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Mechanical principles
 Topic outline:
 Angle of pull
 Pulleys types-application
Angle of pull
 Definition:
 A force is most effective when it is applied at right
angles to a lever.
Mechanical efficiency of a muscle:
 Mechanically, the pull is most efficient when the muscle is
inserted at right angles to the bone.
 This efficiency is decreased as the angle of pull is reduced;
because some of the force is used in pulling the bone of
insertion towards the joint representing the fulcrum.
 The mechanical efficiency of the muscle pull is also reduced
when the angle of insertion is increased from the right angle.
In this case the joint becomes less stabl4 as the angle
A pulley is a grooved wheel which is
rotated about a fixed axis by a rope
which passes round it. The axis is
supported by a framework or block, and
the whole structure may be used either
as a fixed pulley or movable pulley.
 This is used to alter the direction of a force, and
enables traction or resistance to be applied at any
 The pulley bock is fixed to some suitable support and
the rope which passes around the wheel is attached to
the weight at one end and the effort applied at the
 Some time the same pulley system is used in human body
by some muscles allow them to inserted at a more
advantageous angle .
 There are two types of fixed pulleys : single fixed pulleys and
two fixed pulleys'.
The moveable pulley
 This device is used to gain a mechanical
advantage when lifting heavy weights. One
simple combination is in common use for lifting
the trunk for suspension exercises. The upper
pulley is fixed to an over head support, to which
one end of the rope is attached. The rope is
then wound round the movable pulley, to which
the weight is attached, and round the fixed
pulley, the effort being applied at the free end.
 If double pulleys are used the effort required
can gain can be reduced by half.

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