Computer and Data Security 4 Class: Dr. Ashwaq Mahmood Alabaichi 2015-2016 Lec.9

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Computer and Data

4th Class
Dr. Ashwaq Mahmood Alabaichi
The Vernam Cipher
 It was published in 1926 by Vernam.
 The Vernam cipher is defined by
◦ the plaintext is a bitstring: an element of {0, 1} n
◦ the secret key is a uniformly distributed element of {0, 1} n
◦ the ciphertext is C= P ⊕ K where ⊕ is the bitwise XOR
◦ the plaintext is P= C ⊕ K
 The key is aimed at being used for only one plaintext. For this reason this cipher is
also known as one-time pad.
 A one-time pad can be shown to be theoretically unbreakable.
 The drawbacks of this cipher are that
 the key must be at least as long as the plaintext,
 it becomes insecure if a key is used twice,
 the security is when the key source is truly random,
Stream Cipher
 A stream cipher is a symmetric key cipher where plaintext bits are combined with a
pseudorandom bit generator (keystream).
 typically by an exclusive-or (XOR) operation. In a stream cipher the plaintext are
encrypted one at a time.
 Stream ciphers typically are executed at a higher speed than block ciphers.
Linear Feedback Shift Register(LFSR)
 A feedback shift register is made up of two parts: a shift register
and a feedback function
 The shift register is a sequence of bits. (The length of a shift
register is figured in bits; if it is n bits long, it is called an n-bit shift
 Each time a bit is needed, all of the bits in the shift register are
shifted 1 bit to the right.
 The new left-most bit is computed as a function of the other bits in
the register. The output of the shift register is 1 bit, often the least
significant bit.
 The period of a shift register is the length of the output sequence
before it starts repeating.
 Feedback shift register.

 Linear feedback shift register

 An n-bit LFSR can be in one of 2n - 1 internal states. This means that it can
generate a 2n- 1 bits pseudo-random sequence before repeating.
 It’s 2n- 1 and not 2n because a shift register filled with zeros will cause the
LFSR to output a never-ending stream of zeros—this is not.
 A polynomial is a mathematical expression involving a sum of powers in
one or more variables multiplied by coefficients. A polynomial in one

 The polynomial of the Linear shift register.

 T(r) = tn rn + tn-1 rn-1 + … + t1 r + 1
 The degree of the polynomial is the length of the shift register.
 In order for a LFSR to be a maximal-period LFSR, the polynomial formed
from a tap sequence plus the constant 1 must be a primitive polynomial.
 a 4-bit LFSR tapped at the first and fourth bit. it is initialized with the value
1111, it produces the following sequence of internal states before repeating
 polynomial T(r) = r4 + r + 1 and the I0= 1111

 output
 -
 1
 1
 1
 1
 0
 1
 0
 1
 1
 0
 0
 1
 0
 0
 0

The output sequence is the string of least significant bits: 1 1 1 1 0

 4-bit LFSR tapped as 1001 with initial state 0001
 what is the polynomial?
 T(r) = r4 + r + 1 and the I0= 0001

1000 1
1100 0
1110 0
1111 0
0111 1
1011 1
0101 1
1010 1
1101 0
0110 1
0011 0
1001 1
0100 1
0010 0
0001 0
 100011110101100
Cont …
4-bit LFSR tapped as 1101 with initial state 0001
 what is the polynomial?
 T(r) = r4 + r3 + r+1 and the I0= 0001

1000 1
1100 0
0110 0
1011 0
0101 1
0010 1
0001 0


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