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If you are manager and your goal is to increase employee performance.

What actions can be taken to get result?
Initial Equation
Average performance = b0+b1*Motivation+b2*Leadership+b3*Tenure+b4*salary+b5*Female
Final Equation
Average performance = b0+b1*motivation+b2*leadership
Model for coefficients
Average performance = 1.797+ (0.449)*motivation+(0.384)*leadership

b0= 1.797
Coefficient of motivation = +0.384
Coefficient of leadership =+0.449
Coefficient of tenure= 0
Coefficient of salary=0
Coefficient of female=0
 To increase the performance of employees in the company as salary and other factors has no effect on it. The only factor that can influence employee performance is motivation and leadership.
 There is a positive correlation between motivation and job performance and coefficient of motivation is +0.384. This implies that, if motivation increases by 1 the performance rating increases
by 0.384.
 There is a positive correlation between leadership and job performance and coefficient of leadership is +0.449. this implies that, if motivation increases by 1 the performance rating increases by
 From the above the result as a manager we need to focus more on leadership than motivation because if both leadership an motivation is increased by 1, result of job performance has more affect
by the leadership i.e. 0.449.

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