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TASK Variations
●Problem Solving
Assessment Criteria

●I. TASK Response

●For a good band score, you need to address

all parts of the task, show your opinion clearly
through the essay and extend your main ideas
with support.
Assessment Criteria

●II. Coherence and Cohesion

●Organize your essay well, use suitable linking

words and make sure each paragraph has
main idea
Assessment Criteria

●III. Lexical Resources

●Have accurate use of academic vocabulary

including less common words
●Have good control of spelling and word form.
Assessment Criteria

●IV. Grammatical Range and Accuracy

●Use a good variety of complex sentence

structures accurately most of the time
●Have very few punctuation problems


● This task generally gives an opinion on a topic, usually a

problem or issue in society, and then asks for your opinion.
● This task requires you to evaluate the given opinion and
say whether or not you agree with it.
● You do not need to write about both sides of the problem,
although you can write a concession paragraph
● Example
● Fast-food companies should not be allowed to give
away free toys with their food. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
● Governments alone cannot be expected to solve
environmental problems. It is also the responsibility of
businesses and individuals to help. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?


● This question type gives two sides of an argument or two

differing opinions on an issue, and then asks you to
discuss and give your opinion.
● You need to evaluate both sides of the argument. You
should also give your own opinion on the argument.
● Example
● Some people think that boys and girls should be
educated in the same schools. Others, however,
believe that girls achieve better results when
educated in single­sex schools. Discuss both these
views and give your opinion.
● Many governments spend millions of dollars in space
exploration and research, as they feel it is an
important investment; however, many citizens feel
that it is a waste of money. Discuss both these
opinions and include your own.
●Problem Solving

● Generally, in this task type you are given a problem,

again often based on issues in society, and you are
usually asked one or two questions regarding the
problem or issue, such as why it occurs or what causes it,
and what can be done to solve it.
● You need to answer all the questions asked. If the
question asks for reasons or causes then you need to
outline these. Effects or solutions may be asked for;
again, you need to outline these.
● You also need to include your opinion.
●Problem Solving
● Traffic congestion is a growing problem in many
cities today. What are some of the causes of traffic
congestion and what measures can be taken to help
reduce it?
● Working from home has become more common with
technological advances;however, it has many
challenges associated with it. What are some of the
challenges that someone working from home may
face? What are some of the influences on society of
more people working from home? What is your
Thank you!

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