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Humanistic Perspective

Kiran Randhawa (24) 2k20 M.Sc previous


 Psychologists who take a humanist approach to personality focus on our

uniquely human capacity to determine our own actions and futures.

 The belief that biology and parental influence are real factors, but

ultimately we have the free will go beyond these forces.

 Each individual is responsible for his/her own outcome.

History of Humanism

 Created in early 1960s

 Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and Rollo May

 This was created to replace psychoanalysis and behaviorism with third

force in psychology

 They wanted to draw a fuller picture of human potential and personality.

Abraham Maslow
Abraham Maslow

 Maslow believed psychology ignores many positive aspects in life such

as joy, laughter, love, happiness and beauty

 He didn't value the big five traits, but instead qualities of the self-

actualized person

 Self-actualization - striving for a life that is meaningful, challenging and

Self Actualization

 Maslow saw personality development as the slow progression toward


 He argued most psychologists had an imbalanced view of human nature.

 i-e. Studying only emotional problems and negative traits like insecurity.
The Hierarchy of needs
"If you deliberately plan on being less than you are
capable of being , then I warn you that you'll be
unhappy for the rest of your life."
Abraham Maslow (1908- 1970)
Carl Rogers

 Rogers, like fraud , derived many of his ideas from

observing his clients in therapy

 He was interested in not only why some people cannot

function well but also on fully functioning individuals

 f\fully functioning people experience congruence, which is

harmony between what they project to others and their
true feelings and wishes

 fully functioning people are trusting, warm and open

rather than defensive or intolerant.
Rogers Continued

 How do we become fully functioning individuals?

 Unconditional positive regard - love and support for the people we are
without strings(conditions) attached
 Ex). Sarah kicks her brother over and over when she's angry with him.
She also throes out her dinner from the window because she hates peas
-----the parents can correct her behaviors WITHOUT withdrawing love
from the child
 The child can learn through this that the behavior is bad and needs to be
changed, not that Sarah herself is an awful person
 Saying 'violence is not allowed in this home' is very different to 'Sarah,
you are a horrible, stupid child'
Rogers observations

 Through his extensive experience giving therapy, he observed many

children are raised with conditional positive regard--- this is obviously
not good(if you have been listening in class)

 Ex). I will love you Sarah only if you behave well

 Adults often engage in this repeatedly too

 Those treated with conditional regard begin to suppress or deny feelings

or actions that they believe are unacceptable to those they love
So what happens?

 Conditional love= changing what you really say you feel to someone---

as a result you fell out of touch with your feelings (incongruence) and

realize you're not being true to your real self-= low self-regard,

defensiveness, and unhappiness

Rollo May

 Also, believed in free will

 But emphasized some of the unavoidable difficult and tragic aspects of

human condition- Existentialism

 i-e. Loneliness, anxiety and alienation

 Also, the search for meaning of life, the need to confront death and

living with the burden of responsibility for our actions.

The consequences of free will

 Free will cries a price though, which is why is why so many people often try to
escape their freedom and blame others for their misfortunes

 Our personalities reflect the way we cope with our struggles to find meaning in
existence, to use our freedom wisely and to face suffering and death bravely

 May made the following humanist idea popular:

 We can choose to make the best of ourselves by drawing on inner resources

such as love and courage but can never escape the harsh realities of life and

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