Analysis of Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) Tea As A Weight Loss Agent

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“Analysis of Turmeric

(Curcuma longa) tea as a

Weight Loss Agent”
 The study was conducted to know whether Turmeric tea consumption have an effect to the body,
specifically for weight loss. There were 10 participants in the study ranging from the age 42-50 who
consumed the tea within 2 weeks every night. The researchers then observed the participants and weigh
them every week to keep track their daily intake. They had a comparative analysis of the weight of the
respondents before and after taking Turmeric. Survey questionnaires are also given for them to answer,
in order to further elaborate the effects, it had in their body. After gathering and analysing the results we
hereby conclude that Turmeric does have an effect to the body, regarding weight loss, but that does not
necessarily cause any major changes. The participants also clarified that their daily Turmeric tea
consumption did not cause any harm nor side effects. It is definitely safe to consume but only with
proper dosage. Turmeric can be used for weight loss but not as a definite alternative. In this case we
recommend proper diet and daily exercise to be combined with the consumption of Turmeric tea to
achieve better results. It must also be taken for a long period of time with the right amount for it to have
major results in one’s weight.
 In a world where modern science is able to enhance the quality of the medicines we use, there are still
some people who prefer herbal medication. Most people use this not only because it’s organic, but is
also cheap compared to prescribed drugs. And because of this, it can be perceived that the increasing
popularity and acceptability of herbal medicine is a belief that all natural products are nontoxic,
inexpensive, and are readily available. Herbal medicine was being used as early as the 19 th century,
and up to this day, is still being used by many people. According to World Health Organization
(WHO), 60% of the world’s population relies on herbal medicine and about 80% of the population in
emerging countries depends almost totally on it for their primary health care needs. Although herbal
medicine may be used by many, researchers are still uncertain on its validity and effectiveness, and
thus, further study is still being made if herbal medicine is as effective compared to prescribed drugs.
 “Eating is one of the Great Pleasures of Life” says by Adam Mansbach (2008). Well who doesn’t love
to eat especially when the food is good? Of course, no one. But not until it leads to Obesity and
Digestive Diseases.
 Obesity is a medical condition which results to abnormal and excessive fat accumulation that increases a
person’s risk to acquire other diseases and health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, high
cholesterol, and digestive problems.
 Digestive diseases are disorders of the digestive tract or gastrointestinal tract. In digestion, the food you
eat are broken down into tiny parts called nutrients which the body absorbs to be used as energy. Proper
digestion is very important or else it will lead to mild- severe problems wherein a person can experience
extreme pain. Some of the most common digestive
 Anyone may encounter this problem. But the good thing is that the remedy can actually be in your
kitchen which is “Turmeric”. Most people aren’t aware about the health benefits turmeric can provide.
For it is only commonly used as an ingredient for your food. Just like in curry and other Indian cuisines.
Consuming turmeric as food or tea is very beneficial for our body especially for digestion because of its
healing properties. It can aid digestive problems, and also moderates fats in our body. Who knows that a
cup of turmeric tea can actually cure this disease.
 Though turmeric may be a cure to some diseases. Excessive drinking may actually worsen your
condition. In a report according to the site Rxlist, a person who took s very high amounts of turmeric,
over 1500 mg twice daily, experienced a grievous abnormal heart rhythm. However, the statement is
imprecise whether turmeric was the actual cause of this side effect. Nevertheless, turmeric tea is still
advisable to consume but only with proper dosage. It does not have any particular side effects though
some people may experience nausea, upset stomach and diarrhea which is unlikely and infrequent.
 The only issue about turmeric is that it is somewhat dangerous to consume for people, during
pregnancy and breastfeeding for it might promote menstrual period or stimulate the uterus putting the
pregnancy at risk. As well as for the people with gallbladder problems, intake of turmeric can make
their condition severe especially for people who have gallstones or a bile duct obstruction. Same goes
to all those people who have bleeding problems and hormone-sensitive condition such as breast cancer,
uterine fibroids. Intake of turmeric may only worsen your condition. Consultation is a must before
 On the other hand, people still rely on the medicine prescribed by doctors for they assume that it is the
easiest way for them to ameliorate the pain they are feeling. But there are ways to ease their pain
without having the chemicals involved. One shall always keep in mind that all herbal supplements
should be used with caution, even if it is organic. One shall be cautious with the side effects it can give
because anything that is too much may cause harm. Turmeric and especially curcumin, its most active
compound have many scientifically proven health benefits, such as potential to prevent heart disease,
Alzheimer’s and cancer. It is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant also helps improve symptoms
of depression, digestive problems, arthritis.
The objective of this research is to bring clinical based evidence to both practitioners and consumers as to how
turmeric really show its anti-inflammatory effect in alternative medicine in curing digestive problems. The
researchers also aimed to know if turmeric is a viable alternative to weight loss. Also to spread awareness to
those people who do not know this kind of treatment, facts, side effects and especially knowledge if it really is
safe to use as a weight loss agent and alternative medicine.
 Turmeric is very beneficial to human health. That is why the researchers aim to contribute this knowledge to
other people, for turmeric is affordable and easily available mostly in all places. And is very salutary especially
for people who can’t afford to buy expensive medicines.
But if the question is what can turmeric do for you? Well it can do a lot, apparently because turmeric is already
proven here in the Philippines by many people. First, it fights inflammation, second, it regulates your mood, third
it can improve your complexion because the health edges of turmeric extend on the far side internal health. The
medicinal properties of turmeric also can boost the complexion once applied locally, boosting radiance and
dominant oily skin. And the fourth one is, it balanced your blood pressure ‘The blood sugar effects of turmeric
make it a great opinion for those with type 1 or type 2 diabetes” says by McCarthy. And lastly it helps in
detoxifying your body. Who knows that one of the best medicine can actually be found easily, especially now
that it’s gaining its name here in our country. So let’s cure diseases the natural way.
Scope and Delimitation

