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Four thermometers leveled as 1,2,3,4 were used to determine
melting point of hydrquinone. Test at 5% level of significance
of hypothesis that there is no significant variation in the
means of the input as determined by the four thermometers.
Conduct the analysis and draw the conclusions

T1 T2 T3 T4

1 2 3 4
174.0 173.0 171.5 173.5

173.0 172.0 172.0 171.5

173.5 173.0

Step 1:-
General expression
Temperature = f(thermometer)

yi     i   i
yi= Response at ith level of factor A
µ= Grand mean
αi= Differential effect of ith level of factor A on response
εi= Error i) Independent
ii) Normal distribution
iii) Random
Step 2:-
Test of significance
• Null Hypothesis
There is no variation present among the factor,
i.e. thermometer
1   2   3   4  0
• Alternate Hypothesis
There is no variation present among the factor,
i.e. thermometer
1   2   3   4  0
Step 3:-
Level of significance = 0.05
Step 4:-
Correction Factor ; C
 n 
  yi 
C   i 1 
 174.0  173.0  .......  171.5  11

 327836.4545
Sum of Square of Total ; SST
SST   yi2  C
i 1

 {1742  1732  ........  171.52 }  327836.4545

 9.545

Sum of Square of Treatment ; SSTr

693.52 345 2 515.52 3452

SSA  {    }  327836.4545
4 2 3 2
 4.196
Sum of Square of Errors; SSE

= 5.35

Step 5:-
Anova Table
Source of DOF Sum of Mean Computed
variation squares square f

Thermometer 3 4.196 1.398 1.8257

Error 7 5.36 0.7657 1.0
Total 10 9.54
Step 6:-
Critical Region

4.35 from table at α=0.05

X > computed f
Null Hypothesis is selected, there is no variation
among the thermometers used for measurement…

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