spectators will be “channelised” to
designated seats at the venues concerned. The middle ring will have, apart from electronic
surveillance, snipers positioned on rooftops.
In the inner cordon, tickets will be re-checked using barcode-screening and also by using
photos of the spectators taken. Vehicles of the VIPs, visiting dignitaries, officials of the
organizing committee and of the participants and their families will get checked through pre-
allotted radio-frequency identification, under-vehicle scanners and licence-plate scanners.
Boom barriers, road-blockers and tyre-killers will be put in place in order to prevent forcible
entry into any of the venues.
Any entry to the innermost level, or the exclusive zone, will be permitted only after a person
is screened through manual frisking; door-frame detectors, metal detectors and hand-held
detectors; X-ray baggage scanners; and closed-circuit television cameras.
According to Special Commissioner of Police (Administration) Neeraj Kumar, the ‘holistic’
security plan is to be carried out in coordination with civic, medical, intelligence and security
The elaborate security arrangements for the Delhi Commonwealth Games is to cover the
Games Village, the 12 venues for sporting competitions, the 15 venues for standalone
practice, over 50 standalone parking sites, the 9 hotels where the dignitaries stay, the central
logistical centres located on the Mathura Road, the media centre at Pragati Maidan, besides
the entire Delhi city in general.
A hub named the Command, Control, Communication, Coordination and Integration Centre
is being established at the Delhi Police Headquarters in order to ensure real-time
coordination among the various monitoring and assisting agencies. And, these different
agencies will stay interconnected via wireless sets, landline phones, mobile phones, hotlines,
and the Tetra trunk system.
Expert teams to respond to improvised explosives devices (IEDs) as well as chemical,
biological, nuclear and radiological explosives will be stationed at all key location in and
around the sporting and residential facilities.
From the skies, planes of the Indian Air Force (IAF) and helicopter-borne assault teams will
guard all the facilities below.
The police are taking every possible step to ensure fool-proof security for the
Commonwealth Games, Neeraj Kumar said at the press briefing.
All policemen will be issued what is called “non-cloneable” identity cards in order to prevent
any impersonation.
Neeraj Kumar said that, learning lessons from the terror attack on cricketers from Sri
Lankan in Lahore, Pakistan, earlier in 2009, the Delhi police would be providing an
exclusive lane, shielded by securitymen, for vehicles that carry the participants of the
Games. All possible journey routes have already been identified, and alternative routes
also have been planned as a measure of precaution.
All residential complexes, hotels and parking lots in the entire area will be “sanitised” and
closed one week before the Games kicks off.
Hotel-related precautions include checking of the antecedents of all the hotel staff and
checking of the food for the participants.
All the participants will be escorted by armed commandos; vehicles carrying the athletes
and officials will be subjected to anti-sabotage checks each morning; 
antecedents of all the drivers will be verified; and fuelling and parking will be only at
designated places.
The Union Cabinet has approved a proposal by the Electronics Corporation of India Limited
(ECIL) for an Integrated Security System (ISS) for the Commonwealth Games.
The ISS, costing Rs 370 crore, is to cover all venues used for competitions and training as
well as the Games Village. The security system will be in place by March 31, 2010.
Seven days before the Games starts, a crack team of commandos, the Special Operations
Group (SOG), will take over the security of Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport in Delhi,
where a large number of athletes, officials, dignitaries and spectators are to land.
The SOG, which will be the first to react to any emergency at the airport, will stay in place 5
more days after the event is over.
Meanwhile, Stephen Smith, Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, who is on a visit to
India, said in New Delhi that Australia had offered to share with India its experience in
organising security for the Commonwealth Games.
Melbourne, in Australia, had hosted the Commonwealth Games in 2006.
Smith said that the government of Australia is satisfied with the security arrangements for
the Delhi Games.
Delhi has a vibrant
hospitality industry with
almost all major world-
class hotels and
restaurants located
here. However, the
current capacity will be
insufficient to handle
the huge influx of
visitors expected into
Delhi for the XIX
Commonwealth Games
2010 Delhi.
Impact of Commonwealth Games on
Indian Tourism Industry
• The gala event will prove a boon for the
tourism of India as their will be huge influx
of tourists coming to India which will stir
up Tour and Travel, Hotel, Airlines,
Industries. ASSOCHAM (Associated
Chambers of Commerce and Industry of
India) has estimated the influx of tourists
may be higher than ten million. The event
also has generated many job opportunities.
The current growth of Indian Hospitality
Industry is 12% which will surely rise to at
least 20% and thereby the occupancy rate
of it would be 70%. Many new projects
have come up and numerous others are in
their developmental stage.
• Not only Hospitality Industry, but Medical
Tourism will also a high boom in 2010
because of the upcoming event. If the
reports of RNCOS are to be seen, it states
that India will be receiving many Medical
Tourist because of the gala affair. The
industry experts also believe that
Commonwealth Games would make a
considerable and influential impact on
Indian Tourism Industry.
Sports and Leisure
The geographical diversities of India open up great avenues for adventure
sports and activities
• . Business tours combined with
active sports activities are
becoming highly popular.
• Commonwealth games have
drawn sports professionals to
India and will do so in all the
future sports events in India.
• There are many traditional
games in India which tourists
take great interest; one such
sport is the famous boat race of
India is top destination offering
tourists with great and excellent
scope for skiing in the
Himalayan ranges, going on
bicycle tour on the Indian roads
or canoeing or whitewater
rafting in the hilly streams and
Cultural Tourism
• Among the various states for cultural
tourism in India, Rajasthan is the most

