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Carlos Fernando Morales Sánchez
Activity Percentage
First Term    
  Assignments and class workshops 5%
  Workshop 1 24-28/02 15%
  Exam 1 24-28/02 15%
Second Term    
  Assignments and class workshops 5%
  Workshop 2 30/03– 03/04 15%
  Exam 2 30/03– 03/04 15%
Third Term    
  Oral presentation 15%
  Final Workshop 15%
Reglas de juego
• Se toma la asistencia y se registran las fallas
• Apuntes son vitales
• Lecturas en inglés
• Actividades entregadas un día después se califican sobre 4,
• Dos días después sobre 3
• No todas las actividades se califican
Reglas de juego
• Libros de Canon:
• Krugman, P y Obstfeld, M. (2012). Economía Internacional Teoría y Política, 9ª
edición. McGraw-Hill, Madrid.
• Appleyard, Field. (1997) Economía Internacional. McGraw-Hill.
• Friedman, T. (2006). La Tierra es plana: breve historia del mundo globalizado del
siglo xxi Martínez Roca.

• Lecturas selectas:
• Kalmanovitz, S. Nueva historia económica de Colombia (2011). Taurus.
• Zuleta, E. (2004). Elogio de la dificultad. Praxis Pedagógica, 4(5), 87-91.

• Baldwin, R. (2016). The great convergence. Harvard University Press.

• Understand the free trade vs Protectionism debate
• International trade’s effects
• International trade’s theories
• Trade policy

• Establish a reasoned position

• Propose recommendations
i. Introduction
ii. Classical theory of
international trade
iii. Neoclassical theory of
international trade
iv. New trade theories
v. Trade policy
vi. Current Situation
i. Introduction • Mercantilism
ii. Classical theory of • Classical principles
international trade • Comparative Advantage
iii. Neoclassical theory of • Original version
international trade • Many countries
iv. New trade theories • Many goods
• Empirical validation
v. Trade policy
vi. Current Situation
i. Introduction • Heckscher-Ohlin model
ii. Classical theory of • International factors movement
international trade
iii. Neoclassical theory of
international trade
iv. New trade theories
v. Trade policy
vi. Current Situation
i. Introduction • Competitive advantage
ii. Classical theory of • Gravity model
international trade • Krugman’s model
iii. Neoclassical theory of • Offshoring model
international trade
iv. New trade theories
v. Trade policy
vi. Current Situation
i. Introduction • Exchange rates
• Tariffs
ii. Classical theory of
international trade • Non-tariff measures
• Trade integration
iii. Neoclassical theory of
international trade
iv. New trade theories
v. Trade policy
vi. Current Situation
i. Introduction • ICT and transaction costs
ii. Classical theory of • Global Value Chains
international trade • New business models
iii. Neoclassical theory of • Blockchain and international trade
international trade
iv. New trade theories
v. Trade policy
vi. Current Situation

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