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A Simple Image Model

 Image refers to a two dimensional light intensity function
denoted by f(x,y) - x and y denote the spatial co-ordinates.
The magnitude of f( ) at spatial co-ordinates (x,y) gives the
intensity of image at that point.

 f(x,y) can be characterized by two components.

 The amount of source light being incident on the scene being viewed –
illumination component (i(x,y)).

 The amount of light reflected by the objects in the scene – reflectance

component (r(x,y)).
 f(x,y) = i(x,y) r(x,y)
 0 < i(x,y) < ∞
 0 < r(x,y) < 1

 f(x,y) can be treated as an MxN array for

processing, where M and N are the dimension of
the image along X and Y directions.

 Each element of the array represents the intensity

values and can be called as pixel or pel.
Image Resolution
 Resolution:
 Image Resolution = the dpi (dots per inch = pixels per
inch) of an image.
 Common image resolutions are 72, 200, 300, etc.
 The higher the resolution, the higher the print
quality and the larger the data size of the image (in
kilobytes or megabytes)
 The resolution of a digital image is defined as the
number of pixels it contains. A 5 megapixel image is
typically 2,560 pixels wide and 1,920 pixels high
and has a resolution of 4,915,200 pixels, rounded off
to 5 million pixels.
2-D Function Representation
2-D Function Representation

2 3 2

2D function – Examples.

A unit Step sequence u(n1, n2)


A unit impulse δ(n1, n2)

2D function – Examples.

Line impulse δT(n1)

Separable Functions
 A 2-D sequence x(n1,n2) is said to be a
separable sequence if it can be expressed as

 x(n1, n2) = f(n1) g(n2)

 δ (n1, n2) = δ(n1) δ(n2).

 U(n1, n2) = u(n1) u(n2).
Two Dimensional Systems
 Linear System:
 Let x(m,n) and y(m,n) represent the input and output of a
two dimensional system,
 y(m,n) = T [x(m,n)]
 The system is linear iff any linear combination of two
inputs x1(m,n) and x2(m,n) produces the combination of
their respective outputs y1(m,n) and y2(m,n) for arbitrary
constants a1 and a2.
 T[a1 x1(m,n) + a2 x2(m,n)] = a1T[x1(m,n)] + a2T[ x2(m,n)]
 = a1 y1(m,n) + a2 y2(m,n)

 Shift Invariant System:

 The system is spatially invariant or shift invariant
if a translation of input causes the same
translation of the output.

 If y(m,n) = T [x(m,n)]
 y(m-i,n-j) = T [x(m-i,n-j)]
2-D Convolution
 The 2D discrete convolution equation is

M 1 N 1
C (i, j )   A(k , l ) B(i  k , j  l )
k 0 l 0
Steps for 2-D convolution
 Either of the array is rotated by 180 degree. (say B
(k, l))

 Then shifted by (i, j) and overlayed on the other

array (A (k, l))

 Sum the product of arrays in the overlapping

regions gives the result at (i, j).
Convolution - Illustration
2-D Convolution - Example
Matrix Method
 If F and G are the input arrays of size m1 x n1 and
m2 x n2 resp.
 Pad both the matrices with zeros to bring them to a
size M x N
 M ≥ m1 + m2 -1
 N ≥ n1 + n2 -1
 Form an MN x 1 column vector fp from matrix F by
row stacking.
 Form a similar matrix Gp from G matrix.
 From an MN x MN circulant matrix from the rows
of Gp.
Matrix Method Cont..
 The circulant matrix formed is called a block
circulant matrix, Gb, which can be written as

[G1 ][G N ]........[G2 ]

 
 2 1][G ].........[G ]
3 
Gb  . . . 
 
 . . . 
[G ][G ]....[G ] 
 N N 1 1 

 Each N x N block matrix is formed from the ith row

of Gp
Example – 2D Convolution
1 2 0   1 1 0
1 2   1 1
F  G  f p  3 4 0 g p   2 2 0
3 4   2 2 0 0 0  0 0 0

 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 
 1 1 0 0 0 0 2  2 0   2
   
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2  2 0
   
  2 0 2  1 0 1 0 0 0   3
Gb   2  2 0 0 Y = G b * fp ’
1 1 0 0 0 f p '   4
   
 0 2  2 0 1  1 0 0 0  0
0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0
   
0 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0  0
   
 0 0 0 0 2  2 0 1  1  0
Example – 2D Convolution
1 
 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1  2
 1 1 0   
 0 0 0 2  2 0  0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2  2  
   3
  2 0 1  1 0 0 0 0 2  f p '   4
Gb '   2  2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0  
  0
0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0  
0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0
 
0 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0   
  0
 0 0 0 0 2  2 0 1  1 

Y = Gb ’ * fp ’
Circular convolution
 If two 1-D convolving sequences are periodic then
their convolution is also periodic and can be
represented as
N 1
y ( n)   x ( k ) h( n  k ) 0  n  N 1
k 0

 h(n)=h(N-n) and N-period

 Example:
 N=4, h(n) = n+3(modulo 4)

 h(n) = [3 0 1 2] x(n) = [x(0) x(1) x(2) x(3)]

 y(0) = 3*x(0) + 2*(x(1) + 1*x(2) + 0*x(3)

 y(1) = 0*x(0) + 3*(x(1) + 2*x(2) + 1*x(3)
 y(2) = 1*x(0) + 0*(x(1) + 3*x(2) + 2*x(3)
 y(3) = 2*x(0) + 1*(x(1) + 0*x(2) + 3*x(3)

 y ( 0)   3 2 1 0   x ( 0) 
 y (1)  0 3 2 1   x(1) 
  y ( n)  H c x ( n)
 y ( 2)   1 0 3 2   x ( 2) 
    
 y ( 3)  2 1 0 3  x(3) 

Hc, can be obtained by arranging the row vector h(n)

column wise and then obtaining the remaining columns by
rotating the previous column by one.
Circular convolution – 2D
 The circular convolution in 2-D can be
implemented in using the same principles
using a block circulant matrix.
Separable Function an eg.
 1  1
h(n1 , n2 )   
 1 1 
 1
h2 (n2 )  1 1 h1 (n1 )   
 1  1  1
1 1  1   1 1 
   

h(0,0) = h1(0) x h2(0) = 1.1 = 1; h(0,1) = h1(1) x h2(0) = 1.-1 = -1

h(1,0) = h1(0) x h2(1) = 1.1 = 1; h(1,1) = h1(1) x h2(1) = 1.-1 = -1
2-D Correlation

 The 2D discrete correlation equation is

M 1 N 1
C (i, j )   A(k , l ) B (i  k , j  l )
k 0 l 0

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