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Child Obesity In Sports

By Samuel Busuttil
Extracurricular Activities
• Eccles, Adler, Futterman, Goff, Kaczala, Meece,
and Midgley (1983) offered a theoretical
model which attempted to account for
children’s involvement and motivation in both
in-school and out-of-school activities.

Date: Summer 2008
Statistics of Obesity
• Statistics show that 26 per cent of young
Canadians age two to 17 are overweight or
obese. The situation on native reservations is
even worse with about 50 per cent of young
people in this category. It is more than enough
to be of concern.

Author: Garry Gnirss

Date: April 2008
Prohibition of Fast Food
• In 1980, Quebec, via the Quebec Consumer
Protection Act prohibited advertisements of
fast food, directed at children under the age of
13. this was done to reduce child obesity and
effected the children even when they grew to
avoid fast food.

Author: Garry Gnirss

Date: April 2008
Sport Effects On Child Obesity
• Sport can help reduce obesity and reduce the
risks of obesity and can help children to have
an active lifestyle and this can lead to a
healthy life and will help the children to be
more confident. Sports for children can help
them have fun and relieve stress.

Author: Bach, Greg

Date: January 2005
Effects of Child Obesity
• Obese children become targets of early and
systematic discrimination. Obesity can lead to
shyness, depression, lack of exercise and it can
have complications for the child’s physical,
social and emotional well-being.

Author: Mayo Clinic Staff

Date: November 2016
Obesity Effects in Sport
• There will be a decrease in performance due
to extra weight that the child has to carry
while training and loss of oxygen if he doesn’t
exercise regularly. Obese children can be left
out due to lack of performance in the sport.

Author: Jabbour G
Date: July 2013
Preventing Child Obesity
• To prevent child obesity it’s best that they do
some kind of exercise regularly and have a
good nutrition with a balance of various
healthy food to help the child prevent obesity
and help the child in being healthy.

Author: Rasmunssen Finn

Date: May 2014
My Opinion On Child Obesity
• My opinion is that obesity in childhood can
have a big disadvantage because the child can
go through health sickness and he will have
less chance of experiencing and enjoying
sports because of the extra weight.
The End

Hope you Enjoyed!

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