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Ultrasonic Bolt


Archetype Joint, LLC

140 Engelwood Dr, Suite D
Orion, MI 48359
248 377-1147
Torque vs. Tension

Perhaps the most critical element of success in bolted joint design is

recognizing the limitations of using torque as a indication of a reliable
joint. In most cases, particularly in structural joints, tension is the
parameter that in fact should be evaluated. Torque is simply easier to

Archetype Joint has the capability of measuring real-time bolt tension

of your production bolts in your assembly using the latest generation of
ultrasonic sensor technology utilizing bonded sensors. By establishing
a fixed acoustic path between the sensor and the fastener there is no
measurement variation due to coupling between sensor and bolt.

A significant advantage of using ultrasonic s for bolt tension

measurement is that it is the only measurement method that doesn't
require and functional changes to the joint or the fastener. Therefor
there is no risk that the measurement method altered the test results.

Ultrasonic sensor and pickup Audit of fastener tension in assembled product

Archetype Joint, LLC 2

Ultrasonic Calibration

Rather than rely on typical published material properties, calibration is

performed by tensioning a subset of test bolts in a manner that
simulates its stiffness in the actual joint.
SETUP – M8 bolt w/ 2.5 mm SETUP - 1” bolt w/ 13”
(0.10”) grip length (330 mm) grip length

Archetype Joint, LLC 3

Ultrasonic Calibration

As an example of the high repeatability capable of the latest ultrasonic

test technology, following is a typical calibration file relating load to
elongation (measured as the time delay in the returning signal).

Typical Calibration File

Archetype Joint, LLC 4

Analysis of Torque-Angle-
Tension Test Results

Torque-Angle is the most common method of

displaying bolt behavior because it does not
require that bolt tension is known. The slope
of a Torque-Angle trace represents
“presumed” stiffness. The presumption that it
represents actual stiffness behavior is
dependent on the Torque-Tension relationship
being constant over the tightening range.

A Tension-Angle trace represents true

stiffness as it is not effected by friction. A
typical joint is expected to have constant
stiffness (be linear) between the point the joint
is fully aligned at the start of tightening until
some element of the joint begins to yield. The
trace at right shows that at approximately 80
kN joint stiffness falls off. As this is less than
half the proof load of the bolt, the cause is
likely within the joint members. Note that the
a1-a2 line on the Tension-Angle trace is the
same as the Torque-Tension trace above.
The fact that the line lays over both traces in Tension-Angle
the same manner shows that the presumption
that Torque-Angle represents true stiffness is
a good one in this case.

An in-joint Torque-Tension trace is very useful

in optimizing installation torque because it allows
understanding of the true torque-tension
relationship, as opposed to estimating it based
on reference tables or bench-top torque tension
measurements. In this case the relationship is
linear (friction is constant). This is the reason
that the Torque-Angle trace could be used as a Torque-Tension
good substitute for the Tension-Angle trace.

Archetype Joint, LLC 5

Case Study: In Joint

An example of the effect on bolt tension of tightening then loosening and

re-tightening the same fastener in-joint multiple times.

In this case the bolt was retightened eight times at the same installation
torque of 960 ft-lb. The first time the bolt was installed the bolt tension
achieved was approximately 45,000 lb. By the eighth installation that
tension had fallen to less than 25,000 lb, a loss of nearly 50%.

Archetype Joint, LLC 6

Case Study: In Joint

The following sets of torque-tension traces were captured from two wheels of
different design. The six traces are the results of tightening each of the six
studs sequentially in one stage in a crossing pattern.

Wheel A

Wheel A has a linear torque-

tension relationship as
expected, however the stud-
to-stud variability is high

Wheel B

Wheel B has a non-linear torque-

tension relationship, however
the stud-to-stud variability is
lower than Wheel A

Archetype Joint, LLC 7

Case Study: In Joint
Tension Monitoring

Ultrasonic technology also allows long-term monitoring of

joint tension to asses stability in use or after dynamic
As in this case, tension can increase due to
thermal load when materials possessing different CTE are
contained in the joint stack.

Dynamic Relaxation Trend - All Test Combinations

100% 1
90% 3
Starting Tension Retained

80% 5
70% 7
60% 9
Before 10 25 50 100 After
Mount Removal 14
Equivalent Miles

Archetype Joint, LLC 8

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