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1 – 2 Nim

A Math Game

Concepts Players Equipment

Logic and Patterns Tokens
Divisibility and Remainders 2 Could be beans, pennies,
How to Play
 Start with a pile of tokens between
two players
 We see a pile of 9 tokens here
 On the Player One’s turn they will
remove 1 or 2 tokens from the pile
 They MUST take at least one token
but not more than 2
 Whoever takes the last token wins
Strategy and Variations
 See if you can figure our the winning strategy
 (hint: it has something to do with 3’s…)
 Change the game after a while:
 Add or take away tokens
 1-2-3 Nim, you can take up to 3 tokens
 Poison Nim: The last token is poison. The last person to
take it loses.

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