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Workplace Incivility

Kayla Anyalewechi, Roxanne Burns, Steven Edmunds, Kswanna Letsinger, Christine Randazzo
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing

Abstract Data and Analysis of the Issue Vision of Bon Secours Conclusion
Workplace violence and incivility are faced by Inspired by God’s hope for the world, we will be a Through the implementation of iAspire modules
healthcare professionals world-wide. Yet, nurses of ministry where associates want to work, related to workplace violence, St. Mary’s Hospital
Bon Secours Mercy Health St. Mary’s Hospital clinicians want to practice, people seek wellness nurses will have a deeper understanding of
report higher levels of satisfaction compared to and communities thrive. workplace incivility. This education will help St.
other Magnet Designated hospitals. According to Mary’s Hospital maintain a positive culture,
the 2019 Nurse Survey (NDNQI), St. Mary’s reputation for minimal workplace incivility and
outperformed other hospitals in the categories of Proposed Intervention Magnet designation. The ultimate goal is to
teamwork and RN to RN interactions. However, St. continue providing safe patient care through
● Education about Workplace Violence policy
Mary’s Hospital still has vulnerabilities that make quality, team-based nursing.
● Education on Workplace Violence via iAspire
them susceptible to workplace incivility. The aim of
○ Provide examples of incivility.
this project is to promote education and improve
● Examples include: gossip, name-calling,
awareness about workplace incivility. iAspire
modules will define workplace incivility, cover the spreading rumors, using a condescending
existing workplace violence policy, and provide tone, expressing public criticism
examples for clarity. The use of iAspire Modules (Professional Issues Panel on Incivility,
related to workplace violence will improve Root Cause Bullying, and Workplace Violence, 2015) References
awareness and understanding of workplace Logistics
incivility among nurses. Factors contributing to low nurse turnover rate: ● Contact Chief Nurse Bambi, S., Foà, C., De Felippis, C., Lucchini, A., Guazzini, A., &
● Involve the education department to create iAspire modules
● iAspire module will be utilized to inform existing employees Rasero, L. (2018). Workplace incivility, lateral violence and
Policy BSR 01-26 Workplace Violence ● New employees will receive informative modules during bullying among nurses. A review about their prevalence
● Bon Secours Richmond (BSR) has a zero orientation
and related factors. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis,
tolerance approach to incidents of workplace 89(6-S), 51–79.
violence. Stakeholders
Introduction and Description of ● All BSR employees are expected to report
● Chief Nurse
● Education department
Buck-Hooper, T. (2018). Bullies in white: The reality of
the Situation incidents of workplace violence promptly and in ● Human Resources
● All associates and workforce members of Bon Secours Incivility in nursing. International Journal of Studies in
accordance with this policy. Mercy Health (BSMH)
Nursing, 3(1).
Macro Description:
Bon Secours Code of Conduct Lynette, J., Echevarria, I., Sun, E., & Ryan, J.G. (2016).
● 80% to 90% of nurses describe having
● Bon secours has no tolerance for retaliation. Potential Costs Incivility across the nursing continuum. Holistic Nursing
experienced bullying/incivility during their ● Development of iAspire modules
○ Retaliation refers to when an individual tries Practice; The Science of Health and Healing, 30(5),
career (Lynette et al., 2016). ● Employee compensation of time spent
● Incivility adversely affects communication, to harm or “get back” at someone for carrying completing the iAspire module 263-268. doi: 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000167
collaboration, and respect (Lynette et al., 2016). out their responsibilities under the Code of Read, E., & Spence Laschinger, H. K. (2013). Correlates of
● More than ⅓ of nurses report leaving because of Conduct. new graduate nurses’ experiences of workplace
○ Personal threats are also considered a form of
incivility, costing health care organizations mistreatment. Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(4),
retaliation. Timeline
billions of dollars (Buck-Hooper, 2018). ● Implement new iAspire modules by 221–228. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0b013e3182895a90
● 78.5% of bullied nurses with less than 5 years of January, 2021
experience have resigned to move to other jobs Magnet Designation
● Provides requirements for nursing excellence
(Bambi et al., 2018).
Micro Description: resulting in:
● St. Mary’s Hospital NDNQI RN satisfaction survey ○ Excellent patient outcomes
○ High level of nurse job satisfaction Data Collection
from 2018 and 2019 outperformed the Magnet
○ Low nurse turnover rate ● NDNQI survey (2018 & 2019)
mean in the categories of teamwork and RN to
● Meetings with the St. Mary’s Workplace
RN interactions (Nurse Survey [NDNQI] Hospital
Violence Committee
Level Data, 2019).
Poster References
Bambi, S., Foà, C., De Felippis, C., Lucchini, A., Guazzini, A., & Rasero, L. (2018). Workplace incivility, lateral
violence and bullying among nurses. A review about their prevalence and related factors. Acta Biomed for
Health Professionals, 89(6-S), 51–79. [roxanne]

Buck-Hooper, T. (2018). Bullies in white: The reality of Incivility in nursing. International Journal of Studies in
Nursing, 3(1). doi: 10.20849/ijsn.v3i1.300 [kswanna]

Lynette, J., Echevarria, I., Sun, E., & Ryan, J.G. (2016). Incivility across the nursing continuum. Holistic Nursing
Practice; The Science of Health and Healing, 30 (5) 263-268. doi: 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000167 [christine]

Read, E., & Spence Laschinger, H. K. (2013). Correlates of new graduate nurses’ experiences of workplace
mistreatment. Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(4), 221–228. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0b013e3182895a90

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