 This study investigates the relationship between daily Turmeric tea and weight loss. The side effects
during the time of investigation shall be considered. Only 10 respondents will be included in the study.
The age of the participants is 42-50 and Turmeric tea will be consumed every night within 2 weeks .
Significance of the study

 The significance of the conducted study is to know whether daily Turmeric tea consumption have any
relationship regarding weight loss. The findings in this study tends to spread information and knowledge
about the benefits a person can get upon drinking Turmeric tea. It will also be a significant endeavor to
reduce one’s weight the natural way. Furthermore, it also manifests if daily Turmeric tea intake have any
side effects and if it is safe to consume especially to human body.
Review of Related Literature
 Is Turmeric an Effective Remedy for Weight Loss?

 - Charushila Biswas

 One of the reasons of weight gain is low-grade metabolic inflammation. Turmeric contains a polyphenol,
curcumin that possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity properties. This property of curcumin helps
to suppress white adipose tissue inflammation. Curcumin also inhibits fat cell proliferation and promotes
adiponectin secretion, an anti-inflammatory agent secreted by fat cells.
 Another way in which turmeric helps weight loss is by regulating sugar levels and preventing insulin
resistance. As a result, excess fat is not retained in your body. People who are overweight or obese are
prone to diabetes, eating turmeric protects them from this condition.
Review of Related Literature
 How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

 -Healthline

 Weight loss occurs when you consistently consume fewer calories than you burn each day.

 Conversely, weight gain happens when you consistently eat more calories than you burn.

 Gender (women generally burn 5–10% fewer calories than men at rest. Thus, men tend to lose weight
quicker than women following a diet equal in calories)
 Age (Young people tend to have faster metabolism than old people 70+)

 Sleep (Sleep deprivation leads to type 2 diabetes and obesity)

 Calorie deficit (600 to 2,400 calories per day for adult women and 2,000 to 3,000 calories per day for
adult men)
 Though weight loss may occur faster at the start of a program, experts recommend a weight loss of 1–3
pounds (0.45–1.36 kg) per week, or about 1% of your body weight.
Review of Related Literature
 Weight Loss: Here's how Turmeric can help you lose weight!

 - TNN

 Turmeric is anti-obesity

 A 2009 study conducted on mice at the Tufts University, found that curcumin can actually suppress fat
tissue growth. But similar research has not been done on humans. So it can't be said with certainty if
turmeric has the same effect on humans too
 Turmeric and Weight loss connection
Though turmeric suppresses the fat tissue growth and helps to reduce inflammation, it is no weight
loss miracle. One should surely incorporate turmeric in their every meal. However, you also have to
make sure you create a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. The combination of right diet and
exercise is what will help
Review of Related Literature
 Health benefits of turmeric

 Katherine R. Oyson (The Freeman)

 Arthritis management (curcumin is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing
characteristics, it has an amazing effect on people suffering from various types of arthritis)
 Cancer treatment (A number of laboratory studies on cancer cells have shown that curcumin does have
anticancer effects. It seems to be able to kill cancer cells and prevent more from growing. It has the best
effects on breast cancer, bowel cancer, stomach cancer, and skin cancer cells)
 Diabetes management (For lowering blood sugar and reversing insulin resistance)

 Cholesterol regulators (A study done by “Drugs in R & D found that curcumin was equal, or more effective
than diabetes medication at reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the treatment of high cholesterol)
 Painkillers (One of the more widely accepted properties of curcumin in scientific communities is its ability
to manage pain)
Review of Related Literature
 Turmeric Root

 -Natural Healthy Concepts

Turmeric Dosage Recommendations for Adults*

 Cut root: 1.5 to 3 g per day

 Dried, powdered root: 1 to 3 g per day

 Turmeric supplements have not been studied in children, so there is no recommended pediatric dose.

