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Writing Skills

“Abstract in Researh”

Kiki Dwi Handayani, S.ST., M.Tr.Keb
Abstract ????
Definition of Abstract

a. Frederick Wilfrid Lancaster

Abstract is a concise but accurate
representation of the contents of a document.
Although using various sentences contained in
the document, abstract is a piece of text
created by the creator of the abstract, but not a
direct quote from the author.
b. Clarence W Rowley
Abstract is the presentation of the contents of
the document in a concise and accurate manner
in the same style as the original document

c. International Standard Organisation (ISO)

According to ISO, the abstract meaning is a
brief but accurate description that represents
the contents of a document, without additional
interpretation or criticism and without seeing
who the author of the essay.
Function of Abstract
1. Main Components of Research Reports
Abstract is one of the main components in a
research report. With the abstract, the reader
can find out what is the essence or results of
a research report.
2. Overview of the contents of the research
In the abstract of a study explains the general
description of the contents of the research
report made by the author. That way, the
research report will be easier to study.
3. Material Considerations For Readers
The abstract also helps the reader to consider
whether or not to read the entire contents of
a research report. By reading abstracts, the
reader understands that the contents of the
writing are in accordance with what they are
looking for.
abstract properties

1. Simple
2. Obviously
3. Exactly
4. Single
5. Objectives
Types of Abstracts
1. Informative Abstract

2. Indicative Abstract
Informative Abstract
This is an abstract type that presents
information and data in full so that the reader
does not have to read the original writing,
unless you want to dig deeper. In the
informative abstract presents the results and
principles of the work (objectives, methods),
conclusions from the original article clearly,
for the orientation of the reader who cannot
access the original document.
Indicative Abstract
 This is an abstract type that describes
succinctly and concisely about the problem
contained in a paper or complete report. The
purpose of this indicative abstract is to
explain the contents of the original
information in a concise, concise manner, and
only convey an indication of the target scope
of the writing.
Search for an English-language journal take
the abstract part then upload it to vilep

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