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Keeping the dust down

Impact of Sandstorms on
Health & Safety of the Public

 Understand why Public Health is concerned with sandstorms.

 Know who is at risk.

 Know why a group is considered high risk.

 Know what you can do to protect yourself and others.

 Share information resources.

Why is Public Health worried about

Our Fundamental Mission and Duty:
Why is Public Health worried about

Legislative Reasons

 The Clean Air Act of 1970.

 Natural Events Policy.

 Clean Air Act Amendments 1990.

Why is Public Health worried about Dust
and Sandstorms?

Health Concerns

 Inhaled deeply into lungs, dust can:

 Increase breathing problems,

 Damage lung tissue,

 Trigger allergic reactions.

Why is Public Health worried about Dust
and Sandstorms?

Health Concerns
 Inhaled deeply into lungs, dust can:
 Aggravate existing health problems:
 Asthma,

 Bronchitis,

 Cardiovascular disease.
Why is Public Health worried
about Dust and Sandstorms?

Health Concerns

 Prolonged and unprotected exposure of the respiratory system

in a dust storm can also cause silicosis, which, if left untreated,

will lead to asphyxiation.

 Silicosis is an incurable condition that may also lead to lung

Why is Public Health worried
about Dust and Sandstorms?

Health Concerns

 There is also the danger of keratoconjunctivitis sicca

("dry eyes") which, in severe cases without

immediate and proper treatment, can lead to

Why is Public Health worried
about Dust and Sandstorms?

Health Concerns

 The dry air and dust causes chapped and cracked fingers and hands,

reducing manual dexterity.

 The areas of the body that collect sand and dust, such as the ears, armpits,

groin, knees and feet, are likely to experience chafing, abrasion and,

possibly, fungal, viral or bacterial infections, such as Valley Fever,

Ringworm or MRSA.
Why is Public Health worried
about Dust and Sandstorms?


 Reduced visibility,

 Disorientation / Loss of Direction,

 Risk of injury.
Close to home

 Two People Killed, Two Critical After 17 Vehicle Pile

up on Interstate 20 in Midland County.mp4

Why is Public Health worried
about Dust and Sandstorms?

Economic Impact

 Impaired health of animals and vegetation,

 Reduced crop production,

 Reduced quality of life.

Who is at risk?

Groups at risk due to health reasons include:

 Infants, children, & teens,

 Elderly,

 People with asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, or other

respiratory aliments.
Who is at risk?

Groups at risk due to health reasons include:

 People with heart disease,

 Healthy adults working or exercising vigorously

Who is at risk?

Groups at risk due to safety and / or economic reasons

 Everyone.
What can I do to protect the health of
myself and others?

 Avoid going outside during severe dust storms,

 Wear some type of covering over your nose and


 Wash your face and eyelids several times per day to

reduce the dust buildup.

What can I do to protect the health of
myself and others?

 Breathe through a wet cloth or coat the nostrils with

a small amount of petroleum jelly to keep the

membranes from drying out,

 Protect your lips with lip balm.

What can I do to protect the health of
myself and others?

 Wear goggles to protect your eyes whenever possible

during sandstorms,

 Wear long sleeve shirts,

 Button top button and turn collar up on shirt,

 Use a moisturizing lotion to protect the hands and skin.

What can I do to maintain the safety of
myself and others?

 If you are working outside during a sandstorm:

 Take cover inside a solid structure if possible,

 Watch for flying debris.

What can I do to maintain the safety of
myself and others?

 If you are driving:

 Pull over and get off of the road as far as possible,

 Do NOT turn on hazard lights if stopped as this

increases the likelihood of a rear-end collision.

What can I do to maintain the safety of
myself and others?

 If you driving during a sandstorm and MUST

continue driving:

 Keep both hands on the steering wheel,

 Slow down,

 Turn hazard lights on.

What can I do to maintain the safety of
myself and others?

 If you are driving during a sandstorm and MUST continue


 Use the center divider line as a guide,

 Honk horn periodically,

 Watch for objects blowing across the roadway and into your

What can I do to maintain the safety of
myself and others?

 If you are driving during a sandstorm and MUST continue driving:

 Keep a safe distance from cars in adjacent lanes as strong gusts

could push a car outside its lane of travel,

 Take extra care in a high-profile vehicle such as a truck, van,

SUV, or when towing a trailer, as these are more prone to be

pushed or even flipped by high wind gusts.

Haboob don’t play

 Driving Through Arizona Dust Storm (Haboob)- July

21, 2012.mp4


 National Weather Service


 Texas Department of Transportation

 Arizona Department of Transportation


 Adventure Magazine: How to survive a sandstorm

 How to prepare for a dust storm

 How to Survive a Dust Storm or Sandstorm

 Scouting Emergency Preparedness


   Desert Survival Skills

  Survival Kit for Desert Travel

 Ken Burns: The Dust Bowl

 The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those W

ho Survived the Great American Dust Bowl

 Discussed why Public Health is concerned with sandstorms.

 Identified who is at risk.

 Discussed why a group is considered at risk.

 Discussed protective measures.

 Shared resources
Thank you

 John Floyd


 432-681-7648

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