• Rajasthan is famous for its rich cultural

Promotion Of Tourist Destinations
• The government of
India has set up the
Ministry of Tourism and
Culture to boost cultural
tourism in India. The
ministry in recent years
has launched the
‘Incredible India!’
campaign and this has
led to the growth of
culture tourism in India.
• According to a press release
of The Associated Chambers
of Commerce and Industry of
India (ASSOCHAM) dated 17
September 2009, Ayurvedic
and Medical Tourism
industries will be benefitted
by 2010 Commonwealth
Games in India as these are
expected to fetch them over
Rs. 800 crore of revenue.
Aurvedic Industry is
currently dominated by
Kerala and Karnataka, but
soon States like Uttarakhand,
Himachal Pradesh and Uttar
Pradesh too would become
hub for aurveda/spa or
medical tourism.
Bed and Breakfast Accommodations
• The power ministry,
empowered to light up the city
for the Games, has initiated
steps to clear the mess
overhead, and the tourism
ministry is cleaning up the
squalor around the budget
hotels in Paharganj and Karol
Bagh earmarked to meet the
demand for accommodation.
The motels and guest houses,
some of which are badly
maintained, will be graded by
the Delhi Tourism and
Transportation Development
Corporation (DTTDC) once the
renovations are over.
Medical Facilities
• The Delhi government has
decided to construct 36
hospitals in New Delhi, in
the run-up to the 2010
Commonwealth Games.
Some of these hi-tech
hospitals will be built in the
Trans-Yamuna area of
DelhiInitially a fund of
Rs.150 million has been
planned for the
construction of the
hospitals, but more funds
will be made available as
and when needed.
Power Supply
• Addition of power supply
to the existing 3,500 MW
supply available to the

• Delhi will see the

availability of power
enhanced to 7,000 MW
from the present 4,000
MW by the
Commonwealth Games in
Green Delhi
• Government wants to turn green Delhi
into lush green this time before the
2010 Commonwealth Games.

• Its horticulture department has sown

41,000 species of plants at Roshanara
Bagh which are likely to flower during
the Games period.

• Some of the trees being grown by the

MCD include Plumeria Alba,
Plumeria Acutifolia, Lagerstromia
Flosreginae, Colvillea Racemosa,
Bougainvillea, Hisbiscus, Lantana,
Cassia alata, Jatropha, Neem, Ashoka
tree etc. It also plans to sow five lakh
plants and shrubs so that they are
ready by then.
Clean Delhi
• Delhi will look more clean than
ever before in the coming 2 years.

• With an eye on the

Commonwealth Games 2010, the
MCD has taken up the task of
civilising unruly citizens before the

• The MCD is finalising the rules for

implementing the new fines for
littering public places, and willing
to take the help of private sector
organisations to impose the fines
on the spot.
Factors raising effective impact of Common Wealth
Games on Tourism: what India could benefit from

• State-of-art technology deployments will help in ensuring world-class management of

Delhi city during the event and also leave a sure, culturally strong imprint as valuable
legacy of classy Indian hospitality on visitors to the CWG Delhi, 2010 while major
economic boost from the CWG will raise tourism opportunities for our country, if basic
amenities and modern tourist needs are kept in mind while formulating and promoting
specialized tourism sectors.

• Eco-tourism and total wellness packages including ancient exercise and relaxation,
toning, breathing and strengthening routines are likely choices that guarantee global
tourist interest and are bound to be crowd-pullers during CWG.

• While earlier host nations of CWG directed their tourism budget towards raising
standards of basic and luxury amenities, including novelty factor for tourists and
sportspersons, other areas of redevelopment covered bridge and road links to and
from the host city to neighboring regions and specialty tourism spots.

• These can be developed as mini-villages offering bountiful shopping, eating, local

customs, drama and theatre, music, dance and associated learning and living
experiences that are essentially Indian, therefore attractive to outsiders.
Eco-tourism and total wellness packages
Schedule of Events
What you will provided here will generalized information about Commonwealth Games 2010 that is to be
held in India. Information that will help you to prepare yourself with all the required information
about the event and when it happens.
Date 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Opening Ceremony J.N. Stadium(JNS) ●                      
Closing Ceremony J.N. Stadium(JNS)                       ●
1. Aquatics SPM Swimming Pool Complex   ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●  
2. Archery IG Sports Complex & India Gate / Red                        
3. Athletics J.N Stadium(JNS)         ● ● ● ● ● ● ●  
4. Badminton Siri Fort Sports Complex   ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●  
5. Boxing Talkatora Indoor Stadium   ● ● ● ● ● ● ● R ●    
6. Cycling I. G. Indoor Stadium complex   ● ● ● ●   ●       ●  
7.Gymnastics I. G. Indoor Stadium complex   ● ● ● R ● ●   ● ● ●  
8. Hockey Maj. Dhyan Chand National Stadium   ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●  
9. Lawn Bowls J.N Stadium(JNS)   ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●    
10. Netball Tyagaraj Sports Complex   ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●  
11. Rugby 7s Delhi University     ● ●                
12. Shooting Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range   T ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●  
13. Squash Siri Fort Sports Complex   ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●  
14. Table Tennis Yamuna Sports Complex   ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●  
15. Tennis R K Tennis Complex                        
16. Weightlifting J.N Stadium(JNS)     ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●    
17. Wrestling I. G. Indoor Stadium complex     ● ● ● ●            

