CHE F241 Lecture 1-8 - 01 - 2019

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Course No.

: CHE F241
Course Title : Heat Transfer
Instructor in Charge: Banasri Roy

Instructor (Tutorial): P.C. Sande, Banasri Roy

Lectures: T Th S, 10 am, room 6101

Tutorials: M, 8 am, room 6102, 6106


Office:  1215-D


3. Prescribed Textbook (T)

Holman, J.P., Bhattacharyya, S. (2011), “Heat Transfer”, 10th
Ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
4. Reference Books
R1 :Sinnot, R.K. (2003), “Coulson & Richardson's chemical
engineering vol 6”, 3rd edition, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.

R2 :Mccabe, W.L., Smith, J.C., Harriott, P., (2005), “Unit

operations of chemical engineering”, 7th edition, McGraw Hill
International Edition, Singapore.
2. Scope & Objectives
After completion of this course the students are expected to:
• Estimate the rate of heat transfer for one and multidimensional steady state
systems involving temperature gradient
• Define (both conceptually and mathematically) fundamental mechanisms of
three heat transfer modes; Conduction, Convection (free and forced both), and
• Apply these three mechanisms of heat transfer in solving practically relevant
chemical engineering problems; single phase and with phase change (boiling
and condensation)
• Perform basic calculations related to the dependence of heat transfer
coefficient on various physical and fluid property parameters theoretically and
empirically for; Free convection, Forced Convection, and Boiling
• Recognize and explain the construction and working principle of the various
types of heat exchangers
• Apply the Kern’s method to perform the process design of the new shell and
tube heat exchangers
• Apply epsilon- NTU method to carry out the process design of the existing
heat exchanger
• Recognize and explain the construction and working principle of the various
types of evaporators
Evaluation Components
T & Th 11am-12noon

What is Heat Transfer?
energy transfer that may take place between material
bodies as a result of a temperature difference
“Energy in transit due to temperature difference.”
Thermodynamics tells us:
 How much heat (Q) is transferred
 How much work (W) is done
 Final state of the system
Heat transfer tells us:
 How (with what modes, mechanism) Q is transferred
 At what rate Q is transferred
 Temperature distribution inside the body

Heat transfer complementary Thermodynamics

 Energy production and conversion
- steam power plant, solar energy conversion etc.
 Refrigeration and air-conditioning
 Domestic applications
- ovens, stoves, toaster
 Cooling of electronic equipment
 Manufacturing / materials processing
- welding,casting, soldering, laser machining
 Automobiles / aircraft design
 Nature (weather, climate etc)


• Total 2 minutes max (strictly): Self completed video
presentation or slide show with audio recording and
editing ► open end.
• No hand written/hazy image, scanned images etc allowed
• Grading: Technical content (depth & coverage), clarity, and
presentation style.
• 115 students → 23 groups, 5 students each group
Students will make their own group. Instructor will not
Must mention name and ID at the beginning of
• Must mention which TOPIC you are presenting
• Presentation on 19th Jan 2019. Must send the presentation
Aim: Why Should I study Heat transfer?
• Present Application (Industry, research, societal,
environmental, etc.),
• Future Application (Industry, research, societal,
environmental, etc.),
• Connection with other subjects (ChE or non-ChE)
► Which? Where? Examples/How?

EXAMPLE of a Topic
• Present applications of HT in the environmental sector
in Africa: Examples.
• Present applications of HT in the environmental sector
in Africa: How

 Conduction
- needs matter
- molecular phenomenon (diffusion process)
- without bulk motion of matter
 Convection
- heat carried away by bulk motion of fluid
- needs fluid matter
 Radiation
- does not needs matter
- transmission of energy by electromagnetic
(Needs medium, Temperature gradient)
RATE: q(W) or (J/s) (heat flow per unit time)

When you heat a

metal strip at one
end, the heat
travels to the other

As you heat the metal, the particles vibrate, these

vibrations make the adjacent particles vibrate, and so on
and so on, the vibrations are passed along the metal
and so is the heat. We call this? Conduction
Metals are different

The outer e______

lectrons of metal atoms
drift, and are free to move.

When the metal is

heated, this ‘sea of
electrons’ gain k_____
energy and transfer it
throughout the metal.

