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Pepe Jeans.

Pratap Dembla – 111

Geet Madan - 130
Karthik Maheshwari – 131
Pratik Pote – 143
Harshal Suchak 164
Case-Study Overview
• History:
- Key dates
• Solution:
- Financial analysis
 1973 Pepe Jeans was established
as a road side stall by three
brothers Nitin Shah, Arun Shah and
Milan Shah from Kenya at
Portobello Road Market in West
London’s trendy Notting Hill district.

 1975 Pepe Jeans started becoming

well known brand name in Europe.
Due to this fact that Pepe was
growing bigger it was necessary to
open the boutiques and later
warehouse, and offices in London.

 In the 80s the brand grew even

more and it became one of
Europe's best clothing brands.
 2008 Pepe Jeans is now one of the most
succesful jean companies in history with
sales in over 60 markets and locations all
over the world.
• Reason for success- better fit
• Sales through 1500 independent retailers
• Approx. 10 agents
• Agents meet retailers 3-4 times a year

Retailer Agents Sourcing agent(H.K)

• 6 months delivery time and 1 week time for

• Sourcing agent (shipping, materials, etc.)
• No inventory in U.K
• Young In-house designers
• Retailers’ complaints
• Order time can be reduced but at high
• Suggestion for finishing operation in U.K
Flexible system would lead to an increase in the sales
of about 10%.

Current sales - £200 000 000

10% of £ 200 000 000 would be £ 20 000 000

Profit before taxes(PBT) at the rate of 32 %

would mean an increase in the PBT of
£ 6 400 000 ( 32% x £ 20 000 000)
First alternative
Decrease of lead time would lead to an increase in costs by 30%.

Currently the yearly cost of sales is 40% of sales of £ 200 000 000 that is
£ 80 000 000( 40%x £ 200 000 000)

If the cost goes up by 30% it would mean 30% of £ 80 000 000M that is
£ 24 000 000
In return for this increase in cost the company could make an approximate increase
in the PBT of   £ 6 400 000 that would still mean (24 000 000 – 6 400 000) = £ 17
600 000 additional burden on the company.

The advantage in this alternative is that the company does not have to make any
initial investment but has to incur this additional burden every year. Since no
investment is made , no payback period is calculated.
Second Alternative
Initial fixed cost for equipment £ 1 000 000
Renovations £ 300 000
Total £ 1 300 000
Operations costs £ 500 000
Lead time 6 weeks

40%x £ 200 000 000= £ 80 000 000 yearly cost of sales at 40%

6/52 X £ 80 000 000 = £ 9 230 000

Inventory carrying cost is 30% of £ 9 230 000 that is

£ 2 769 000(30%x £ 9 230 000)

Recurring cost= inventory carrying cost+ operations costs=

£ 2 769 000 + £ 500 000= 3 269 000
Second Alternative

£ 6 400 000 – £3 270 000= £  3 130 000

we get an increase in the yearly profit before taxes

Now, the fixed investment made by the company is £ 1 300 000

(calculated above) so the payback period is (1.3/3.13) x 52 = 21.6

This is the preferred alternative and should be recommended to

Other alternatives

 The other alternative that Pepe could consider could be to continue with the
current arrangement. It is excellent from the financial point of view but it is
vulnerable from the marketing point of view. If Pepe continues to insist on
requirements to place firm orders six months in advance with no possibility
of amendment, cancellation, or repeat ordering,  it is a matter of time before
the retailers turned to other manufacturers who allowed more flexibility.

 Some other alternatives that Pepe could consider could include sourcing its
jeans in some other country where there were more cost advantages and
greater flexibility. Finally, Pepe could consider the case where the entire
manufacturing was transferred to UK, the financial strength of the company
could finance it and this step would provide it with great flexibility and
responsiveness to independents.
Thank you!
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