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IDegAsp (Ryzodeg®)
Experience-in-Action 2018

Case Sharing

IDegAsp = Insulin Degludec/Insulin Aspart


• This Continuing Medical Education is sponsored by Novo Nordisk

Pharmaceuticals (Philippines), Inc. (“Novo Nordisk”).

• Speaker/presenter has been financially supported (e.g., honoraria)

by Novo Nordisk.

• Any other financial interests and arrangements of the

• Etc.

This material is for preparatory internal use in NN only

Instructions to the presenter

• Given below are some template slides which you may use to present a
clinical case for the discussion. Guide questions are also provided to
facilitate the discussion.

• Kindly include patient cases that cover the topic of insulin intensification.

• As a review, you may also request and include articles to aid in the case
sharing session.

• Please include as many intensification cases for discussion as the time for
the activity will allow.

This material is for preparatory internal use in NN only

Patient Profile
Initials Input Text Here

Age, Sex & Occupation ## M/F

Diagnosis Type # diabetes mellitus for ## years

PPG ### mg/dL FPG ### mg/dL HbA1c #.#%

• eGFR, lipid profile, BMI, etc.

Other pertinent labs

• Medication 1
• Medication 2
Current • Medication 3
medications • Medication 4
• Medication 5
• Medication 6

This material
PPG: Post Prandial Glucose; FPG: Fasting Plasma Glucose; HbA1c: Hemoglobin is for
A 1c; eGFR: preparatory
estimated internal
glomerular use inrate;
filtration NN only
BMI: Body Mass Index
Patient Profile
Initials Input Text Here

Age and Sex ## M/F

• Text
• Text
• Text

Other pertinent
about the case

This material is for preparatory internal use in NN only

Patient Profile
Initials Input Text Here

Age and Sex ## M/F

• How did you intensify your patient from the previous

insulin regimen to Insulin Degludec/Insulin Aspart?
• How did you titrate the dose?
• What factors led you to your therapeutic decision of
intensifying to Insulin Degludec/Insulin Aspart from
the previous insulin?

This material is for preparatory internal use in NN only

Patient Profile
Initials Input Text Here

Age and Sex ## M/F

• Latest laboratory results: PPG, FPG, HbA1c

• SMBG monitoring results, if any
• Plan for optimization of treatment, if required or
being considered
• What improvements in the patient’s clinical status did
you observe?
Follow-up • What were your other observations on treatment with
Insulin Degludec/Insulin Aspart?
• What was the patient’s feedback on the treatment
and device?

This material
PPG: Post Prandial Glucose; FPG: Fasting Plasma Glucose; HbA1c: Hemoglobin is for
A 1c; SMBG: preparatory internal
Sel-monitoring of Blood use in NN only


This material is for preparatory internal use in NN only


This material is for preparatory internal use in NN only

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