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Deion Green

COMPETENCY 7 Field Work Integrative

• Through following agency policy I was
able to obtain client records to:
• I Gather relevant data in an organized
• I also explain client's data as appropriate
7.1: Collect and (under supervision).
organize and apply • I have Completed strength-based
critical thinking to assessments with 4 clients, As well
interpret working on securing consent to request
information from data from outside sources and collect in a
clients and timely manner.
constituencies • At team meetings, I have been effectively
summaries of these assessments and
other documentation to assist in the
development of a tentative treatment
plan for clients.
• When interviewing and
conducting 4 assessments on
• This week I have identify at least
7.2: Apply knowledge of 3 areas of strength
human behavior and the • Also identified 3 areas of
social environment, challenge
• I did 4-quadrant summary
and other
assessment to detail these.
theoretical frameworks in • I have will applied concepts of
interventions with clients theoretical framework to each
and constituencies. of my clients based on their
needs and analysis to find a
strategy to help them.
• In accordance with my supervisor and
through collaborative support of
coworkers at agency, will develop a
clear and timely goal schedule for each
7.3: Develop mutually of the four clients assessed to address:
agreed-on intervention • Measurable objectives designed to meet
goals and objectives agreed upon goals
based on the critical • Intervention strategy with informed
assessment of consent, why this strategy was selected
strengths, needs and and a contract with tentative duration of
challenges within clients treatment
and constituencies. • Develop agreed upon goals to meet the
• Working with supervisor, we discuss
the different array of intervention
strategies for each client analyzing pros
and cons of each.
7.4: Select appropriate
intervention strategies • Can describe different interventions
based on the and discuss why particular strategies
assessment, research were chosen for each client.
knowledge, and values • I was able to document at least one
and preferences of strategy intervention chosen for a
clients and client, obtain documentation for
constituencies. consent, discuss with client why it was
selected, and create a contract that
specifies a tentative duration of the

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