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Electromagnetic Spectrum,

Ionizing radiation
Week 1
Radiation and Matter

Ionizing Non-Ionizing
• Need Energy >34 eV to • Not enough energy
remove electrons from to ionize atom
atoms (create ions)
• Health Hazard because
• Like light, radio
it alters chemical waves
structure of living cells • No biological

Radiation Safety 2
Ionizing Radiation

Particulate Radiation Electromagnetic radiation

Alpha Decay • Gamma ray
(2 protons and 2
neutrons - He nuclei)
• X-Rays
Beta Decay • UV (some)
(1 high speed • Cosmic rays

Radiation Safety 3
Electromagnetic Spectrum
• Wave theory (amplitude, wavelength, frequency)
• Velocity for uniform motion and for waves. Velocity is a constant –the speed of
light for all EM energy spectrum
• Photons, pockets of energy (no mass or charge)- radiation rays gamma,x
EM radiation is Ionizing with wavelengths shorter than 320nm and with energy
above 34 eV. Wavelengths greater than 320nm are non-ionizing. Example
wavelengths: Tv, radio 1mm to 1 km. X-ray 10nm and shorter…shortest is cosmic
rays at 10pm (pico metre is 10 to the -12m).
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Wavelengths 1 Angstrom (A) = 10-10 m, or 0.1 nm. 1 nm=10-9 meter
Wavelength Formula:

λ = wavelength (lambda)
v = velocity
f = frequency

In physics, the wavelength of a sinusoidal wave is the spatial period of the wave—
the distance over which the wave's shape repeats,[1] and the inverse of the spatial
frequency. Wavelength commonly designated by the symbol “Lambda”.

The range of wavelengths or frequencies for wave phenomena is called a spectrum.

The name originated with the visible light spectrum but now can be applied to the
entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as to a sound spectrum or vibration spectrum.
Wavelength Diagram
(frequency )x λ
(wavelength), where
velocity c=constant at
speed of light.
radiation (photons of
energy) can be related
to waves. The energy is
directly related to
frequency--- E=hc
(Planks and velocity
constant for all eM)x λ.
Ionizing Radiation and Matter
• Charge, mass, speed, trajectory, ionization, shielding
all factors when dealing with radiation. Note: alpha
stopped by paper, beta by skin and X, gamma and
neutron penetrate into more dense matter. Beta and
alpha have charge so trajectory can be altered.

Characteristics of Electromagnetic Waves
• Wavelength- determines how matter responds to the electromagnetic wave,
and those characteristics determine the name we give to particular group of
• Velocity=speed of light
• Frequency- f=velocity at constant speed of light/λ.
• Amplitude of electromagnetic waves relates to energy or brightness (in case
of visible light).

NOTE: Gamma an xray radiation behave like a wave but up to a point

• 100 years ago researches found that electromagnetic radiation had some
characteristics that didn’t fit wave theory
• Sometimes electromagnetic radiation acts like particles
• A new idea emerged to explain radiation in a terms of “quanta” or
“photons”…quantum physics
• PHOTONS- pockets of energy without mass or charge
Characteristics of X and Gamma rays
• Of Electromagnetic radiation -photons of energy-
• They have no weight or mass
• No electrical charge
• They are not influenced by electrical fields and
travel in straight lines
• All electromagnetic waves travel at “speed of
light”- 670,616,629 mph or 186282 (186000)
miles/second which is 3.00×10⁸ m/s -Si units =
299792458 metres per second.
• All rays in same spectrum have same amplitude
The Depth of Penetration
• The shorter the λ wavelength (higher freq.) the => Higher
Energy => The greater penetration of matter
• The depth of the penetration or travel depends on the
matter interacting with: for example Air, Aluminum, Iron,
• More dense materials (atomic structure with subatomic
radius closer packed nucleus and electrons per area- those
with higher atomic number) offer greater resistance to
• Atoms with higher Z # (atomic number-protons) have more
electrons and therefore they provide better shielding
Just for thought...relating spatial make up of atom
• If the nucleus is the size of golf ball, then the first
electron shell would be about one km from the golf
ball, second shell about 4 km, third 9 km and so on...
• The actual diameter of an atom is small- 20, 000,
000 atoms side by side are needed to form a line 1
mm long....
• Higher Atomic Number “Z” more electrons
more chance for shielding-interaction with radiation.
ENERGY is determined by the λ or f of each
ray and is measured/quantified in MeV or
KeV (energy gained by one electron while
accelerated by one volt)
Energy reflects the penetrating ability.
Characteristic energy values:
• Co-60 emits • Ir-192
– 2 hard gamma rays – 3 soft rays
1.33 MeV ray .31 MeV
1.17 MeV ray .47 MeV
.60 MeV
Energy versus Intensity

• Gamma ray energies (penetrating power) are

determined by the type of isotope, X-Ray energy is
determined by the voltage applied to tube in KV or MV.
Both have energies related to electron V. Gamma is
homogenous- monochromatic. X-ray is heterogenous,
non-monochromatic energies.

• Gamma ray intensity (number of rays) is determined by

the activity (curie strength) of the isotope, X-ray intensity
is dependant/function of amperage applied to filament.
• Gamma intensity (amount of radiation) from 5Ci
Co-60 can be doubled by using 10 Ci Co-60
• 50 Ci Ir-192 source is 5 times as intense as a
radiation from a 10 Ci Ir-192 source
• Note: The gamma radiation from 10 Ci of Ir-192 is
not twice the energy as gamma radiation from 5
Ci Co-60
• Activity versus Energy
Properties of X and Gamma radiation

1. They are ionizing Electromagnetic energy, energy is proportional to

2. No electrical charge. No rest mass
3. Travel in straight lines at speed of light
4. Penetrate matter
5. Absorbed by matter
6. Scattered by matter
7. Ionize matter
8. Expose photographic or photosensitive materials
9. Make some chemicals and materials fluoresce (let of light)
10.Cannot be felt, seen, heard, smelt, or detected in any way by human
11.Damage living tissue
1. Define electromagnetic energy
2. Sketch Electromagnetic spectrum
3. Describe primary parts of an atom
4. What is an isotope
5. Give two examples of radioactive isotopes used in industrial
6. Give two examples of ionizing radiation other than X and gamma
7. What is the difference between X and gamma rays?
8. Define
1. Atomic Number
2. Mass Number

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