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Ms. Pallavi charade.
• The term OSPE is derived from OSCE in 1975 which was
later extended to practical exam and revised by Harden
and Gleeson. OSPE is the traditional system of practical
examination in nursing consists of either assigning a
procedure to a student or a patient for identifying the
needs and problems. This depends upon student's ability
and availability of the patient for a particular procedure

• It is a new pattern of the practical examination, in which

each component of clinical competence is tested
uniformity and objectivity for all the students who are
taking up a practical. It can be used for formative and
summative examination.
• Separate assessment or Process and product
through observation of performance and.
Assessment of result.
• Adequate sampling of skills and content to test
• An analytical approach to the assessment.
• Feedback to teacher and student.
• During this exam student pass through a number of stations. OSPE
exam ideally consists of 15 - 20 stations for exam of a particular course.
No of stations may be also reduced according to higher no. of students
to be evaluated. But in order to maintain the validity of it the exam, the
time for each station should not be less than four minutes.
• All the station should be completed in the same period of time.
Students are rotated through all the station and move to the next
station on the ring of the bell. Thus 15 stations of four minutes
duration each, 15 students can complete the exam within one hour.
Each station is designed to test experimental competences.
• At some stations called the procedures station students
are given tasks to perform on subjects. At all stations
there is an observer with an agreed checklist to mark the
student performance.
• At other station called response station student writes
answer of objective type question or record their findings
of the previous procedure station.
1. Demonstrate practical skills.
2. Make accurate observations.
3. Analyze and interpret data.
4. Identify the patients problems
5. Plan alternative interventions.
1.Procedure Station:
• This station requires student to at perform a task. E.g monitoring of oral
temperature. When a student performs the task simultaneously, she is
observed and marked against a checklist being prepared in advance. So
the students get score according to the skill demonstrated by her.
2.The question station / the response station:
• The student answers the question being asked on the answer sheet
provided and leave it in the place specified. Usually the question station
may have a on question related to the procedure station.
• It is more objective, reliable and valid than the traditional system of
• All students are subjected to the same standardized test
• The emphasis is shifted from testing factual knowledge to testing of skills,
that too in a short time.
• It helps to ensure a wide coverage of all practical skills. It ensures
interaction of teaching and learning.
• There is increased faculty - student interaction.
• A large number of students can be tested within a restricted time period.
• the stimulated situation may not reflect the real life the situation.
• Students cannot be assessed for different skills, such as IPR, communication
skills and dexterity in handling equipment’s
• Empathy towards the patients cannot be assessed.
• The skill of the student in providing holistic nursing care. cannot be assessed.
• It may be time consuming to construct an OSPE.
• It cannot be used a single person, it needs more resources in terms of manpower,
time and money
• There is no interaction between the examiner and the student.
• There is a risk of fatigue.
• breaking clinical skills into individual competencies may be artificial

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