 The turmeric plant usually only contains about 3% curcumin content, so to get the recommended daily
dosage of curcumin, try taking a dietary supplement of turmeric root and rhizome that contains
significant amounts of curcumin.
Review of Related Literature
 Turmeric For Liver & Digestive Health

 -Christa Sinadinos, Certified Clinical Herbalist

 Turmeric is highly valuable for the influence it exerts on the digestive system and the liver. In both
Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is considered a digestive bitter and a carminative. It can
be incorporated into foods, including rice and bean dishes, to improve digestion and reduce gas and
bloating. It is a cholagogue, stimulating bile production in the liver and encouraging excretion of bile via
the gallbladder. This improves the body's ability to digest fats.
Background of the Study

 With the growing popularity of herbal medication, it is difficult to see what kind of herbal medicine should be used. One of these well-known herbs, is Turmeric
(Curcuma Longa). It is a type of ginger that is usually found in South East Asia. It is commonly used as a spice for famous Indian cuisines found in the North. But the
roots and bulbs of Turmeric are also used because of its medical properties. One of the-active ingredients of Turmeric is Curcumin. Mandal (2019) stated that
Curcumin is one of the three curcuminoids present in turmeric, the other two being desmethoxycurcumin and bis-desmethoxycurcumin. These curcuminoids give
turmeric its yellow color the main reason why curcumin is used as a yellow food colorant and food additive. The amount of Curcumin and Turmeric may vary, and is
also used for dietary supplements. Although some people’s preference on the use of Turmeric is through the form of medication, some use it as a spice itself, while
other people on the other hand, and prefer it as a form of supplement for easy consumption because of Turmeric’s pungent, bitter flavor. When it comes to supplements,
Curcumin that is used, is around 95%. Though be weary, this is not proven by the FDA (Food Drug Association) and using these supplements must be seldom taken.
One of the amazing effects of daily consumption of Turmeric is that it amazingly affects your weight through the process of metabolism. Metabolism is the method
where your body converts the calories to energy. Energy of course is used for blood circulation, hormone adjustment, and cell growth repair. The relationship or
turmeric and curcumin with weight loss is that turmeric has several anti-inflammatory properties. An overweight or obese person is associated with the release of pro-
inflammatory cytokines. These low grade inflammatory are connected to many chronic conditions. Many overweight and obese people are thought to have metabolic
syndrome, which often results from excess weight and excessively large waist size, according to a January 2013 article in Nutrition Journal.

