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How Advertising Works

Lecture 5

Mohammad Rajib Uddin 1

“A blind man was begging on Madison Avenue. In front of
him was a handwritten sign – ‘I AM BLIND’ – and a cup
containing just two cents. A passing copywriter asked to
add a few more words. When, at the end of the day, the
copywriter passed again, the cup was full. ‘What did you
write?’ the blind man asked. The copywriter had added
just four words: ‘IT IS SPRING AND I AM BLIND’.”

Mohammad Rajib Uddin 2


• Basic things that must happen for the communication to work

• The communication Response Sequence
• The planning Sequence
• Relating the Communication response sequence to the five-Step
Strategic Planning Process
• Communication Objective
• Communication Effects
• How Communication Works in Advertisement

Mohammad Rajib Uddin 3

For Any type of communication to
work few basic things must occur
• A person must :
1. See/hear the advertisement
2. Pay Attention, Understand, learn and Accept the advertisement.
3. Must remember the brand or have a connection towards it for the
intension of taking action, in other words have brand awareness,
brand attitude and purchase intension.
4. Behave and take action

Mohammad Rajib Uddin 4

The Communication Response Sequence
Exposure A person must See/hear the message. Example assume you have been exposed
to a tv commercial of Nescafe,

Processing After being exposed to the advertisement , you must have paid Attention towards
the advertisement and attempted to learn something from the advertisement
you have probably accepted the message have emotional attachment towards
the offering.

Communication effects You now have learned from the advertisement now you know how the package
looks like and what benefit Nescafe produces, Now your are aware of the brand .
You have responded to one of the communication effects which is Brand

Target Audience Action The ultimate response from the target audience is response, If you have
purchased after seeing the advertisement, it means the advertisements has

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Mohammad Rajib Uddin 6
The planning Sequence
Target Audience Action With in the marketing plan, Managers must select a target Audience weather
they are user or non-users , understand the target audience decision making

Communication Effect Setting up a communication objective: Marketers must now determine which
communication Effects needs to be established for effective positioning, is it
Brand Awareness, Brand Attitude, Purchase intension or is it category need?

Processing After setting the communication Effects its time to execute it , which involves
designing specific advertising. And test the samples among the target audience
to see weather the audience can pay attention, learn, accept and have a
emotional connection with the advert.

Exposure Marketers must now select a media strategy for exposing the advert.
There are two decision to make:
Media Selection ( Where to reach the target Audience more efficiently)
Media Scheduling ( How Often the target Audience must be reached)

Mohammad Rajib Uddin 7

Relating The Communication response Sequence
to The Five-Step Strategic Planning Process
Five-Step Strategic Planning process Communication Response Sequence

Step one: Select Target audience Target audience action

Step two: Understand target audience Decision making

Step three : Determine best positioning Creative Tactics

& execution, Communication effects , Processing
Step four: understand target audience Message processing
Decision making

Step five: Set media Strategy Exposure

Mohammad Rajib Uddin 8

Communication Objectives
• Communication objectives are intended Goals often used for creating
communication effects which includes brand awareness, brand attitude,
establish category need and Purchase intension for an offering.

• Remember goals are your desired or final results, in-order to reach your
goals objective must be fulfilled in every steps.

• For example if your goal is to increase sales your communication

objective might be improving brand awareness and increase purchase

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Communication Effects

Mohammad Rajib Uddin 10

For Any advertisement to work it must
satisfy a communication objective by
establishing a communication
Effect( When you pay attention to an
advert all these effects could run
through your mind)
• Communication Effects includes:
• Category need
• Brand awareness
• Brand Attitude
• Brand Purchase Intention

Mohammad Rajib Uddin 11

Category need
• Category need refers to the target audience’s feeling that it would like
a particular product or service in order to satisfy a specific need.

• It is a perception and can be established by the advertiser

• It can be a communication objective only when it is necessary to

remind the target of his or her need for the category, or when you
must sell the target audience the need. For example: Every Winter
consumers are reminded to have Soups , as advertised by Campbell.

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An advert by Campbell soup
creating a category need.

Mohammad Rajib Uddin 13

Brand Awareness
• You must be able to identify a brand in order to purchase it. There are
two types of brand awareness : recognition and recall.
• With recognition, at point of purchase you recognize the brand. With
recall you must think of the brand on your own prior to purchase

Mohammad Rajib Uddin 14

Brand attitude
• Unless a product is expensive or less important ,brand awareness
alone will not be enough to drive you to an actual purchase. For
purchase to occur ,you must have a favorable attitude towards the

• This attitude will be some combination of what you know or learn

about the brand, and any feeling you associate with it.
• It is the attitude that makes you select a brand over another

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Brand Purchase intension
• Someone’s mind could be full of different attitudes towards various
brands. And quite possibly, people may hold generally favorable
attitudes towards several brands .
• Brand purchase intention refers to such thoughts as ‘I think I would
like to try that’ or I will buy that, and these follow from favorable
brand attitudes, perhaps encouraged by an incentive promotion.
• In fact, brand purchase intension is always the primary
communication objective for sales-promotion.

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• While each of the communication effect can be apart of
communication objective but it is not necessary that all the
communication effects has to be established.

• For example there already may be a purchase intension for your

product, so you don’t have to work on that through giving out
incentive promotion.

• How-ever brand-awareness and brand Attitude is always a fixed

objective for any advertisement

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• Let us return to the Revive advert.
This advert assumes that a category
need already exists. For this advertisement
to work the reader must at least have some
interest in a recliner , even if they are not
currently in the market. But the big question is,
Is the reader aware of the brand ? if not the
advert provides good brand name visibility
and links to the product benefit, which is
essential for recall brand awareness.

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How communication works in

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• Sender : the party sending the message to another party: McDonald’s
sending the message to its clients.
• Encoding: The process of putting thought into symbolic meaning form:
McDonald’s advertising agency assembles words and illustrations into
an advertisement that will convey the intended message.
• Message: The set of symbols that the sender transmits: The actual
McDonald's advertisement.
• Media: The communication channels through which the message moves
from sender to receiver: in this case , the Tv channels chosen by
McDonald’s agency.
• Decoding: The process by which the receiver assigns the meaning to the
symbols encoded by the sender: A consumer notices the McDonald’s ad
and interprets the words and illustrations it contains.
Mohammad Rajib Uddin 20
• Response: The reaction of the receiver after being exposed to the
message: any of hundreds of possible responses , such as the customer
prefers McDonalds, is more likely to eat at McDonalds’ hums the “I’m
loving eat” jingle’, or ‘does nothing’, or the customer might click on the
advert to get a discount voucher etc.
• Feedback: The part of the receiver’s response communicated back to
the sender: McDonald’s research shows that customer like and
remember the ad; or customer may email or phone McDonald’s
praising or critiquing the ad or its products. (Most advert or criticism is
online now a days depending on the geographic location of the brand).
• Noise: The unplanned static or distortion,during the communication
process that results in the receiver getting a different message from
that intended because they didn’t interpret the ad in the way
McDonald’s intended them to.
Mohammad Rajib Uddin 21
Two types of noise that can cause
• External Noise: Socio economy trend that affects the reception of
message , for example Health trend or food trend that cause
consumer perceive a advert in a different way which was not intended
by the advertisers.
• Internal Noise: Includes personal factors that affects the reception of
an advertisement , such as receiver’s needs , purchase history ,
information- processing abilities. For example if you don’t have the
intension to buy a product you may not want to see the advert and
switch to a different content.

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