Beep Test: Blok Kedokteran Olahraga Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Seblas Maret Surakarta

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Beep test


Apa itu?

multi-stage fitness test used to measure

cardiovascular fitness and maximum
oxygen uptake (VO2 max)
The Standard test has 21 levels, and each level consists of a
different number of shuttles. The test is performed by running
between two markers placed 20 meters (65.6 feet) apart, at an
increasing pace as indicated by the beeps. The test ends when you
can no longer keep pace, or level 21 is completed.

 Flat, non-slip surface,

 marking cones,
 20 meter measuring tape,
 beep test audio (download di play store/app store)
 recording sheets.
Procedure (8.5 leger)
 Place markers 20 meters apart.
 Position yourself, or athletes, at one of the markers.
 Press the start button of the Beep Fitness Test app.
 Run 20 meters to the opposite marker, getting there before the
next beep sounds.
 Wait there until the beep sounds before running back to the other
 Repeat this process for each shuttle until you are unable to keep
up with the beeps. Remember, you must wait for the beep before
starting the next shuttle.
 When you miss a beep you must continue to run to the marker in
front of you, turn at the end, and try to catch up with the pace
within 2 more beeps. The test ends when you fail to reach the
opposite marker for two consecutive beeps.
 Your final score is the last level and shuttle you completed before
missing a beep.
Procedure (eurofit)
 The subjects stand behind one of the lines facing the second line, and
begin running when instructed by the recording.
 The speed at the start is quite slow.
 The subject continues running between the two 20 meter lines, turning
at the 20 meter lines when signaled by the recorded beeps.
 After about one minute, a sound indicates an increase in speed, and
the beeps will be closer together. This continues each minute (level).
 If the 2 meter line is reached before the beep sounds, the subject must
wait at the 20 meter line until the beep sounds before continuing.
 If the 2 meter line is not reached before the beep sounds, the subject
is given a warning and must continue to run to the 20 meter line, then
turn and try to catch up.
 The test is stopped if the subject fails to reach the 2 meter line for two
consecutive runs.
The individual's
score is the level
and number of
shuttles (20
meters) reached
before they were
unable to keep up
with the recording.
Record the last
level completed
(not necessarily
the level stopped
Normal Value

 VO2 max = 3.46 x (1 x stage + (market/(stage x 0.4325 +

7.0048))) + 12.2

 Melakukan 2 kali beep test

 Beep test pertama dilakukan pada bulan september (dilakukan
per kelompok tutorial)
 Beep test kedua dilakukan ketika akhir blok kedokteran
 Hasil beep test masuk sebagai nilai praktikum blok kedokteran
olahraga sebesar 40% (60% ujian blok)
 Rekapan hasil beep test pertama dikumpulkan terkahir tanggal
30 September 2019

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