Background of the Study
 Although the daily intake of Turmeric can result to weight loss, it must be combined with a healthy
diet and proper exercise. Further study is needed to fully prove, if it is a better alternative for losing
weight. Since over consumption of turmeric can lead to complications in health, this may predispose
people to kidney stones at elevated doses. Studies have shown that commercial turmeric powders may
contain filters such as starch or barley cassava, wheat or rye flour, or other questionable food colors
that are added to enhance color. Eating turmeric containing these ingredients will trigger negative
symptoms in individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac illness. One food colorant commonly used
in India is methanol yellow, also known as acid yellow 36, that can cause cancer and neurological
damage when eaten in large quantities based on animal studies. So the best way to drink turmeric is to
actually boil the ginger itself to make sure all its ingredients are fresh, natural and safe to ensure there
are no additives. But if you can’t find fresh turmeric at your local stores you can buy those powdered
or ground ones. Just ensure that the brand is well-known and trusted. The portion of turmeric you
must consume a day is at least 1 teaspoon before meal for better results. It usually does not cause any
side effects. However, too much consumption is unsafe so it’s best to consult a doctor before drinking
turmeric, especially for those people who have a weak stomach, gallbladder and bleeding problems,
pregnant for it may worsen your condition.
Theoretical Framework
Input Process Output
The main idea of the study is to see if Turmeric The chosen participants consumed turmeric Throughout the course of the study, the
(Curcuma longa) can be used as an alternative tea for two weeks. The ingredients in making researchers had a comparative analysis of
medicine to weight loss because of Turmeric’s turmeric tea is simply fresh turmeric root, water and the weight of the respondents before and
curcumin content which is popularly great for honey (optional). After the fresh ingredients were after taking Turmeric.
digestion. bought the tea was prepared. Firstly, the turmeric It has been seen that Turmeric tea
Turmeric is then made as a tea to be used as an root was peeled, at least one inch of turmeric is consumption does have an effect to the
alternative herbal medicine to weight loss. It is needed for every cup of water. After that, peeled body, specifically for weight loss but does
consumed daily every night within 2 weeks by turmeric was placed into a boiler with the cup of not necessarily cause any major changes. It
the respondents with the age 42-56. water and simmered for about a minute. After it has is also identified to decrease cholesterol as
been made, the tea was carefully poured unto a well as to maintain blood pressure. The
clean serving cup. This immune boosting tea is participants also stated that daily intake of
easily available and affordable for everyone. The Turmeric tea did not cause any harm nor
turmeric is drunk by the respondents for two weeks. side effects.
It is consumed once a day around 6-8 pm and the
respondents must eat a regular meal first before
drinking it, and every day the respondents weight is
regularly checked. After two weeks of drinking, the
respondents will write their latest weight. Then the
results will be later interpreted and analyzed using a
statistical treatment.
Theoretical Framework
 This framework conceptualizes a broader explanation of the study. It elaborates the summation of the
research from the input – process – output. The input of our study is regarding to Turmeric tea
consumption which includes the participant’s age and their time span of intake. The process demonstrates
the preparation of the Turmeric tea and its ingredients as well as the process of monitoring of their body
weight. The last part which is output tends to explain the outcome of their daily intake of Turmeric tea
within 2 weeks. It imparts the results and effects the participants had and experienced during and after
their intake.

 In this study Turmeric (Curcuma longa) was used as weight loss agent. It was made into a tea to be
consumed by the participants within 2 weeks. The range of age of the chosen participants is 42-56. This
was chosen to see what the effects of turmeric across different ages are and if it does have any effects on
weight loss.

 This study aims to know whether Turmeric intake has significant effect in weight loss for people aging
 1. Is there a significant relationship between intake of turmeric tea and weight loss?

 2. What are the side effects of daily intake of turmeric tea?

 3. What will be the outcome of drinking turmeric tea, once a day exactly for two weeks?

 Throughout the course of the study, the researchers had a comparative analysis of the weight of the
respondents before and after taking turmeric tea. It has been seen that Turmeric tea consumption does
have an effect to the body, specifically for weight loss but does not necessarily cause any major changes.
Research Methodology
 Research Design
 The researchers used quantitative experimental research design for their study.
With it, they are able to directly get answers from their respondents based on their
experimentation about the daily consumption of turmeric and its effects in the
human body. One major key component that must be found is if it has any
significant effect to weight loss.
 Research Locale
 The study was conducted at each of the researchers’ houses, since their approach
was experimental and Turmeric is widely used as a spice and can be found in one's
kitchen. The respondents would be the researchers’ parents in order for them to
monitor their weight, if there would be a significant change.
Research Methodology
 Population and Sampling

 The range of age of the chosen participants is 42-56. This was chosen to see what the effects of turmeric
across different ages are and if it does have any effects on weight loss.
 Research Ethics

 Before conducting the experiment, the researchers firstly asked the permission of their respondents and
were given a waiver to be signed to ensure that they are participating in the study without being induced.
The researchers also checked the medical background of the following participants if they have had any
conditions that will not allow them to participate on the study. And if at any chance participants decides
to leave the research, they will be allowed to do so without any penalty or anything in return. And their
personal information will be removed from the research
Research Methodology
 Research Instrument

 The instrument that was used in conducting the study was a checklist and questionnaire. Its sole purpose
was to keep track and record if turmeric intake was beneficial to weight loss. On the other hand, it also
helps in monitoring the day and time turmeric was consumed.
 Data collection

 The chosen participants consumed turmeric tea for two weeks. The ingredients in making turmeric tea is
simply fresh turmeric root, water and honey (optional). After the fresh ingredients were bought the tea
was prepared. Firstly, the turmeric root was peeled at least one inch of turmeric is needed for every cup
of water. After that peeled turmeric was placed into a boiler with the cup of water and simmered for
about a minute. After it has been made, the tea was carefully poured unto a clean serving cup. This
immune boosting tea is easily available and affordable for everyone. The turmeric is drunk by the
respondents for two weeks. It is consumed once a day around 6-8 pm and the respondents must eat a
regular meal first before drinking it, and every day the respondents weight is regularly checked. After
two weeks of drinking, the respondents will write their latest weight. Then the results will be later
interpreted and analyzed using a statistical treatment
Research Methodology
  Data Analysis
 The gathered data were interpreted through the use of statistical treatment wherein the formula that was
used is:
 P= x100

