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Kelompok 3
- Agum Gumilar
- Riskanawati
- Retno Wati
- Mirna Prihatiningsih
What is Simultaneous Interp
reting?  A guide.
Simply put, simultaneous interpreting is the process
of listening to, comprehending, and instantaneously t
ranslating a speaker’s statements into another langua
This method of interpreting is generally (but not excl
usively) used in large-scale conferences and internati
onal meetings when two or more languages are spok
• How simultaneous interpreting works
1- The speaker speaks the “floor language” into a microphone.
The floor language can change throughout the event dependin
g on what languages the speakers use.
2 – The floor language is broadcast directly to an interpreter wh
o listens through a headset in a soundproof booth.
3 – The interpreter simultaneously speaks into a microphone in
the “target language” (aka the foreign language) which is broad
cast to delegates through wireless headsets. This allows for del
egates to understand what is being said in real time, as though
the presenter were speaking to them directly in their native lan
• Advantages of Simultaneous Interpreting
As the name suggests, simultaneous interpreting happens i
n real-time. It provides a seamless experience for both the d
elegates and the speaker as there are no pauses needed for
the interpreter.
Additionally, simultaneous interpreting can cater for multipl
e languages, giving delegates the choice to follow proceedin
gs in their preferred language. Simultaneous interpreting is
n’t just about providing a services to existing conference – it
can open up whole new markets to conferences and, more i
mportantly, attract new delegates and increase attendance.
• Simultaneous Interpreting Equipment
Organising an event that requires simultaneous interpreting will call fo
r a lot of equipment. You’ll need microphones, headsets, receivers and
booths to name just a few.
Even seasoned event organisers can find it tricky to know exactly what
interpreting equipment is needed. So, to help everyone out, we’ve put
together a blog post about simultaneous interpreting equipment that
covers everything you need to know.
• a. Simultan (Simultaneous Interpretation) 
Penerjemah (interpreter) menerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa target sec
epat mungkin, sementara pembicara bahasa sumber terus berbicara. 
• b.  Konsekutif (Consecutive Interpretation) 
Penerjemah (interpreter)berbicara setelah pembicara
bahasa sumber selesai berbicara. 
• Dalam melakukan penafsiran biasanya interpreter
menggunakan alat bantu.
• Seperti :
• a. Note taking (catatan yang dibawa)
Fungsi dari note taking adalah membantu interpreter
mengingat apa yang baru saja disampaikan oleh spea
ker atau pembicara. Dan dalam menulispun interpret
er hanya mengambil apa yang dianggap penting dan
dapat di kembangkan. Biasanya interpreter hanya me
nulis dalam bentuk symbol.
Misalnya : 4 u = for you, 4ever = forever
                   To u = to you

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