Professional Identity Presentation

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DECEMBER 06, 2018

What is Professional Identity?

Self-Concept based on….

 Beliefs

 Motives

 Experiences

 Attributes

 Values

(Ibarra, 1999; Schein, 1978)

Process of Professional Identity
 NASW Code of Ethics

 Professionalism Skills

 Maintain Professional Networks

 Education and Experience (Ex. Internships)

 License, Certificates, Diploma

My Professional Identity

 Kind

 Self-volunteer

 Compassionate

 Mature

 Leadership
My Potential Field Of Social Work

 Food and Nutrition Benefits (SNAP)

 Child support

 Disability/Welfare
Why I Chose Social Work

 Relation

 Community

 Interest and Skills

 Missionary/ Religion
Professional Goals

I plan to…

 Receive my Bachelor Degree in Social Work in Spring of 2020

 Start a professional career at DSS in my hometown of

Rockingham, NC

 Continue an education at UNCP to later earn a master’s degree in

Social Work
In closing I have learned a lot within my first semester of the BWS Program

at UNCP. Not only has success in social work taught me how to have and

maintain a professional identity, I have also learned plenty of useful skills

and knowledge from my other social work courses such as practicing social

work skills, how to conduct an interview, compose appropriate emails, and

write case notes. I have always had a great deal of respect for social

workers, however I now know that it is not as simple as I thought when

first entering the program. It takes time management, organization skills,

and a great deal of patience to be a successful social worker.

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