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Key features of Let’s find out more

about how and why

the Australian it is important for

Australians to vote.

process: direct
open, free and
fair elections
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The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)

The Australian Electoral

Commission has the
responsibility of
conducting federal
elections fairly.

Reference: Dudgeon, Pamela, R & Hincks, Patricia M Democracy Rules: An electoral

education resource Produced by the Education and Communications Branch, Australian
Electoral Commission © Commonwealth of Australia 2010

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The AEC makes sure elections are
open, free and fair by:
• Ensuring • Controlling • Training staff
candidates • Educating the
polling places to run polling
follow the on Election places
on Australian
voting systems,
enrolling to vote
• Producing the and how to vote
• Counting • Maintaining
ballot papers votes and the electoral
and keeping
announcing roll
them secure election
Reference: Dudgeon, Pamela, R & Hincks, Patricia M Democracy Rules: An electoral education resource Produced by the Education and
Communications Branch, Australian Electoral Commission © Commonwealth of Australia 2010

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A country cannot
call itself a
democracy unless
its elections are
open, free and fair
for all citizens who
are eligible to vote.

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Voters and
Australian Elections representatives
each have a role
elections are open, free and fair and
 responsibilities.

 citizens have the right to vote

 eligible candidates have the right to

stand for election in Australia

 voters elect representatives

 representatives make policies and

laws that govern Australian society

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Some key features of the
Australian electoral
process are: One vote one value means that
each person’s vote has the same
• one vote, one value value.
• secret ballot
• preferential voting Secret ballot means a person is
able to vote for the candidate of
their choice in private.

Preferential voting means a

person puts the number 1 in the
box on the ballot paper for his or
her first choice and the last number
for their last choice.

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Australian citizens have voting rights and responsibilities
You have the right to: You have the responsibility to:

Vote in elections Enrol as a voter

Australian citizens, over the age of 18, and Citizens must enrol to vote before the age
enrolled, have the right to vote. of 18.

An equal vote Vote in elections

All voters have one vote in each election. Australia has compulsory voting so it is
This is called one vote, one value. against the law not to vote.

Vote by secret ballot Know how the voting system works

Voters cast their vote in secret. This means Voters should know how to fill out a ballot
that no one should see how another person paper correctly and how ballot papers are
has voted. A screen is provided to prevent counted.
this from happening.

Participate in regular elections Be an ‘active citizen’

Elections must be held every three years. A Citizens must be aware of the issues that
person can vote for the candidate of their affect them and the values of the
choice without fear or threat. candidates who are standing for election.
Citizens should not be bribed by a
Democracy Rule© Australian Electoral Commission 2007 candidate.

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A candidate standing for
election must get more
than 50% majority to be
elected. This means
that the candidate must
get an absolute majority.
Majority Rule is a key
feature of the Australian
electoral process.

Majority Rule
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Election Day is a
stage in the
electoral process.
How are the rights
of voters being
Why is it important
protected here?
that Australian
citizens vote in open, Why do these
free and fair people have the
elections? right to vote in this

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