 Where:

 P= Percentage

 F= Frequency

 N= Number of respondents

 This was used to calculate the totality of the respondent’s demographic profile and whether the intake of
turmeric was really beneficial for weight loss. By using this formula, the researchers can easily see the
comparison between each of the respondents gathered results about the study. The results were then
analyzed with the use of statistical approach using a Microsoft excel spreadsheet
1. Do you personally think that turmeric is a viable alternative for weight loss?

sad 90%


Out of all the 10 participants, 30% thinks that turmeric is a viable alternative for weight loss,
on the contrary the remaining 70% said it is not .
2. Did it fasten your metabolism in terms of digestion?












30% of the participants said that their daily intake of turmeric fastens
their metabolism in terms of digestion, 70% said it did not fasten their
metabolism in terms of digestion.
3. Did it cause any changes in your body?












30% of the participants said that their daily intake of turmeric

caused changes in their body such as weight loss, and the remaining
70% did not feel any changes in their body.
4. Did you experience any side effects during your daily intake?












100% of the participants said that their daily intake of

turmeric within 2 weeks did not cause any side effects.
5. How did you feel drinking turmeric within 2 weeks?
Relieved Nothing Decreased blood pressure Maintained blood pressure Drinking turmeric for 2
and decreased cholesterol weeks is not enough


10% of the participant felt relieved as a result of their intake, 60% said that they felt nothing
at all, 10% said that it decreased their blood pressure, 10% said that it helped in maintaining their
blood pressure and decreased their cholesterol, and the remaining 10% said that drinking turmeric
for 2 weeks is not enough for weight loss to occur.
Weight Result of the 10 participants that consumed Turmeric tea within 2 weeks










loss weight weight gain retained

Series 1

Out of all the 10 participants 30% loss weight as a result of their

daily intake for 2 weeks, 20% gained weight and the remaining 50%
retained their weight.
 Throughout the course of the study, 10 respondents were chosen to drink Turmeric for two weeks, once a
day. It can be seen that 30% of the respondents find Turmeric as a viable alternative for weight loss,
though 70% do not see it as the same, and thought of it as an unreliable alternative. With the daily
consumption of Turmeric, 70% did not experience any effects on their metabolism, while 30% have.
Once asked if the respondents felt any changes in their body such as weight loss, 70% of the participants
did not while 30% of them have experienced changes in the body such as weight loss and better
metabolism. With the conducted study, it is safe to say that the daily consumption of Turmeric has no
side effects on the body, and drinking one cup daily is guaranteed safe. Turmeric does not have any
effects on health complications, and daily consumption may cure some of your health problems such as
high cholesterol and blood pressure. After two weeks of drinking Turmeric daily, 50% maintained their
weight and as to the questionnaire most of these participants are the ones who does not engage
themselves in any physical activities and 20% gained weight for the reason of eating fast food per week
and sweets, only 30% of the respondents experienced weight loss after conducting the study not only
because of their daily intake but also for the reason they engage themselves into physical activities.
 Throughout the course of the study it has been sought that most of the participants find turmeric tea as an
unreliable alternative for weight loss because of the reason that it did not cause any major changes within
2 weeks’ consumption. With their daily intake, only few people have fastened metabolism in terms of
digestion as a result of their intake. However, all of the participants did not experience any side effects.
Therefore, turmeric tea is clearly stated to be safe to consume but only with proper dosage. There are
people who lost and gained weight throughout the process but most people retained their weight. In spite
of the not so effective outcome regarding to weight loss, turmeric intake is still beneficial to human body.
For some people claimed to felt relieved, it was also stated by the participants that it helped in decreasing
cholesterol as well as in maintaining their blood pressure. Although some did not feel anything at all it is
best if it was actually consumed in a longer period of time rather than just 2 weeks.
 The researchers further recommend to have a proper diet and regular exercise to be combined during the
intake of Turmeric tea to achieve major results regarding weight loss to occur. It is also best if there was
only one weighing scale to be used in every respondent to better monitor their weight. We also hereby
suggest to longer the span of intake rather than just 2 weeks and for participants to consume it
continuously each day without skipping any.

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