Insulators, such as w___

ood and p____,
lastic do not
have this ‘sea of electrons’ which is why they
do not conduct heat as well as metals.
The thermal conductivities of gases
such as air vary by a factor of 104 from
those of pure metals such as copper.
Pure crystals and metals have the
highest thermal conductivities, and
gases and insulating materials the

The mechanisms of heat

conduction in different
phases of a substance. 19
Why does metal feel colder than wood, if
they are both at the same temperature?

Metal is a conductor, wood is an insulator. Metal

conducts the heat away from your hands. Wood
does not conduct the heat away from your hands as
well as the metal, so the wood feels warmer than
the metal.
Conduction (contd…)
Rate equations (1D conduction):
T1  Differential Form
q = - k A dT/dx, W
q T2 k = Thermal Conductivity, W/mK
A = Cross-sectional Area, m2
T = Temperature, K or oC
k x = Heat flow path, m
 Difference Form
q = k A (T1 - T2) / (x1 - x2)

Heat flux: q = q / A = - kdT/dx (W/m2)

(negative sign denotes heat transfer in the direction of decreasing
Conduction (contd…)
Thermal conductivity, k: A measure of the ability of a material
to conduct heat.
Temperature gradient dT/dx: The slope of the temperature
curve on a T-x diagram.

 Example:
The wall of an industrial furnace is A
constructed from 0.2 m thick fireclay brick T1
having a thermal conductivity of 2.0 W/mK.
Measurements made during steady state q T2
operation reveal temperatures of 1500 and
1250 K at the inner and outer surfaces,
respectively. What is the rate of heat loss k
through a wall which is 0.5 m by 4 m on a
side ?
Thermal Conductivity

A simple experimental setup to determine

the thermal conductivity of a material. 23
The range of
conductivity of
materials at

  For gas: h 
V of sound in gas 

The variation of the thermal conductivity of various

solids, liquids, and gases with temperature. 25
Thermal Diffusivity
cp Specific heat, J/kg · °C: Heat capacity per
unit mass
cp Heat capacity, J/m3·°C: Heat capacity per
unit volume
 Thermal diffusivity, m2/s: Represents how
fast heat diffuses through a material

A material that has a high thermal

conductivity or a low heat capacity will
obviously have a large thermal diffusivity.
The larger the thermal diffusivity, the faster
the propagation of heat into the medium.
A small value of thermal diffusivity means
that heat is mostly absorbed by the
material and a small amount of heat is
conducted further.
moving fluid
q” Ts

 Energy transferred by diffusion + bulk motion of fluid

What happens to the particles in a liquid or a gas
when you heat them?
The particles spread out
and become less dense.

What is a fluid?

This effects fluid movement. A liquid or gas.

Fluid movement

ense fluids
Cooler, more d____,
sink through w_____,
armer less
dense fluids.

In effect, warmer liquids and

gases r___
ise up.

Cooler liquids and gases s___.

Water movement

Cools at the Convection

surface current

Cooler Hot water

water sinks rises
Why is it windy at the seaside?
Cold air sinks

Where is the Freezer

freezer compartment
put in a fridge?
It is warmer
at the
It is put at the bottom, so
top, because this warmer
cool air sinks, air rises and
so it cools the a convection
food on the current is
way down. set up.
Rate equation (convection)
U y U T
u(y) q” Ts T(y)

Heat transfer rate q = hA( Ts-T  ) W

Heat flux q = h( Ts-T  ) W / m2
h= convection heat transfer
co-efficient (W /m2K)
(not a property) depends on
geometry ,nature of flow,
thermodynamics properties

Free or natural
convection (induced by
buoyancy forces) May occur with
phase change
Convection (boiling,
Forced convection
(induced by external
Convection (contd…)
Typical values of h (W/m2K)

Free convection gases: 2 - 25

liquid: 50 - 100
Forced convection gases: 25 - 250
liquid: 50 - 20,000
Boiling/Condensation 2500 -100,000
The third method of heat transfer
How does heat energy get There are no particles
from the Sun to the Earth? between the Sun and the
Earth so it CANNOT
travel by conduction or
by convection.

