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Biological Effects of Ionizing

Prof. Hamby

Describe how ionizing radiation
interacts with biological material

Discuss the major factors that influence
the severity or type of biological effect

Define terms describing biological

Define radiation dose quantities

Describe meaning of “dose-response”

Define stochastic and non-stochastic
Ionizing Radiation

Radiation having adequate energy
to ionize atoms, dissociate
molecules, or alter nuclear

Particles, alpha, beta, electrons,
neutrons, protons

Electromagnetic waves, x-rays,
gamma rays

Direct or indirect ionization of
Energy Deposition

Radiation interacts by either
ionizing or exciting the atoms or
molecules in the body (water)

Energy is deposited and absorbed
as a result of these interactions

Absorbed Dose is defined as the
energy absorbed per unit mass of
material (tissue in this case)
Biological Damage

Damage can occur at various
biological levels
 Sub-cellular
 Cellular (cell death)
 Organ (disfunction)
 Organism (cancer, death)
Cellular Radiosensitivity

Cells that divide more rapidly

are more sensitive to the effects
of radiation ...

… essentially because the resulting

effect is seen more rapidly.
Acute Radiation

 25 - 200 rads; no symptoms, but signs

 200 - 600 rads; changes in blood

 600 - 1000 rads; intestinal lining failure

 > 1000 rads; nervous system failure

LD50/30 ~ 400 rads

Factors Influencing
Biological Effect

Total absorbed energy (dose)

Dose rate
 Acute (seconds, minutes)
 Chronic (days, years)

Type of radiation

Source of radiation
 External
 Internal

Age at exposure
Factors Influencing
Biological Effect

Time since exposure

Area or location being irradiated
 Localized (cells, organ)
 Extremities (hands, forearms, feet,
lower legs)
 Entire body (trunk including head)
 Superficial dose (skin only - shallow)
 Deep tissue (“deep dose”)

Acute exposure - dose received in a
short time (seconds, minutes)

Acute effects - symptoms occur
shortly after exposure

Chronic exposure - dose received
over longer time periods (hrs, days)

Delayed effects - symptoms occur
after a latent (dormant) period

Somatic effects - those which occur
in the person exposed

Genetic effects - those which occur
in the offspring of exposed persons

Stochastic effects - likelihood of
effect is random, but increases with
increasing dose

Non-stochastic effects - likelihood
of effect is based solely on dose
exceeding some threshold
Radiation Dosimetry

radiation energy biological

interaction deposition response

Radiation dose quantifies energy

Dose categories:
 local; whole body; extremity
 shallow; deep
 internal; external
Dosimetric Quantities

Erythema; Photographic fog

Exposure (1 R = 1 SC/cm3)
 Defined for photons in air
 SI definition: 1 X unit = 1 C/kg

Absorbed Dose, D (1 rad = 100
 Defined for all radiations/all media
 SI definition: 1 Gy = 1 J/kg = 100 rads
 1 rad (tissue) ~ 1 R (air)
Radiation Quality

Not all radiations are created equal

What is the “quality” of radiation?

Linear Energy Transfer (LET)

Energy absorbed per unit length

Essentially a measure of
“ionization density”
Relative Biological

RBE is an empirically determined
measure of radiation quality

Expresses the different absorbed
dose required by two radiations in
order to cause the same endpoint

Biological endpoint is undefined

Standard radiations are either 250
kVp x-rays or 60Co gamma rays
Radiation Quality

The ionization density is

different among radiation types.
X-ray -- not many ionizations
Alpha particle -- very high density
Beta particle -- high density at end
Dosimetric Quantities

Dose Equivalent, H (rem)
 Used to “normalize” over different
radiation types
 Quality factor, QF, describes
ionization density (wR)
 QF related to both LET and RBE
 H = D • QF
 SI definition: 1 Sv = 100 rem
Dosimetric Quantities

Fatal cancer is the biological
endpoint of importance

Estimates have been made of
organ-specific risks of cancer

Some cancers can be treated

Therefore, need to consider
individual organ risks
Dosimetric Quantities

Effective Dose Equivalent, E (rem)
 Used to “normalize” over different
organ radio-sensitivities
 Tissue weighting factor, wT,
describes relative cancer risk
 E =  (H • wT)
 SI definition: still, 1 Sv = 100 rem
 Unit of record
Dosimetric Quantities

Internal Dose

External Dose

Committed Dose

Cumulative Dose

Population Dose





Non-Stochastic (Deterministic)

Occurs above threshold dose

Severity increases with dose
 Alopecia (hair loss)
 Cataracts

 Erythema (skin reddening)

 Radiation Sickness

 Temporary Sterility
Stochastic (Probabilistic)

Occurs by chance

Probability increases with dose
 Carcinogenesis
 Mutagenesis

 Teratogenesis

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