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Figure 9-1: Leadership Skills

Intuition Empowerment

skills Vision


Describe what you see going on:

 “We agreed you’d make 16 calls per week. You’re
averaging 11.”

Describe how you feel about what is going on:

 “I’m puzzled, I can’t tell from your reports what you’re
doing. I’m frustrated because each time we have this
talk you say you will live up to your end of the

Be precise in the change you want

 “One more time. I expect you to do what we’ve agreed
on: an average of 16 calls per week.”

Mention the benefit of the change

to the other person
 “Living up to our agreement is the only way I can give
you a good appraisal. And you can’t afford more than
one bad or mediocre appraisal

What does the other person see going on?

 “Yes, I know I’m not making the 16 calls.”

How does the person feel about it?

 I’m upset. In fact, I’m furious. We’ve been having all
sorts of delivery and installation problems. It seems I
spend half my time on the phone with the plant
straightening out problems. I’ve called you, but you
always seem tied up.”
What change does the other person
desire in you?
 “I don’t call you unless the problem is very serious. So I
would like you to get back to me when I’ve got a problem
that I think it serious enough to bother you with.”
 Assessment - examination of the customer environment in
which the company operates.
 Redesign - initiatives based on three interrelated tasks:
 Customer orientation - know customer buying process.
 Sales strategy - deployment of sales resources and buyer
 Selling processes - determined by the segment of buyer.
 Measurement - determine the indicators of successful
 Sales Support Programs - programs to support and reward
implementation of the change program.
 Implementation Strategies - pilot test programs.
Figure 9-4:
Internal Systems of a Group


Norms Interactions

Leadership Factors in Sales Management
Sales Manager
 Empowerment  Legitimate  Directing
 Intuition  Reward  Coaching
 Self-understanding  Coercive  Supporting
 Vision  Referent  Delegating
 Value Congruence  Expert

 Sales Team
 Situation
 Activities Salesperson’s  Task structure
 Interaction
Behavior  Time pressure
 Norms
 External system
 Sentiments

 Salesperson
 Professional maturity
 Needs
 Goals
 Relationship with manager

Situation Important Points

Prior to 1. Who is being called on?
Sales Call
2. What happened last time?
3. Objective of call?
4. Objections may arise?
5. How to handle objections?
6. Who are key players?
7. Developmental points last call?

Situation Important Points

During the 1. Let salesperson control the call.
sales call
2. Answer necessary questions briefly.

After the 1. Ask for self-evaluations.

sales call
2. Reinforce positive.
3. Suggest effective responses.
4. Keep records.
Additional Suggestions for
Coaching Salespeople

1. Instead of criticizing them, repeatedly tell salespeople

what you like about their performance.
2. Help salespeople improve by giving them “how to”
3. Insist that salespeople evaluate themselves in order
to develop their evaluative abilities regarding their
own work habits and performance.
4. Ask questions to ensure the salesperson is actively
Additional Suggestions for
Coaching Salespeople

5. Make the most of resources that are available to you,

such as special training materials and so on.
6. An agreement between you and the salesperson should
be arrived at regarding corrective actions to be taken.
7. Keep records of specific standards of performance,
including how performance will be measured and by
what date.
8. The salesperson should be shown these records when
they are written to avoid any misunderstandings.
Table 9-2:
Women in Sales: Percentages by Industry
Percent of Women
Industry In Sales Force
Banking 24.7
Business services 30.3
Chemicals 9.1
Communications 34.7
Educational services 50.4
Electronics 19.6
Food products 28.5
Health services 45.1
Insurance 27.4
Miscellaneous manufacturing 17.6
Office equipment 24.1
Printing/publishing 38.9
Retail 20.0
Rubber/plastics 17.7
Transportation equipment 23.9
Wholesale (consumer) 19.5
Average 24.3
Harassment Suggestions

1. Conduct yourself professionally.

2. Dress appropriately.

3. Be cautious when drinking at business functions.

4. Don’t listen to sob stories.

5. Avoid being alone when possible.

6. Use independent transportation.

7. Trust your instincts.

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