• Radiation: The energy emitted by matter in the form of electromagnetic
waves (or photons) as a result of the changes in the electronic
configurations of the atoms or molecules.
• Unlike conduction and convection, the transfer of heat by radiation does
not require the presence of an intervening medium.
• In fact, heat transfer by radiation is fastest (at the speed of light) and it
suffers no attenuation in a vacuum. This is how the energy of the sun
reaches the earth.
• In heat transfer studies we are interested in thermal radiation, which is
the form of radiation emitted by bodies because of their temperature.
• All bodies at a temperature above absolute zero emit thermal radiation.
• Radiation is a volumetric phenomenon, and all solids, liquids, and
gases emit, absorb, or transmit radiation to varying degrees.
• However, radiation is usually considered to be a surface phenomenon
for solids.
Ludwig Boltzmann

All objects above absolute zero emit

radiant energy and the rate of
emission increases and the peak
wavelength decreases as the
temperature of object increases
Rate equations (Radiation)

Heat Transfer by electro-magnetic waves or photons(

no medium required. )

Rdiation power of a surface (energy released

per unit area):

E = Ts4 (W/ m2)

= emissivity (property)………
=Stefan-Boltzmann constant
= 5.6710-8 W.m-2.K-4
A blackbody absorbs all the radiation incident upon it and
emits the max possible radiation at all wavelengths
(e = a = 1)

A greybody is a surface that absorbs a certain proportion of

the energy of a blackbody, the constant being constant over
the entire band of wavelengths and temperature
(0  e = a < 1)

emissivity 0<e<1

absorption coefficient (absorptivity) 0<a<1

Stefan-Boltzmann constant, s = 5.67 x 10-8 W.m-2.K-4

* emissivity, e = 0 to 1 Blackbody, e = 1
* Absorption coefficient, a = 0 to 1
* At a temperature T a = e all wavelengths
* T > 700 oC visible radiation (dull red ~ 800 oC
white ~ 2000 oC)
* Black surface (e ~ 1) – good emitter / absorber
* Polished surface (e ~ 0.01) –
poor emitter / absorber, good reflector
* Hot stars – blue
* Cool stars - red

Water (e ~ 0.96) Earth (e ~ 0.3)

Sun (6000 K - hot!) Earth (300 K - cold!)

Visible radiation Infrared radiation

Emissivity, e – the nature of the surface

Summer clothing:  white reflects radiant

energy better than black.

Wrap an ice-cube in black cloth

 and another in aluminium foil and
 place both in the sunshine.  What
 will happen?

Why is the pupil of the eye black? 

e ~ 0.8 e ~ 0.4

Rate equations

Ts u r
q”r a d. q”co n v.

Ts Area = A

Radiation exchange between a large surface and

Q”r a d = (Ts4-Tsur4) W/ m2
Radiation (contd…)

 Example:
An uninsulated steam pipe passes through a room in
which the air and walls are at 25°C. The outside diameter
of pipe is 80 mm, and its surface temperature and
emissivity are 180°C and 0.85, respectively. If the free
convection coefficient from the surface to the air is 6
W/m2K, what is the rate of heat loss from the surface per
unit length of pipe ?

Radiation travels in straight lines

Radiation can travel through a vacuum
Radiation requires particles to travel
Radiation travels at the speed of light
Emission experiment
Four containers were filled with warm water. Which container
would have the warmest water after ten minutes?
Dull metal Shiny black

Shiny metal Dull black

shiny metal container would be the warmest after ten

The __________
radiation back
minutes because its shiny surface reflects heat _______
dull black container
into the container so less is lost. The ________
emitting heat
would be the coolest because it is the best at _______
Absorption experiment
Four containers were placed equidistant from a heater. Which
container would have the warmest water after ten minutes?

Dull metal Shiny black

Shiny metal Dull black

dull black container would be the warmest after ten

The __________
radiation the best.
minutes because its surface absorbs heat _______
shiny metal container would be the coolest because it is
The _________
the poorest at __________
absorbing heat radiation.
Radiation questions

Why are houses painted white in hot countries?

White reflects heat radiation and keeps the house cooler.

Why are shiny foil blankets wrapped around marathon

runners at the end of a race?

The shiny metal reflects the heat radiation from the runner
back in, this stops the runner getting cold.

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