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Those three layers of embryonic tissues are:

a. Ectoderm, the outer layer. Develops into brain, nerves, hair, skin, and
b. Mesoderm, the middle layer. Develops into circulatory system, bone,
muscle, excretory system, and dan reproductive system.
c. Endoderm, the inner layer. Develops into digestive and respiratory

The changing of these layers

Into organs is called
Besides that, a system which stimulates embryo's life is fomed. This system
consists of :
saccus vitellinus (yolk sac), membranous sac attached to an embryo,
formed by cells of the hypoblast adjacent to the embryonic disk. It is
important in early embryonic blood supply.

amnion, a sac which poduces amniotic fluid. The function of the fluid is to
protect embryo from bumps and dryness.

chorion, a membrane which surrounds amnion. It provides additional

protection for the embryo, but it also promotes the exchange of nutrients and
other necessary fluids between the mother and the embryo.

-alantois, a sac-like structure that forms near the posterior of embryo. It is

used to take up embryo's urine and aids in gas exchange.
Placenta and embryo are connected by umbilical cord.

Food and oxygen are distributed from : mother's blood vessel  placenta 
umbilical cord  embryo's blood vessel

The waste and carbon dioxide are dostributed from : embryo's blood vessel
 umbilical cord  placenta  mother's blood vessel
c. Fetal Phase
Fetal phase occurs from the end of the second month after the
fertilization until the birth.

All things which happens in this phase are :

 The second until the fourth month : the amount of nerves are
 The end of the third month : some internal organs have developed
 The 18th week : the fetus begins to move
 The end of the fifth month : the organs have been posotioned
 The end of the sixth month : the embryo is able to sweat
 The end of the seventh month : the embryo has developed, but not
 The end of the eighth month: all of the organs has been formed
 The last month: all of the organs has been developed perfectly, the
fetus is ready for the birth.
These are the factors affecting human growth :

 Internal Factors  External Factor

 Genes, are unit of heredity  Nutritions, the useful
transferred from a parent to substances contained in food
offspring and is held to and taken into the body, such
determine some characteristic as vitamin D (important in
of the offspring. E.g : a tall bone and teeth forming) ,
parent has a tall child. protein (foms mucles) , etc.

 Hormones, such as
somatotrophic ,pituitary, dan
thyroxine which stimulate

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