One of the biggest sports festivals of the world the Commonwealth Games
2010 will kick up on 3rd Oct 2010 and will continue up to 14th of that
month. The detail schedule of the event along with its venue is given
Opening Ceremony - Oct 3, 2010 at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium
Closing Ceremony - Oct 14, 2010 at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium.

Date Sports Event

04-Oct Aquatics, Badminton, Boxing, Cycling, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn Balls, Net Ball, Squash,
Table Tennis
05-Oct Aquatics, Badminton, Boxing, Cycling, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn Balls, Net Ball, Rugby 7s,
Squash, Table Tennis, Shooting, Weight Lifting, Wrestling
06-Oct Aquatics, Badminton, Boxing, Cycling, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn Balls, Net Ball, Rugby 7s,
Squash, Table Tennis, Shooting, Weight Lifting, Wrestling
07-Oct Aquatics, Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Cycling, Hockey, Lawn Balls, Net Ball, Squash, Table
Tennis, Shooting, Weight Lifting, Wrestling
08-Oct Aquatics, Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn Balls, Net Ball, Squash,
Table Tennis, Shooting, Weight Lifting, Wrestling
09-Oct Aquatics, Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Cycling, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn Balls, Net Ball,
Squash, Table Tennis, Shooting, Weight Lifting
10-Oct Aquatics, Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Hockey, Lawn Balls, Net Ball, Squash, Table Tennis,
Shooting, Weight Lifting
11-Oct Aquatics, Athletics, Badminton, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn Balls, Net Ball, Squash, Table
Tennis, Shooting, Weight Lifting
12-Oct Aquatics, Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn Balls, Net Ball, Squash,
Table Tennis, Shooting, Weight Lifting
13-Oct Aquatics, Athletics, Badminton, Cycling, Gymnastics, Hockey, Net Ball, Squash, Table Tennis,
Participating Countries
Commonwealth of Nations is an organization of 53 countries
across the globe. They were erstwhile British colonies. To
improve the society and general well-being of the people is a
major objective of the Commonwealth of Nations. This can be
achieved through encouragement and assistance of education
via sports development and physical recreation. To fulfill this
there is a Commonwealth Games Federation that organizes a
quadrennial sporting event among the member nations of the
Commonwealth popularly known as Commonwealth Games.

Almost all Commonwealth countries participates in this mega

multi-sports events with full enthusiasm. 

Currently 85 nations planning to field teams at the 2010

Commonwealth Games.

This figure is the highest considering the past Commonwealth


This phenomenal increase in the number of participating nations

has made this events the second biggest sporting event after
Olympic Games.

As we look back Commonwealth Games has started with

participation of mere 11 nations and 400 athletes in 1930. In the
last Commonwealth Games a total of 71 countries participated.

Delhi has witnessed over 8500 athletes from 85 countries. The

list of countries is given below in alphabetical order.
Closing Ceremony
Commonwealth Games 2010 Closing Ceremony is to be held at Jawaharlal Nehru
Stadium, New Delhi, India on 14th October. The closing ceremony is to include certain

Like the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony will also to be attended by celebrities
 from sports, flim and political fraternity. There will be some livelydance and music
performance by Indian and foreign artists. 

This event will also consist of a small presentation on the next Game in 2014 in
Glasgow, display of lightning and fireworks, presence and dance of celebrities and
Commonwealth nation’s flag parade. The program was followed by a short promotional
video of the next Commonwealth Games. 

During the 2010 Commonwealth Games Closing Ceremony, the Commonwealth

Games Ceremonial Flag will be handed to Glasgow, which will be the next host city. 

In addition to this Delhi Government is going to organize big cultural events on the
closing day. This cultural programme will comprise dance, music, folk and modern
music, screening of films and puppet shows. Through this government will showcase
Delhi's composite culture as well as the diversity of Indian culture.
• Commonwealth Games 2010 came to an end on Thursday, for the first time in
history Indian players won more than 100 medals in Commonwealth Games. A
record medal haul of 36 bronze, 27 silver and 38 gold medals, this was the best
ever glean for the country in the sports history. With 101 medals India stood at
2nd position in the Commonwealth Games.

• Maximum medals came from wrestling, shooting, boxing and archery events.
Tennis and badminton players also brought couple of medals, the 12-day
Commonwealth Games festival came to an end by Thursday. CWG board
members arranged all the required facilities for the players, ending ceremony
celebrations and laser shows impressed the crowds

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